Shoulder Muscles connecting shoulder girdle to thorax Flashcards
Serratus Anterior
PA: Upper 8 ribs along external surfaces and superior borders, and to fascia of adjoining intercostal mm.
DA: Scapula along medial border of anterior (velar) surface
Inn: Long Thoracic nerve (C5,6,7)
Actions: Scapular upward rotation, protraction, prevents scapular winging.
Pectoralis Major
PA: Med 1/2 clavicle along anterior portion, sternal anterior 1/2 surface. Ribs 1-7 C.C, sternal end of rib 6, Aponeurosis of EAO.
DA: Lat lip if bicipital groove
Inn: Med and lat pect clavicular nerve: C5,6
Sternal nerve: C6-T1
Action: OC: Adduction and med rot of humerus
Clavicular: Flex and extended arm
Sternal: Extend a flexed arm
CC: Draws trunk upward and forward.
Pectoralis Minor
PA: Ribs 3-5 along upper margin and outer surface near C.C; Fascia over adjoining external intercostal muscle.
DA: Corocoid process along medial border and upper surface
Inn: Med and lat pectoral: C5-T1
Action: Scapular depression assists with protraction
PA: 1st rib at junction of rib and C.C
DA: Groove on med 1/3 inferior portion of clavicle
Inn: N to subclavius C5,6
ACT: Shunting the clavicle towards manubrium during violent extremity motions (hitting or throwing); Clavicular depression and protraction.
CC: Secondary muscle of respiration