SHRM-CP 2022: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Flashcards
The similarities and differences between individuals, accounting for all aspects of one’s personality and individual identity.
Legacy Diversity
Traits that are easily recognizable and visible, such as external physical characteristics, culture, ethnicity/race, nationality, gender, age, etc
Experiential Diversity
Diversity based on lived experiences. Where someone grew up, went to school, life experiences.
Thought Diversity
Based on different perspectives, resulting form education and socioeconomic background. Can help prevent “group think” and inject new insights into decision making.
The extent to which each person in an organization feels welcomed, respected, supported and valued.
Several different meanings in the world of business, so it is important to understand what this looks like in different spaces. For example:
Finance -> ownership
Compensation -> Relative fairness in total rewards
Hiring -> Providing additional resources to those who need them to take fair advantage of opportunities within a company.
Ie, asks the questions “how do we ensure that everyone has the same ability to contribute to their fullest potential?”
Name at least 4 benefits organizations could expect from DE&I.
> Improved creativity and innovation (diverse views make more better business decisions and drive high-performance culture).
Recruitment and Retention (inclusion and diversity help people stay)
Market Strengths (helps you understand more peoples’ perspectives).
Branding (positive image can make you a selling point!)
Global integration and local differentiation
Increased Revenue
Different generations bring different skill sets and perspectives that can provide value and allows for cross-generational learning, mentoring and knowledge transfer. Different generations require different engagement strategies.
Greater access to diversity of thought/experience and can benefit from more innovation and creativity. Allows appeal to diverse clients/customers and helps with market expansion.
Foster greater diversity, equity, inclusion and more innovation and creativity. Often attracts top talent and new customers due to accessibility and can support bridging gaps in understanding.
Flexible and able to adapt to fast-paced changing situations and environments. Generally more collaborative but can lead to challenges with retention if multitalented employees feel dissatisfied or unchallenged.
Leads to more innovative thinking and idea exchange, able to attract top talent better (especially non-male) and can signify forward thinking orgs and leadership.
What are the 3 main reasons a DE&I initiative requires comprehensive and organization wide efforts?
Priority, Complexity, Resistance
Priority - can only be effective when it is a strategic priority and is linked to business strategy with full org buy-in.
Complexity - since this is org wide, there will be a large number of moving parts to navigate.
Resistance - change is hard! Having a plan to help avoid resistance will be critical for the plan to stick.
What are the 6 basic steps for building a framework to achieve DE&I goals?
1 - Educate your Leaders 2 - Form an inclusion council 3 - Celebrate employee differences 4 - Listen to employees 5 - Hold more-effective meetings 6 - Communicate Goals and Measure Progress [ie - set SMART goals]
S - Specific M - Measurable A - Achievable R - Relevant T - Time-Based
Name at least 5 key factors critical for DE&I initiate success.
> Leadership buy-in > Executive Sponsorship > Employee Resource Groups > Allyship > Unconscious bias training > Mentorship > Psychological Safety > Using preferred gender pronouns
Employee Resource Group (ERG)
Also know as an affinity group or network group, is voluntary for employees who share a particular diversity dimension (ex: race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc).
Name at least 4 criteria for an effective ERG (Employee Resource Group).
> Whether groups have formal charters
Percentage of employees in at least one group
Racial/gender breakdown of groups
Percentage of top executives who are sponsors of groups
If groups are used for recruitment, onboarding, talent development, marketing, mentoring, and diversity training.
Group success is measured on retention, engagement, development and other contributions to business
If resource group leaders have rotational positions on executive diversity councils
Unconscious Bias
The result of the implicit bias that everyone has.
Psychological Safety
The individual feeling that you are able to speak up, question, ask for help and admit mistakes.
Conscious Bias
Results in intentional behavior and may manifest in form of physical and verbal harassment or other deliberate actions such as exclusions.
Gender-Based Discrimination
Assumptions based on an individual’s gender.
Often a reason why women leave the workforce or fail to advance beyond middle-management.
Gender Identity Bias
Assumptions based on an individual’s perceived gender identity. Includes individuals that are transgender, gender fluid, between gender, genderqueer, or third gender. Often also linked/grouped with sexual orientation,, though they are two different concepts.
Sexual Orientation Bias
Assumptions based on an individual’s sexual orientation
Most broadly impacted by romantic relationships and shown via family structures and life changes. Religious beliefs may differ, however, that does not give an individual the right to limit or exclude others on that basis in the workplace.
Racism (Including Systemic)
Assumptions based on an individual’s perceived race and/or ethnicity
Can be Individual Racism (belief that own race is superior to another), Internalized Racism (when a member of a race accepts negative messaging regarding self due to their race), and Systemic Racism or Institutionalized Racism (when an org imposes a set of philosophies, policies, and procedures that have the intent or effect of discriminatory treatment).
Generalizations about members of a group or social category with regard to their qualities and characteristics.
When bias exists due to individual’s age or membership in a generation in the workplace.
While important to understand the unique needs of various generations, making assumptions about the qualities someone has due to their age can harm inclusiveness and productivity.
Ingroup/Outgroup Bias
Originates at the group level, not the individual level. This can be a factor tied to other any area of bias and can add up to create a challenging environment for employees.
Affinity Bias
Assumptions made based on shared or similar experiences (education, home town, etc).
Can impact diversity/inclusion by incorrectly attributing value to shared experiences or resulting in not considering others outside of that realm (ie - what school someone when to).
Social Comparison Bias
Occurs when individuals compare themselves with other individuals or use their membership in a particular group (compared to another) as a way to evaluate themselves.
Can lead to either inclusion or exclusion. However, can be a hinderance to Diversity efforts by decreasing engagement.
Extroversion/Introversion Bias
How the method through which individuals handle social interaction and stimulation is interpreted by others in the workplace.
Workplaces tend to be biased toward extroverts, which can result in the loss of benefits that introverts can bring to the table.
Neurodiversity Bias
Assumptions based on whether an employee is neurotypical or neurodivergent.
Subtle insults (verbal, nonverbal, and/or visual) that occur quickly and are not out of the ordinary that convey negative or hostile messaging to individuals due to their associate or membership with a marginalized group.
Imposter Syndrom
The feeling that success is due to luck, not hard work or skill. Can lead to individuals feeling unfit for their current role and as if they have fooled others to believing they are more competent than the are.
Defensive behavior occurs when an organization recruits a diverse workforce, but, promotes assimilation rather than inclusion.
“You are welcome despite who you are, not because of who you are.”
What 4 elements of worker behavior to “Covering” effect?
> Appearance (adjusting attire, grooming, mannerisms to ‘blend in’)
Affiliation (avoiding behaviors associated with their identity group)
Advocacy (avoiding engaging in advocacy on behalf of their identity group)
Association (avoiding associating with members of their identity group)
Cultural Taxation
Additional, often unpaid, workload generated for members of an underrepresented group due to their requested participation in DE&I efforts.
Name at least 4 elements that are needed for a successful DE&I survey.
> Overall DE&I efforts/cultures (EX: Do people believe leadership encourages inclusion? Do management actions show that diversity is important to them?)
Hiring and Recruitment (EX: Does the org take active measures to seek a diverse candidate pool? Are diverse job applicants treated the same as others?)
Career Development (EX: Are employees of different backgrounds encouraged to apply for promotions?)
Personal Experiences (EX: Has your experience led you to feel included? Did you have difficulty getting to know colleagues from different backgrounds?)
Policies and Procedures (EX: Do the organization’s policies encourage DE&I? Are you aware of the orgs DE&I policies? Do you believe the org will take appropriate action to respond to discrimination?)
Suggestions and Comments (should always be included!)
Metric: Gender Diversity
Examines composition of workforce broken down along gender diversity dimension.
Use: helps org identify if hiring practices, including job postings/interviews are equitable across gender lines.
Metric: Race Diversity
Examines the composition of the workforce broken down along the racial diversity dimension.
USE: Can help identify if hiring practices are equitable across racial lines.
Metric: SHRM Empathy Index
Assesses inclusion in the workplace using 5 components scored 0 to 100. Components include Belonging, Inclusion, Openness, Conflict Management, Non-Discriminatory Practices
USE: designed to be used to quickly assess inclusion, enabling orgs to monitor progress along the crucial DE&I aspect
Metric: Retention Rates for Diverse Employees
Examines average turnover rate and length of employment for employees broken down along various or multiple diversity dimensions.
USE: Helps org determine if DE&I initiatives, comp, and other retention efforts are working as indented for diversity groups
Metric: Diversity of External Stakeholders
Examines if there is a diversity of thoughts among those who are helping to establish and drive the org direction.
USE: Helps establish appropriate and effective DE&I initiatives; provides better insights into diversity needs.
Pay Audits
Analyze pay information across the organization to determine if particular sets of individuals are paid less or more on average than others.
Pay Equity Reports
Disclose the results of a pay audit. Refers to the salary paid to similar positions examined through the lens of one or more dimensions of diversity.
Pay Transparency
Helps employees feel that their pay is equitable throughout the workforce without having to directly compare salaries with each other . From an org perspective, this includes publishing pay scales.