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Level Access Elevator Pitch
Level Access is a digital accessibility firm. We have helped over 1000 organization of all sizes make their technology accessible to users with disabilities and stay compliant with digital accessibility regulations.
By providing organizations expert guidance and clarity around accessibility, we are able to help them through the entire digital accessibility journey.
We differentiate ourselves by taking a holistic approach to digital accessibility. Our solutions include software, education, and consulting that helps companies open the door to reach more customer, avoid costly litigation, and maintain long-term compliance.
What is the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities by both government entities and private businesses - recently includes internets and public shopping.
Title I - Employment
- requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide individuals with disabilities the same employment-related opportunities as others.
Title II - Access to Facilities and Services
- requires that state and local government give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all of their programs, services, and activities.
Title III - Public Accommodations
- requires businesses and nonprofit service providers that are places of public accommodation to be accessible.
Title IV - Telecommunications
- addresses telephone and television access for people with hearing and speech disabilities.
Title III is the section of the ADA that frequently gets applied to the websites of private businesses.
What is Section 508?
Section 508 is an amendment that was made to the US Rehabilitation Act in 1998. It removes barrier to information and communication technology within the goverment.
It requires that anyone who is federally funded to be compliant with section 508.
US Federal Government agencies are instructed to purchase the most compliant information and communication technology (aka ICT).
What is a VPAT?
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template. it is a document that shows an organizations level of conformance to accessibility standards set by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
What is the CVAA?
The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act is a law enacted in 2010 to help ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to fully utilize communications services and equipment and better access video programming.
What is the ACS?
Advanced communications services
The ACS was designed to level the playing field between traditional analog technologies, which were covered by accessibility rules, and contemporary digital communications systems, which were not.
WCAG 2.0
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 defines how to make Web content more accessible to people with disabilities. (created through the Web Accessibility Initiatives at the W3C)
4 Principles:
- Perceivable
- Operable
- Understandable
- Robust (is only single A)
It has 3 sucess criteria’s - Level AA is the recommended level of compliance.
WCAG 2.1
WCAG 2.1: (was developed to address long-standing gaps in accessibility guidelines due to quickly changing technology)
- Became an official recommendation by the W3C on June 2018
- The goal of WCAG 2.1 was not only to extend WCAG 2.0 incrementally, but also provide additional support to people with low vision, mobility impairments, and cognitive disabilities.
- The minimum color contrast ratio for non-text elements in WCAG 2.1 is 3.1
- Has 17 success criteria’s
EU - Inclusion Act
The European accessibility act aims to improve the functioning of the internal market for accessible products and services, by removing country specific barriers.
What is AMP?
[Accessibility Management Platform] cloud based platform used for testing, reporting, and building knowledge that provides the foundation for your digital accessibility efforts and supports conformance to all key accessibility laws and regulations (including Section 508, ADA and WCAG)
What is Access Assistant?
Access Assistant is an AMP tool bar for Internet Explorer, Firefox, MS Edge, and Chrome which allows users to test content directly within the browser.
Access Analytics
- is a Javascript package that continuously monitors websites and applications for accessibility-related issues encountered in real time by actual visitors. It tracks unique user visits and monitors the most noticeably violations while also providing valuable data about site traffic.
Access Alchemy
Access Alchemy is a web overlay that delivers fixes to accessibility issues on websites upon page load without touching source code. It also uses fingerprints to allow more accurate identification of elements that are resused across multiple pages overtime.
Access Advisor
Access Advisor is a subscription services that needs renewal (not a one-off bucket of hours)
It includes an online portal that provides customer-specific self-service site. It also:
- Helps clients get their site more compliant quickly
- Provides support and guidance for internal teams
- Increases teams capacity to address accessibility
Continuum is an SDK (software development kit) that enables organizations to integrate accessibility earlier in the development lifecycle and into their continuous testing practices.
Key Point: organizations can use this tool to be proactive in their a11y efforts, it’s more cost-effective to address issues at the onset in development then to retrofit later
Access Audit
Access Audit is a one-time Audit package that includes 3 months of Access Analytics and 12 months of prepaid consulting hours. Our Audit approach uses testing sprints with incremental delivery of results each week that allows us to deliver value earlier and more often.
Acceleration Package
A subscription package that provides an audit, analytics, and advisory to kick-start the digital accessibility journey. It provides weekly sprint style testing and expert support.
Access University
Access University provides on-demand educational materials that clients need to design, build, and test IT systems. It conforms to specific accessibility requirements and standards.
It is also presented in a variety of content formats to match learning styles.
Tier 1 Competitors
The largest specialized vendors with complete solution sets, true platforms, subject matter experts, and the deepest experience.
Example: Deque & TPG - just focus on developer tools or QA (quality assurance) work rather than aligning with your broader business.
Tier 2 Competitors
Boutique consultancies that lack the legal expertise and scale to run anything short of small projects, unable to support continuing compliance initiatives or full programs. Also includes some non-profits.
Tier 3 Competitors
Small providers with incomplete software solutions (including plug-ins
or overlay-based tools). These vendors typically lack the requisite experience and expertise and don’t address the root causes of inaccessible content.
Example: AudioEye & Essential Accessibility
A multi-year package that equips organizations with key software and options for additional support and services to measure, reach, and maintain compliance. Includes AMP, Continuum, & Analytics
The tools you need to achieve and maintain accessibility with options for additional levels of support from our experts
Strategic Consulting
Helps organization determine which technologies, products, and services are covered by specific provisions in digital accessibility laws. Helping clients prioritize the important stuff so that they can focus on the most important issues and use the results to drive any other digital accessibility efforts.
Common Look & Feel
is an objective that aims to make public alerts more readily recognized by the Canadian public.
Persona: Legal
Mitigate Risk
- avoid possible demand letters and lawsuits, don’t risk litigation surprises in an unfamiliar territory
- get expert guidance and clarity around digital accessibility laws, standards, and regulations
- Drive Continuous Compliance to prevent future demand letters and lawsuits
Persona: Marketing
Protect and grow the brand
- minimize the legal risk or public embarrassment by better managing content and communications
Strengthen the customer experience
- Ensure accessibility and ease of use for all individuals
Persona: Product
Win More Customers and Avoid Negative Attention
- Win more deals: don’t overlook Accessibility in writing product requirements as it can help you maximize revenue and protects against public complaints
Strengthen the UX
- Incorporate accessibility best practices into your operations and ensure you are providing a the best UX possible
- Create products that are easily functional for all users and offer good experiences
- Protect Your Roadmap and Get Help on the Hard Stuff
Persona: IT / CTO
Its goal is to ensure UX continues to stand out and isnt comprimsed by barriers
Accessibility is part of good design
- Build web properties that are beautiful and functional
- Make overall user experiences stronger by taking accessibility into consideration, use accessible best practices to improve the UX – not weaken it
Intentionally design for all needs of users
- Ensure that designs are compliant with applicable laws, requirements, and standards
- Integrate accessibility considerations into the overall design process to address unseen biases
- Integrate testing by people with disabilities into your process to validate the accessibility of designs
Persona: Accessiblity Expert
- Lead initiative that make all technology meets accessiblity standards.
- Business goal - ensure the organization adopts an enterprise-wide view of accessiblity