shoulder tests csv upload Flashcards
“Empty Can” Tests Supraspinatus tear
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: after full can test pt elevates arm 90 in the scapular plane with thumbs pointed down. PT pushes down on arms and notes strength. If more weakness than full can test and/or complaint of pain it is a positive sign
Belly Press/Napoleon Test/Abdominal Compression Test Subscapularis tear
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: pt elbow flexed to 90. pt IR the shoulder, causing palm of hand to press into stomach. A positive test is indicated by the elbow dropping behind the body into extension.
Drop-Arm Test Supraspinatus tear
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grabs wrist and passively abducts shoulder to 90. PT releases arm with instructions to slowly lower arm. A positive is the inability by the pt to lower the arm slowly.
External Rotation Lag Sign (ERLS) or Drop Test supraspinatus/infraspinatus tear
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grabs pts elbow and wrist. PT puts elbow 90 flexion and shoulder 20 elevation in scapular plane. PT passively ER shoulder to near end range. PT lets go and has pt hold position. Positive test by a lag that occurs with the inability of the pt to maintain his or her arm near full ER
Full Can Test RCT
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt elevates arm to 90 scapular with thumbs up. PT pushes down on arms and notes strength. A positive sign is more weakness in the involved shoulder, or pt complains of pain.
Hornblower’s Sign/Lateral Rotation Lag Test teres minor and infraspinatus
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: PT supports pt arm in 90 abduction in scapular plane with elbow bent to 90. pt is asked to forcefully ER the shoulder against PT resistance. A positive test is inability to ER in this position.
Internal Rotation Lag Sign Subscapularis tear
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: pt places arm behind back around belt line. PT grabs wrist and elbow. PT lifts arm off the back. PT asks pt to maintain this position and lets go. A lag that occurs with the inability of the pt to maintain arm off back is positive
Lift-Off Sign Subscapularis tear
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: pt places arm behind back around belt line. Pt is asked to lift the arm off the back. Positive test is indicated by inability of the pt to lift arm off the back.
Rent Test RCT
LOCATION TESTED: ROTATOR CUFF TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: PT palpates anterior edge of acromion while extending pt arm with elbow 90 flexion and shoulder 20 elevation. Then slowly IR and ER the shoulder. A rent of about 1 finger width is positive test
Speed’s Test (Biceps or Straight Arm Test)
LOCATION TESTED: BICEPS TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt instructed to extend elbow and fully supinate forearm. PT resist shoulder flexion from 0-60 degrees. If the pt localizes concordant pain to the bicipital groove, the test is positive
Upper Cut Test
LOCATION TESTED: BICEPS TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt is instructed to assume the curl position with elbow at 90 flexion. PT resist shoulder flexion from 0-60 while pt keeping elbow at 90 flexion (like an uppercut). If the patient localizes concordant pain to the bicipital groove, the test is positive
Yergason’s Test
LOCATION TESTED: BICEPS TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt elbow flexed to 90 with forearm pronated. PT resist supination, lateral rotation, and in some cases elbow flexion. Pain or popping of the biceps tendon with pain is a positive test
AC and SC Inferior Glide
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: Light pushing of SC joint inferior, posterior or combination of both and sometimes while patient doing shoulder/scapula elevation. Light pushing of AC joint inferior, posterior, or a combination of both and sometimes while patient doing shoulder abduction.
AC and SC traction
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT places a hand on each side over the shoulder joint. PT applies a downward (posterior) pressure to the shoulder joints opening up the chest and shoulders. May consist of a sustained hold or repeated movements
AC Horizontal Adduction Test AKA crossover or cross-body
LOCATION TESTED: AC JOINT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: pt arm 90 flexion. PT horizontally adducts pt arm to end range, maintaining flexion at shoulder. If pain present it is positive.
AC Resisted Extension Test
LOCATION TESTED: AC JOINT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: pt shoulder at 90 flexion and IR and elbow bent to 90 putting into closed packed position. pt horizontally abduct arm while PT provides resistance to movement. Positive test is pain in AC joint.
AC Shear Test
LOCATION TESTED: AC JOINT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: arm at side. Hands over AC joint. PT provide pressure to joint by squeezing on both sides equally. Positive if pain is present.
Acromioclavicular Horizontal Adduction Test AKA Crossover or Cross body
LOCATION TESTED: IMPINGEMENT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt arm 90 flexion. PT horizontally adducts pt arm to end range, maintaining flexion at shoulder. If pain present it is positive.
Active Compression Test of O’Brien
LOCATION TESTED: AC JOINT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt arm 90 flexion, 10 horizontal adduction, and max IR with elbow fully extended. PT applies downward force at wrist and pt resists. Pain on top of shoulder = AC joint, inside shoulder = SLAP lesion. Repeated with arm in max ER. Positive if painful clicking in IR and less or no pain in ER.
Active Compression Test of O’Brien Labral tear
LOCATION TESTED: LABRAL TEAR TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt arm 90 flexion, 10 horizontal adduction, and max IR with elbow fully extended. PT applies downward force at wrist and pt resists. Pain on top of shoulder = AC joint, inside shoulder = SLAP lesion. Repeated with arm in max ER. Positive if painful clicking in IR and less or no pain in ER
Anterior Drawer Test of Shoulder Anterior Shoulder
LOCATION TESTED: DISLOCATION/STABILITY TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT stabilizes scapula and other grasps the proximal humerus. PT abducts the pts arm to between 80-100 and applies a posterior to anterior force to the humerus. PT notes amount of translation compared to the uninvolved side
Anterior Slide Test Superior Anterior Labrum
LOCATION TESTED: LABRAL TEAR TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt hand on hip so thumb is posterior. PT stabilizes shoulder/scapula. Other hand cups the elbow. PT provides an anterior superior force through the elbow to the GH joint while the pt resists the movement. A positive test is indicated by the production of pain in the anterior shoulder, by the production of a pop or click in the shoulder, or by reproduction of the pts concordant symptoms
Apley’s Scratch Test
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt reaches one arm behind back from the top and one arm behind back from the bottom. Tries to touch fingertips in the middle of the back. Compare sides for functional movement. Can use FMS pole for an objective measure
Apprehension Test AKA Fulcrum/Crank Test Anterior Shoulder
LOCATION TESTED: DISLOCATION/STABILITY TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine / Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grasps the wrist with one hand and maximally ER the humerus with the shoulder in 90 abduction. Forward pressure is then applied to the posterior aspect of the humeral head. A positive test for anterior instability is indicated by a show of apprehension by the patient or a report of pain
Back Reach
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt reaches both arms behind back from the bottom. Assess distance up the back bilaterally to compare sides
Biceps (C5-C6)
LOCATION TESTED: REFLEXES OF SHOULDER REGION; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: Finger placed in cubital fossa and tap it with force. Should feel the biceps reflex
Biceps Load Test Superior Labrum
LOCATION TESTED: LABRAL TEAR TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: best test, PT places pt arm in 120 abduction, elbow at 90 flexion, and forearm in supination. PT moves shoulder to end-range ER. Pt flexes elbow while PT resist movement. A positive test is indicated as a reproduction of concordant pain during resisted elbow flexion
LOCATION TESTED: REFLEXES OF SHOULDER REGION; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: 2/3 down the arm at the attachment site for the brachioradialis muscle
Clunk Test Anterior Labrum
LOCATION TESTED: LABRAL TEAR TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT has one hand on posterior humeral head and other on medial distal humerus. PT abducts the shoulder to end range. A posterior to anterior force is applied to the posterior aspect of th humeral head while providing lateral rotation of the humerus with the other hand. a positive test is indicated by a clunk or a grinding
GH Anterior-Posterior (AP) Glide
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: glide pt shoulder to first point of pain. If pain occurs before the onset of stiffness, the mobilization should be performed at that range using less intense force. If stiffness is encountered concurrently or before pain, a more aggressive mobilization at that range or in preposition of shoulder flexion or abduction is beneficial. grades 1 & 2 for pain and grades 3 & 4 for stiffness
GH Inferior (Caudal) Glide
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: position shoulder in neutral or slight abduction. PT glides the humeral head inferiorly to the first point of pain, If pain occurs before the onset of stiffness, the mobilization should be performed at that range using less intense force. If stiffness is encountered concurrently or before pain, a more aggressive mobilization at that range or in preposition of shoulder flexion or abduction is beneficial. grades 1 & 2 for pain and grades 3 & 4 for stiffness. upon completion, PT reassess the movement restriction
Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test
LOCATION TESTED: IMPINGEMENT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: PT raises pts arm to 90 flexion with flexed elbow and stabilizes scapula with one hand. The PT applies forced humeral internal rotation in an attempt ot reproduce the concordant shoulder pain. If concordant shoulder pain is present, the test is positive
Horizontal Adduction Mobilization
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT stabilizes the scapula against the plinth while holding the pt arm in 90 flexion with elbow at 90 flexion. PT then applies a horizontal adduction force of the arm while keeping the scapula stabilized
Internal (medial) Rotation Resistance strength test
LOCATION TESTED: IMPINGEMENT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: PT places shoulder in 90 abduction and 80 ER with the elbow at 90 flexion. PT applies manual resistance to the wrist, first to test isometric ER. PT then applies manual resistance to the wrist next to test isometric IR. PT compares results, if IR strength is weaker than ER, the test is considered positive and the patient purportedly has internal impingement
Jerk Test Posterior Labrum
LOCATION TESTED: LABRAL TEAR TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grasps elbow with one hand and the scapula with the other and elevates pts arm to 90 abduction and IR. PT provides an axial compression to the humerus through the elbow maintaining horizontally abducted arm. The compression is maintained as the pts arm is moved into horizontal adduction. a positive test is indicated by a sharp shoulder pain w/ or w/o a clunk or click
Jerk Test Posterior Shoulder
LOCATION TESTED: DISLOCATION/STABILITY TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grasps elbow with one hand and the scapula with the other and elevates pts arm to 90 abduction and IR. PT provides an axial compression to the humerus through the elbow maintaining horizontally abducted arm. The compression is maintained as the pts arm is moved into horizontal adduction. a positive test is indicated by a sharp shoulder pain w/ or w/o a clunk or click
Joint Play Movements
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine Usually; INSTRUCTIONS: PT compares amount of available movement and end feel on affected side with movement of unaffected side and note whether movements affect the patients symptoms
Kim Test Posterior Labrum
LOCATION TESTED: LABRAL TEAR TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grasps elbow with one hand and the mid-humeral region with other hand and elevates the pts arm to 90 abduction. Simultaneously the PT provides an axial load to the humerus and a 45 diagonal elevation to the distal humerus concurrent with a posteroinferior glide to the proximal humerus. a positive test is indicated by a sudden onset of posterior shoulder pain
Labral Crank Test Anterior Labrum
LOCATION TESTED: LABRAL TEAR TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT places pt shoulder in 160 abduction and elbow in 90 flexion. PT applies a compression force to the humerus and rotates the humerus repeatedly into IR and ER. A positive test is indicated by the reproduction of pain either with or without a click in the shoulder or by reproduction of the pt’s concordant complaint (usually pain or catching)
Lateral Rotation
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine or SideLying; INSTRUCTIONS: pt supine or sidelying and get a goni measurement of their ER
Lateral Scapular Slide Test
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR SCAPULAR STABILITY; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt asked to abduct involved arm to 0 and 45 with medial rotation (thumb forward). Then to 90 with max medial rotation. PT measures distance from the inferior angle of the scapula to the thoracic spinous process at the same level. repeats on opposite shoulder. a positive test is indicated when a side-to-side difference of 1-1.5 cm is detected
Load and Shift Test Anterior Shoulder
LOCATION TESTED: DISLOCATION/STABILITY TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grasps proximal humerus providing a compression force and “loading” the humerus into the glenoid fossa. PT stabilizes the scapula with the other hand. PT applies an anterior to posterior force noting the amount of translation as either to the posterior rim of glenoid or beyond rim of glenoid. Does same thing with posterior to anterior. a sulcus sign is then performed
Medial Rotation (Sleeper Stretch)
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: patient supine and medial rotates arm down (sleeper stretch) and get a goni measurement. Or pt sitting and reaches behind back like taking bra off and assess their motion
Modified Relocation/Modified Jobe Relocation Test Anterior Shoulder
LOCATION TESTED: DISLOCATION/STABILITY TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT positions the shoulder at 120 abduction and maximally ER the humerus. A posterior to anterior force is applied to the posterior aspect of the humeral head. If the patient reports pain, a posterior force is applied to the proximal humerus. a positive test is indicated by a report of pain with the anterior-directed force and relief of pain with the posterior-directed force
Neck Reach
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt reaches both arms behind back from the top. Assess distance down the back bilaterally to compare sides
Neer Impingement Test
LOCATION TESTED: IMPINGEMENT TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: PT raises the arm into flexion while stabilizing scapula. PT applies forced flexion toward end-range in an attempt to reproduce the shoulder pain. If concordant shoulder pain is present, the test is positive
Painful Arc
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: as the pt elevates arm by abducting the shoulder, note whether a painful arc is present
Passive Movements
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: All; INSTRUCTIONS: determine end feel and note any restriction. Should include mobility of four shoulder joints and ribs and spine because of limitations they can have on shoulder
Posterior Capsule Mobilization in a preposition of Internal Rotation and Adduction
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT stabilizes the shoulder blade with one hand. With the other hand PT internally rotates arm to end range and adducts arm just to midline and flexes shoulder up to 90 degrees. PT then applies an inferior/posterior force to the arm. pt should feel pain/tightness in the posterior capsule, if the patient feels pain in the medial joint, readjust their position
Posterior Drawer Test of Shoulder Posterior Shoulder
LOCATION TESTED: DISLOCATION/STABILITY TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: PT hands are place so that the upper arm is stabilized. The PT abducts the arm to between 80-100 and applies an anterior to posterior force to the humerus. PT notes amount of translation compared to the uninvolved side
Resisted Isometric Movements
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: All Positions; INSTRUCTIONS: used for shoulder flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, IR, ER. Elbow flexion and extension. PT puts pt in position and has them resist the movement
Scapular Assistance Test
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR SCAPULAR STABILITY; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt moves arm into abduction while the PT guides the scapula into superior rotation. If the pt symptoms are eliminated or pain is reduced, the test is positive
Scapular Retraction and Protraction
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt squeezes shoulder blades together and them pulls them apart as far as they can each way. Assess differences or dysfunctions
Scapulothoracic mobilization
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Side-Lying; INSTRUCTIONS: PT cups the inferior angle of the scapula in one hand and takes hold of the spine of the scapula in the other hand. PT can then apply a downward, medial, lateral, or upward force of the scapula and may combine movements if desired
Shoulder Joint PNF/Hold Relax Techniques
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR FUNCTIONAL/COMBINED MOVEMENTS; PATIENT POSITION: Supine; INSTRUCTIONS: used with shoulder abduction, horizontal adduction, flexion, external rotation, and internal rotation. PT brings pt to the end range of that movement and holds it for a stretch
Subacromial Push Button Sign
LOCATION TESTED: BURSITIS TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting; INSTRUCTIONS: point palpation over the coracoid process and along the anterior aspect of the shoulder just inferior to the acromion. Distinct concordant pain is positive test
Sulcus Test Inferior Shoulder
LOCATION TESTED: DISLOCATION/STABILITY TESTS; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: PT grasps distal humerus and pulls down causing an inferior traction force. The PT notes in cm the distance between the inferior surface of the acromion and the superior portion of the humeral head.
Triceps (C7-C8)
LOCATION TESTED: REFLEXES OF SHOULDER REGION; PATIENT POSITION: Sitting or Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: Tap on the distal posterior humerus right where the triceps goes over the olecranon
Wall Pushup Test
LOCATION TESTED: TESTS FOR SCAPULAR STABILITY; PATIENT POSITION: Standing; INSTRUCTIONS: pt does 10-15 push-ups. Winging will most likely show up within the first 5-10 reps. Quality of movement or the presence of scapular dyskinesia is noted