Shoulder Impairments I Flashcards
How many joints make up the shoulder?
- Four joints:
- Scapulothoracic
- Sternoclavicular
- Acromioclavicular
- Glenohumeral
What is the scapulothoracic joint?
- It is not a true joint because the scapula floats on the posterior thoracic wall
- The only true bony attachment is the acromioclavicular joint
- The scapulothoracic joint allows protraction, retraction, elevation, depression, upward rotation and downward rotation
What is the sternoclavicular joint?
- It is the only bony attachment between the upper limb and the axial skeleton
- Lacks bony stability
- Stability is achieved by the capsuloligamentous restraints and the disc
- The ligaments that provide this stability are the anterior SC ligament, posterior SC ligament, interclavicular ligaments and the costoclavicular ligaments
- A fracture at this location can be life threatening. It is easily dislocated since the ligaments are not strong
Where is a common hot spot for arthritis to develop in the shoulder?
The acromioclavicular joint
What is the rhythm of the shoulder?
- 2:1 ratio overall (glenohumeral: scapular thoracic)
- During the first 60 degrees of flexion or the initial 30 degrees of abduction, the scapula does not move much and seeks a position of stability in relation to the humerus (setting phase)
- During the setting phase the GH joint is the primary contributor to movement
- With increasing ROM, the scapula increases its contribution to motion and the scapulohumeral ratio may approach 1:1 during this time
What should be done if the scapula is not moving properly when PROM is applied?
- Soft tissue mobilization needs to be done to get the scapula moving, then movement of the humerus can occur safely
What is the glenohumeral joint?
- It consists of articular surface, synovial ball and socket joint, hyaline cartilage
- Joint stability is provided by the rotator cuff muscles, long head of biceps brachii, and extracapsular ligaments
- The glenohumeral joint allows flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, medial/lateral rotation, and circumduction
- The labrum provides the only true ligament stability to the shoulder
What makes up the rotator cuff?
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres minor
- Subscapularis
Which rotator cuff muscle is most commonly impinged?
- The supraspinatus
- The infraspinatus is the second most commonly impinged/torn rotator cuff ligament
What actions does the supraspinatus allow?
- Shoulder abduction (because the deltoid cannot initiate shoulder abduction)
- Scapular stabilization against ribcage
- If someone has a full thickness tear then they will not be able to reach over head
What is a force couple?
- Muscles with opposite actions work together to produce rotation
How many force couples does the shoulder have?
- 2
- Upward rotators of the scapula: upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior
- Downward rotators of the scapula: rhomboids, levator scapulae, and pectoralis minor
What is shoulder impingement?
- An umbrella term that includes any pathologic change which occurs under the coracoacromial arch including rotator cuff tears and describes several degrees of muscle injury from compression to tears that result from impingement
- Mechanism of injury is usually gradual onset, history of overuse (especially overhead activity)
- The supraspinatus, long head of the biceps brachii, and the bursa can become impinged
- Pain can come and go
What is affected with a shoulder impingement?
- Supraspinatus
- Long head of the biceps brachii
- The subacromial bursae
- On occasion the infraspinatus
- The labrum and joint capsule (internal impingement - structures on the under side of the joint)
*Bursa are highly innervated
What occurs during a biceps impingement?
- Inflammation occurs where the biceps tendon passes through the bicipital groove and over the head of the humerus, just like a rope through a pulley
What can cause shoulder impingement?
- Instability of the glenohumeral joint: weakness, capsule and joint laxity
- Dyskinesia (scapula not moving in correct rhythm with humeral head) - a motor planning problem
- Poor posture
- Arthritis - the acromion can grow osteophytes like icicles
- Anatomical predisposition (Types I, II - most people are type II, and III)
What is external impingement?
- Rotator cuff and/or bursae are getting compressed or pinched on the superior surface by the acromion
What is internal impingement?
- The rotator cuff, labrum, or capsule can get compressed or pinched on the under surface by the humeral head
What needs to be worked on to prevent a forward head and rounded shoulders?
- Strengthen rhomboids, serratus anterior, middle and lower trapezius. The neck flexors, rhomboids, and serratus anterior become inhibited
- Stretch the pectoralis minor, upper trapezius, and levator scapulae
- Take ball or towel and put under head for person to push into for isometric contraction
What can multidirectional instability or lax ligaments lead to?
- Internal or external impingement
- Aka sloppy shoulder
- If the shoulder is loose then it can dislocate
What is dyskinesia?
- Muscles of the scapula are not working together either from muscle imbalance or neurological motor planning impairment
- SICK scapula. SICK is an acronym for the prominent features of the condition:
- Scapular malposition
- Inferior medial border prominence
- Coracoid pain and malposition
- DysKinesis of scapular motion
What is included during a physician’s evaluation of shoulder impingement?
- X-rays can reveal arthritis, type of acromion structure, bone wear and tear, and dislocation
- MRI can identify soft tissue structures like muscle, tendon, and cartilage that might be damaged
- MRI with Gadolineum Dye provides a better image and shows if there is a leak in a capsule and ligamentous structures
What is included during an OT/PT evaluation of shoulder impingement?
- Patient history
- Clinical observations including scapular motion
- Special tests/provocation tests
- Painful Arc Test (pain between 60-120 degrees signifies shoulder impingement. Pain at end range signifies a disorder with the acromioclavicular joint
What is the Hawkins Kennedy Test?
- Pain in the front of the shoulder indicates a positive Hawkins Kennedy Test
- Detects shoulder impingement - subacromial impingement
- Therapist stabilizes affected shoulder, pt brings arm into scaption with forearm at 90 degrees, then the therapist pronates pt’s forearm
What is the Neer Test?
- Test of shoulder impingement
- Pt is sitting, therapist depresses scapula, internally rotates arm, and passively moves pt’s arm to full scaption
- Pain in front of the shoulder may be a sign of subacromial impingement
- Pain in the back of the shoulder may be a sign of internal impingement
What is the Full Can/Empty Can Test?
- Test of rotator cuff aka Jobes Test, specifically testing the supraspinatus tendon
- Always start with full can first, empty can hurts more because it involves internal rotation of the shoulder
- Pt’s arm is in scaption at 90 degrees, therapist applies pressure on forearm while stabilizing at shoulder
What is the Drop Arm Test?
- Test of rotator cuff, specifically the supraspinatus tendon
What are tests to check for biceps impingement?
- Yergensons tests for SLAP Lesion to test transverse humeral ligament (holds biceps tendon in groove)
- Pt’s forearm is flexed at 90 degrees with arm by side with forearm in full pronation, apply resistance and palpate biceps tendon
- Speeds Test tests for bicipital tendinitis or SLAP (superior labral anterior/posterior)
- Forearm is in full supination with arm in 90 degrees of forward flexion with elbow extended, therapist stabilizes at shoulder and applies downward resistance just proximal to the elbow
What are symptoms of a shoulder impingement?
- Weak external rotation
- Weak supraspinatus
- Positive impingement sign
- Difficulty sleeping on affected side
What are the chances of having a shoulder tear?
- 98% chance of rotator cuff tear
- People over the age of 60
What is conservative treatment for a rotator cuff tear?
- Ice 15-20 minutes
- Cortisone injection
- Sleep with pillow under affected arm - sleep in open pact position
- Pendulums - body movement makes arm move
- Strengthening below 90 degrees
- Improve posture - modified doorway stretches, foam roller stretch, soft tissue mobilization
- Work (PROM and AROM) in a scapular plane to reduce or eliminate pain