Sigmund Freud part 3 Flashcards
What is Freud’s definition of Anxiety?
The feeling of helplessness following birth is the basis of all subsequent feelings of anxiety
Define realistic anxiety
the basic fear from the physical world
Define moral anxiety
Fear of punishment from the internalized social world of the Superego
Define Neurotic anxiety
The fear that one will be punished externally for impulsive actions
What do we use to terminate thoughts or actions that cause anxiety?
Ego-defense mechanisms
Define the ego defense mechanism of Denial
refusing to recognize objective events in conscious awareness
Define the ego defense mechanism of repression
Being unable to reflect or remember past events or impulses
Define the ego defense mechanism of Displacement
Redirecting stress from original target to someone/something else
Define the ego defense mechanism of Projection
Attributing personally undesirable thoughts and/ or feelings to others
Define the ego defense mechanism of Rationalization
Making excuses by distorting the threatening facts
Define the ego defense mechanism of reaction formation
Transforming unacceptable thoughts or urges into their exact opposite
Define the ego defense mechanism of intellectualization
Detaching emotion from a taxing experience by analyzing it
Define the ego defense mechanism of sublimation
Channeling unacceptable impulses into positive behaviour or artistic forms of expression
Define the ego defense mechanism of Regression
During a time of stress, reverting back to an earlier stage of development when life was presumably simpler
Define free association
The patient says whatever comes to mind, and the doctor listens to recognize defenses, resistance, and symptoms as self-punishment
Define catharsis
Emotional relief that results from a person pondering a pathogenic idea consciously
Define resitance
patient’s unwillingness to ponder and report anxiety producing thoughts
Define working through
by talking, examining, and re-examining the ways in which the patient resists treatment by unconsciously trying to obstruct or divert the analysis
Define transference
Phenomenon where a patient begins to respond to the therapist as if he/she were an important person in the patient’s life such as the patient’s mother or father
Define counter-transference
Phenomenon that sometimes occurs during therapy in which the therapist becomes emotionally involved with the patient
What did Freud see as the main vehicle of healing?
Transference neurosis
Define parapaxes
clues for the unconscious conflicts
Define Eros
The life instincts
Define libido
the motivational or psychic energy of the eros
Define Thanatos
The “death” instinct, to return to a place of non-struggle