Independence lines Flashcards
How’s the neck?
One hundred percent.
Did you throw up today?
…is get you out exercising, instead of sitting around here all day reading drugstore novels.
Noble Incest is not a drugstore novel. It’s not a great novel…
We’ll see if we can find you something better.
Kess? Is it fun? To be back?
Back with you? Yeah, sure it’s fun.
How about the town? The people?
This town? These people?
Small-town living isn’t for me.
I think small towns are an important alternative to the stress of contemporary urban life.
You do, do you?
How long can you stay?
I told you. Till Monday.
It’s been such a relief to have you here. I really feel calm now. Mom’s happier.
Not sure I believe that.
She is. Really. Yesterday she said it’s a lovely thing when a family reunites.
She didn’t say it to me.
But she said it. To somebody. That’s progress.
You think that’s progress, eh?
Of course it is. It’s not easy for her, you know. She has to go by little steps.
…to decide- now that you’re going to have a baby- move up to Minneapolis with me.
Come and live with me.
I couldn’t do that.
Why not? Try and think about it rationally…
I don’t have to think about it rationally. I couldn’t do that.
Why not?
‘Cause I can’t leave Mom. How can you even suggest it?
I’m only…
What would happen to her? Tell me- what would happen?
She’d be alright.
She would, huh? How?!
She’s managed for 53 years.
No, she hasn’t. She’s never managed alone. She’s always needed someone. First there was her family, then Dad, then you after Dad left, then me. Who’d be here when I left? Not Sherry. Mom would be all alone.
So what?
So what?!
I have a very big place in Minneapolis. There’d be room for you. My roommate wouldn’t mind…
You already asked your roommate? Jesus, Kess…
I had to know before I could…
Is that the only reason you came down? To try and steal me away form Mom?
No, it’s just that…
If you think I’d leave Mom to move up there with you and that… that…
That what?
You know.
That what? That Susan, you mean. That’s her name.
I think we should just drop it.
That roommate- Susan- is the same as me. Our life is more normal than anything that goes on in this house.
I’m sorry.
(susan) That’s alright.
I just know I can’t go up there and leave Mom, that’s all.
‘Cause she needs you.
That’s right.
What for? What does she need you for?
Everything. She needs me to listen to her. She needs me to talk to her, to be with her- to be thinking about her. What does anybody need anybody for?
Shouldn’t people sometimes… change who they need?
Mom’s done that.
I don’t mean Mom. I mean you.
We’re getting off the point.
What do you need from Mom?
Nothing. I help her. She doesn’t help me. OK?
Something. You get something out of it.
I don’t get a thing. I give. That’s my life. I give to people. There’s nothing wrong with it. You should try it sometime.
I wasn’t saying…
It’s easy for you. You just take what you need from people. You don’t care how much you change in the process. You don’t care if your whole family doesn’t recognize you anymore when you… I’m sorry.
(family recognize) That’s alright.
It’s not true- we recognize you. You’re always… Kess.
Why don’t you move down here?
Move back down. Be close to us.
I couldn’t do that.
Why not? You make changes. You could find a way. Bring Susan.
Susan…? Mom’d love that.
You could work, you could find a job…
You can do anything if you care enough.
Is that why you asked me down here? To steal me away from my life?
I’m not stealing you away! I’m… inviting you. You could do a lot of good down here. You could really provide something for Mom…
…a hell of a lot, as you’ll recall. Who was here to put Mom in the MHI when she needed it?
Who was here when she got out? You were already gone. I was the one who took her around to say hello to everybody again. I took her into each store. I shopped with her.
I will.
I’m leaving on Monday.
Go ahead- leave!