Shoulder exam and anatomy Flashcards
Glenohumeral joint anatomy, stabilizer, biomechanics acromioclavicular joint sternoclavicular joint oa acromiale
What is the scapular plane?
- 30 o anterior to the coronal plane.
- Abuction require external rotation to allow the greater tuberosity to miss the acromium.
- if pt has internal rotation contraction they cannot abduct beyond 120o
What movement happen in abduction?
- At 2 joints
- 120o from glenohumeral joint
- 60o from scapulothoracic
Can you decribe the static restraints in the glenohumeral joint?
- Negative intra-articular pressure
- Articular congruity and version
- Glenohumeral ligaments
- Glenoid labrum
- = NAGG
Describe the dynamic restraints to glenohumeral joint?
- Rotator cuff muscles
- Biceps
- Periscapular muscles
- = RBP
Describe the glenohumeral ligaments of the shoulder?
Superior Glenohumeral ligament
- Restraint to Inferior translation at 0o of abduction
Medial Glenohumeral ligament
- restraint anterior and posterior translation in midrange of abduction 45o ER
Inferior Glenohumeral ligament
posterior band of IGHL
- most important restraint to Posterior subluxation at 90o flexion and IR
- tightness -> internal impingment and increased shear forces on superior labrum ( linked to SLAP lesion)
Anterior band of IGHL
- primary restraint to ant/inf translation at 90o flexion and max ER
- anchors into ant labrum
- forms weak link that prediposes to bankart lesions
Superior band IGHL
- ***most important static stabiliser about the joint***
- 100% increased strain on superior band of IGHL in presence of SLAP lesion
posterior band of IGHL
Coracohumeral ligament
- limits posterior translation w shoulder in flexion, adduction, IR
- limits inferior translation & external rotation at adducted position

Describe the anatomy of th labrum?
- Helps create a cavity-compression and creates 50% of glenoid socket depth
- composed of fibrocartilage tissue
- blood supply
- suprascapular artery
- ant humeral circumflex a
- post humeral circumflex a
- anterio-superior labrum poorest supply
- anterior labrum
- anchors IGHL - weak -> bankart lesions
superior labrum
- anchors biceps tendon -> weak-> SLAP
- anterior labrum
Describe the anatomy of the soft tissue dynamic stabilisers of the glenoidhumeral joint?
Posterior capsule (static)
- thin <1mm no ligaments
Rotator interval
- included the SGHL, coraccohumeral ligament and long head of biceps that bridge gap between supraspinatus and subscapularis
- boundaries
- medial by coracoid base
- superiorly by ant edge of supraspinatus
- inferiorly by sup border of subscapularis
- lateral apex formed by transverse humeral lig
Rotator cuff (dynamic)
- subscapularis is an important stabiliser to post subluxation in external rotation
Long head of biceps ( dynamic)
- long head of bicpes acts as a humeral head depressor
- variable origin from superior labrum
- forms weak link that -> SLAP tear
Describe the osteology of the glenohumeral joint?
- Humeral head
- retroverted 30o from transepicondylar axis of distal humeral shaft
- articular surface inclined upwards 130o from shaft
- blood
Ascending branches of anterior humeral cicrumflex artery and arcuate artery
- run parallel to lateral aspect of tendon of long head of biceps in bicipital groove
- **Posterior humeral circumflex artery
- *main blood supply to humeral head
Ascending branches of anterior humeral cicrumflex artery and arcuate artery
- Glenoid
- pear shaped av tilt 5o
- average version is 5o retroversion in relation to axis of scapular body
- Coracoid
- coracobrachialis, pect minor, short head of biceps attach to coracoid
- Acromium
- normal acrominohumeral interval is 7-8mm
- morphology
- 1= flat
- 2= curved
- 3= hooked
Can you draw a free body diagram of the arm?
- Assuming A= 3cm and B= 30cm
- Sum of all moments M =0
- (AxD)- (Bx0.5W)=0
- 3D=0.5W (30)
- D= 5W

What is the position you arthrodese a shoulder in ?
- 15-20o Abduction
- 20-25o forward flexion
- 40-50o internal rotation
Describe the anatomy of the acromioclavicular joint?
- A diarthrodial joint ( allows max movement)
- fibrocartilaginous intraarticualr disc between osseous segments
- majority of motion is from bones, not thru joint
- clacvicle rotates 45o
- 8o thru ac joint rotation
- rest thru scapular
- joint limited to sliding motion
- Stablity
acromioclavicular lig
- horizontal stability
- sup, inf ant and post components
- superior is strongest, then post
Coracoclavicular lig
- trapezoid and conoid
- provides vertical stability
- trapezoid inserts 3cm from end of clavicle
- conoid inserts 4.5cm from end of clavicle
- capsule, deltoid and trapezius act as stabilisers
acromioclavicular lig

Describe the anatomy of the sternoclavicular joint?
- A diathrodial saddle joint incongruous ( 50% contact)
- fibrocartilage
- contains intrarticular disc
- motion
- elevation of arm to 90o -> rotation at SC j of 30o
- imaging
- Serendepity view
- involves 400 dephalic tilt of sternum and clavicle
- Ligaments
Posterior sternoclavicular lig
- primary restraint for ant-post stability
anterior sternoclavicular lig
- primary restraint to sup displacement medial clavicle
intra-art disc ligament
- prevents medial displacment
costoclavicular lig
- prevents rotation and either lat/med displacement

Describe when the clavicle ossifies?
- Clavicle is the 1st bone to ossify (5-6th wk gestation)
last bone to complete ossification process
- medial epiphysis of clavicle is last physis to close at 20-25 yrs
Describe the motion of the scapulothoracic joint?
- Primary motion
elevation and depression
- movement up & down along rib cage
elevation and depression
- Secondary motion
protraction and retraction
- movement away from and towards the vertebral column
protraction and retraction
Shoulder abduction
- GH joint 0-120o then scapulothoracic does 60o

What is os acrominale?
- A unfused secondary ossification centre
- most common location is junction of meso and meta acromion
- important to distinguish from acromium fx
- incidence is 8%
- bilateral in 60%
- assoc conditions
- shoulder impingment
- rotator cuff disease
- Prognosis
- poorer outcomes after RC repairs in pt with meso-os acromiale
Describe the 3 ossification centres of the acromium?
- Meta-acromium = base
- Meso-acromium= mid
- Pre-acromium=tip

What is the presentation of a pt with os acrominale?
- Signs & symptoms of impingment
What is the best view to see on xray os acrominale?
- Axillary lateral

What is the tx of os acrominale?
Non operative
- mild symptoms
Two stage fusion and acromioplasty
- symptomatic os acrominale w impingement
- direct excision can -> deltoid dysfunction
- a 2 stage proceedure may be required to
- fuse the os acrominale w bone graft
- 2nd preform acromioplasty