SHRM - Organization Flashcards
ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution
Umbrella term used to describe a number of problem solving and grievance resolution approaches.
Tools that convert metrics to be used for decision support by adding context or further subclassifying comparison groups.
Procedure in which disputes are submitted to one or more impartial persons for final determination
At Will Employment
Common-law principle stating that employers have the right to hire, fire, demote, and promote whomever they choose for any reason unless there is a law or contract to the contrary and employees have the right to quit a job at any time.
Balanced Scorecard
Measurement approach that provides an overall picture of an organization’s performance as measured against goals in finance, customers, internal business processes and learning and growth.
Occurs when an appraiser’s values, beliefs, or prejudices distort performance ratings.
Big Data
High-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety information assets that require innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making.
Broadcast-style communications that enable authors to publish articles, opinions, product or service reviews, etc. on a web page.
Way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work.
Dedicated HR
HR structural alternative that allows businesses with different strategies in multiple units to apply HR expertise to each unit’s specific strategic needs.
Force-field analysis
Type of analysis in which factors that can influence an outcome in either a negative or positive manner are listed and then assigned weights to indicate their relative strengths.
Succession planning
A talent management strategy to help identify and foster the development of high-potential employees.
KPI - Key performance indicators
Quantifiable measures of performance used to gauge progress toward strategic objectives or agreed standards of performance.
Delphi technique
Forecasting technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors.
Judgmental forecasts
Use of information from past and present to predict future conditions.
Act of reorganizing legal, ownership, operational, or other organizational structures.
Performance standards
Expectations of management translated into behaviors and results that employees can deliver.
ULP - Unfair labor practice
Violation of rights under labor-relations statutes.
Functional structure
Organizational structure in which departments are defined by the services they contribute to the organization’s overall mission, such as marketing and sales, operations, and HR.
Cost-benefit analysis
Ratio of value created to cost of creating that value; allows management to determine the financial impact particular activities and programs have on an organization’s profitability.
Shared services HR model
HR structural alternative in which centers with specific areas of expertise develop HR policies in those areas; each unit can then select what it needs from a menu of these services.
COE - Center of excellence
HR structural alternative established as an independent department that provides services within a focused area to internal clients.
Organizational exit
Process of managing the way employees leave the organization.
Hybrid structure
Organizational structure that mixes elements of the functional, product, and geographic structures.
Staff units
Work groups that assist line units by providing specialized services, such as HR.
Social movement unionism
Type of union activity that focuses on social topics such as antidiscrimination, environmental actions, and HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention.
Supply chain
Network that delivers products and services from raw materials to end customers through an engineered flow of information, physical distribution, and cash.
Matrix structure
Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both.
ERP - Enterprise resource planning
Business management software, usually a suite of integrated applications, that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities.
Method of nonbinding dispute resolution involving a third party who tries to help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision; also known as mediation.
Data structure that stores organized information (numeric information as well as sound clips, pictures, and videos).
Refers to the extent to which rules, policies, and procedures govern the behavior of employees in an organization.
Recency error
Error that occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to recent occurrences and discounts an employee’s earlier performance during the appraisal period.
Performance parameters based on the relationship between two or more measures.
Buying services externally rather than producing them internally
Growing interconnectedness and interdependency of countries, people, and companies.
Cause-and-effect diagram
Diagram that maps out a list of factors that are thought to affect a problem or a desired outcome.
IM - Information management
Use of technology to collect, process, and condense information with a goal of efficient management of information as an organizational resource.
Reporting mechanisms that aggregate and display metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).
Belief that management-labor conflict is an inherent characteristic of capitalism and can be resolved only with a change in the economic system.
TOC - Theory of constraints
Systems management philosophy that states that every organization is hindered by constraints that come from its internal policies.
Leniency errors
Errors that are the result of appraisers who don’t want to give low scores.
Functional HR
HR structural alternative in which headquarters HR specialists craft policies and HR generalists located within divisions or other locales implement the policies, adapt them as needed, and interact with employees.
Performance management
Process of maintaining/improving employee job performance.
M&A - Mergers and acquisitions
Combination of two separate firms either by their joining together as relative equals (merger) or by one acquiring the other (acquisition).
Cloud computing
Style of computing in which scalable IT-enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using Internet technologies.