Shoulder muscles Flashcards
Name all the muscles of the shoulder girdle?
- Trapezius (lower, middle, upper).
- Levator scapulae
- Rhomboid major
- Rhomboid minor
- Serratus anterior (upper + lower)
- Pectoralis minor
About trapezius- upper?
- Attached to occipital bone and lateral clavicle.
- Elevates shoulder and stabilises when carrying.
About trapezius- lower?
- Attached to lower thoracic vertebrae and spine of scapula.
- Depress the scapula.
About trapezius- middle?
- Attahces to 7th cervical vertebrae and spine of scapula.
- Retracts the scapula.
Action of upper and lower trapezius?
- Laterally rotate scapula
- Turn glenoid cavity up
About levator scapulae?
- Attaches to 1-4th cervical, medial border of spine of scapula and deep to upper trapezius.
- Elevates and medially rotates scapula.
Rhomboid major and minor?
-Attaches to 7th cervical and upper thoracic + medial border of scapula.
Lies deep to middle traps.
-Retract and medially rotate scapula.
Serratus anterior - upper?
- Attaches to 1st-8th ribs and medial border of scapula.
- Protracts scapula.
- Stabilises scapula when weight carried (stops winged scapula).
Serratus anterior- lower?
- Attaches to 5-8th ribs and lower medial border of scapula.
- Laterally rotates scapula.
Pectoralis minor?
- Attches to 3-5th ribs and coracoid process of scapula.
- Protracts and depress and medially rotate scapula.
- Attaches to 1st rib and costal cartilage, and lower clavicle.
- Stabilises and depresses clavicle.
Name the muscles that stabilise the GH joint?
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres minor
- Subscapularis
- Attaches to supraspinous fossa of scapula and humerus.
- Stabilises and abducts GH joint.
- Attaches to infraspinous fossa of scapula and humerus.
- Stabilises and laterally rotates GH joint.
Teres minor?
- Attaches to upper aspect of scapula and humerus.
- Stabilises, laterally rotates and weakly adducts GH joint.