Elbow tests Flashcards
Cozen’s Test AKA Mills Test 1 (Tendonosis)
PT palpates lateral epicondyle with thumb. Pt makes fist with the forearm in pronation and radial deviation of the wrist. pt extends wrist against a force applied by the PT. a positive test is reproduction of pain along the lateral epicondyle
Elbow Flexion Test for Ulnar Nerve Pathology
pt is instructed to fully flex the elbows with wrist and shoulders in neutral. Position held for 60 seconds. Full elbow flexion, shoulders in neutral and wrist in full extension holding for 60 seconds again. Can also do with arm in 90 abduction.
Maudsley’s Test AKA third version of Mill’s Test (Tendonopathy)
PT resists third digit extension, stressing the extensor digitorum muscle. A positve test is reproduction of pain along the lateral epicondyle
Medial Epicondylitis Test AKA Golfer’s Elbow (Tendonopathy)
PT palpates medial epicondyle. PT passively supinates the forearm and extends the wrist and elbow with the other hand. Positive test is reproduction of pain along the medial epicondyle
Milking Maneuver (Medial Collateral Ligament)
pt sits with the elbow flexed to 90 or more with the hand supinated. PT grasps the pts thumb under the forearm and pulls it imparting a valgus stress to the elbow. Reproduction of symptoms indicates a positive tests and a partial tear of MCL
Mill’s Test (Tendonopathy)
pt elbow place in full extension. PT passively pronates the forearm and flexes the wrist to end-range. A positive test is reproduction of pain along the lateral epicondyle
Moving Valgus Stress Test
pt in 90 abduction with elbow flexed to 90 with thumb pointed posteriorly. PT applies a force against distal humerus and pulls forarm posteriorly into a valgus motion. PT moves arm into an arc testing different angle of valgus force
Pinch Grip Test for Anterior Interosseous (median) Nerve
pt is asked to pinch tips of index and thumb together. Normally there should be a tip-to-tip pinch. If the pt unable to do that and instead has an abnormal pulp-to-pulp pinch, this is a positive sign for pathology to the anterior interosseous nerve, which is a branch of the median nerve. may indicate entrapment between pronator teres muscle
Posterolateral Pivot Shift Test (Instability of Radius)
PT flexes the shoulder until arm is above head with elbow in full extension. PTprevents ER of the humerus. pt arm into full supination. PT brings pts elbow into flexion while applying a supinatory force at the forearm and a valgus stress and axial compression at the elbow. a positive test is posterior lateral displacement or apprehension of the radius at 90 flexion
Tinnel Sign and Cubital Tunnel Pressure Provocation Test
PT places first and second fingers over pts ulnar nerve proximal to cubital tunnel with elbow in 20 flexion and forearm supination. Test is held for 60 seconds. A positive test is the reproduction of symptoms along the ulnar nerve
Upper Limb Tension Test 1
block shoulder/scapular elevation. Extend wrist and supinate forearm. ER of shoulder with elbow at 90. shoulder abduction to 110. extend elbow. Side bend/rotate head away
Upper Limb Tension Test 2
block shoulder/scapular elevation. Shoulder ER. Extend elbow. Supinate forearm. Wrist and hand extension. Extend elbow. Shoulder abduction to 10
Upper Limb Tension Test 3
block shoulder/scapular elevation. Forearm pronation. Wrist and hand flexion. Shoulder IR and slight extension. Shoulder abduction to 20-30
Upper Limb Tension Test 4
Block Shoulder/scapular elevation. Shoulder Abduction to 110. Maximal ER. Elbow flexed. Forearm pronated. Wrist and hand extension
Valgus Stress Test
PT places one hand at elbow and one over pts wrist. pt elbow is fully extended with a valgus force applied. Repeated with 20-30 flexion of elbow. A positive test is reproduction of distraction pain medially and compression pain laterally at the elbow joint line with stress
Varus Stress Test (Lateral Collateral Complex)
PT places one hand at elbow and one over pts wrist. Pt elbow is fully extended with a varus force applied. Repeated with 20-30 flexion of elbow. A positive test is reproduction of distraction pain laterally and compression pain medially at the joint line and laxity with stress