side 11/6/24 Flashcards
You got a letter.
You opened my mail?
I was curious.
That’s a federal crime.
What does it say?
You know. (Henry reaches for the letter, but Kat pulls it out of his reach. He goes for it again. Kat tries to hang on.) No. No. Stop!
I’m the Butler Fellow.
You are such a bastard.
…You’re mad.
Your proposal had nothing to do with galactic fucking orbits.
I would have been happy for you.
But, you’re not.
But, I would have been.
But, you’re not. It’s your name on the letter. Look… (she snatches the letter back from him.)
No, don’t-!
“Congratulations, Mr.Satterfield!” …Congratulations.
I earned that. You submitted, and I won. Fair and square.
You’re building missiles.
No. No. Orbits. I study orbits. And orbital strikes are… I tweaked my research, that’s all. I’m not building missiles. I’m not an engineer.
You are theoretically building missiles.
You can’t theoretically build anything. It’s just theory.
Theory. Okay, let’s talk about theory. You’re the Butler Fellow. You’ve dodged the draft. And theoretically, you’ve escaped the war.
Yes. / That’s the whole point…
Theoretically. But in actuality, yo’ve walked straight into Vietnam. Kinetic orbital strikes? You’re a soldier now.
It’s not forever.
How could you do that?
I’m just trying to survive! Once I get my PhD, then… I’ll go back to cosmology. It’s all transferrable and if this is what will keep me out of Vietnam, then I have to take it.
…Yeah. But there’s just one thing.
Right. Of course. As always.
You’re gonna end up killing people. Maybe you won’t see it happen, and maybe it won’t be for a long time, but you’ll have blood on your hands. And you’ll have to live with that.
I will always have blood on my hands! There’s no way out of this without someone’s blood on my hands.
Yeah, well. You’re looking at your first casualty.