Sign/Symptom Flashcards
Stroking bottom of foot yields extension of big toe and fanning of other toes
Babinski sign
UMN lesion
Jugular venous distention, muffled heart sounds, hypotension
Beck triad
Cardiac tamponade
Pain on neck flexion with meningeal irritation
Brudzinski sign
Fever/chills, jaundice, RUQ pain
Charcot triad
Tapping on facial nerve elicits tetany
Chvostek sign
Painless, palpable GB + jaundice
Courvoisier sign
Pancreatic cancer
Bluish discoloration of periumbilical area
Cullen sign
Pancreatitis w/ retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Hypertension, bradycardia and irregular respirations
Cushing reflex
High ICP
Bluish discoloration of flank
Grey Turner sign
Pancreatitis w/ retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Calf pain on forced dorsiflexion of foot
Homans sign
Referred pain in the left shoulder
Kehr sign
Ruptured spleen
Claudication and atrophy of the buttocks with impotence
Leriche syndrome
Aortoiliac occlusive disease
Tenderness at McBurney point
McBurney sign
Arrest of inspiration during palpation under rib cage on the right
Murphy sign
Abducting infant’s flexed hips causes palpable/audible click
Ortolani sign/test
Congenital hip dysplasia
Elevation of painful testicle relieves pain
Prehn sign
Epididymitis vs. testicular torsion
Pushing on LLQ then releasing produces pain at McBurney point
Rovsing sign
Tapping on volar surface of wrist elicits paresthesias
Tinel sign
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Pumping up BP cuff causes carpopedal spasm
Trousseau sign
Tetany from hypocalcemia
Stasis, endothelial damage, hypercoagulability
Virchow triad
Risk factors for DVT