Shoulder Exam Flashcards
Flexion: 180 degrees (anterior deltoid and coracobrachilais)
Extension: 60 degrees (latissimus dorsi and teres major)
Abduction: 180 degrees (supraspinatus and mid-deltoid) horizontal abduction = 40-55 or 130-145 degrees
Adduction: horizontal = 40-50 or 130-140 degrees (pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi)
External rotation: 90 degrees (infraspinatus and teres minor)
Internal rotation: 90 degrees (subscapularis and pectoralis minor)
AC joint- axial rotation: 10 degrees
SC Joint ROM
Abduction: distal end of clavicle moves superiorly and proximal end moves inferiorly
Adduction: distal end of clavicle move inferiorly and proximal end move superiorly
Horizontal flexion: distal end of clavicle moves anteriorly and proximal end moves posteriorly on the sternum
Horizontal extension: distal end of clavicle moves posteriorly and proximal end moves anteriorly on the sternum
Rotation: multidirectional
Scapula ROM
Retraction: rhomboid major and minor; move closer to spine
Protraction: serratus anterior; move away from spine
Elevation: upper trapezius and lavator scapulae; upward and parallel to spine (shoulder shrug)
Depression: lower trapezius and lower rhomboids; return from elevation
Upward/Downward Rotation: combined motions of the scapula
Muscle Strength Testing Scale
5 = normal - complete ROM against gravity and full resistance 4 = good - complete ROM against gravity and some resistance 3 = fair - compete ROM against gravity 2 = poor - complete ROM with gravity eliminated 1 = trace - evidence of contraction with no joint movement 0 = zero - no evidence of muscle contraction
Rotator Cuff (Supraspinatus-specific)
Empty Can Test (pain or weakness) - rotator cuff pathology (supraspinatus)
Drop-Arm Test (arm will drop or gentle tap on wrist will cause arm to drop) - full thickness of tear of supraspinatus
Glenohumeral Instability
Apprehension Test (apprehensive of repeat dislocation) - glenohumeral instability
Sulcus Sign (intention appears in area beneath the acromion) - glenohumeral instability
Long Head of Bicep
Yergason Test (pain and/or tendon subluxation out of groove) - unstable bicipital tendon/subluxation, bicipital tendonitis
Speed’s Test (pain in bicipital groove) - bicipital tendonitis of long head biceps
Rotator Cuff Impingement
Neer Impingement (pain) - subacromial bursa or rotator cuff impingement
Hawkins Test (pain) - rotator cuff or subacromial bursa impingement
ROM Test
Apley Scratch Test
Subscapularis Test
Lift Off Test (weakness - inability to resist) - subscapularis weakness
Sternoclavicular joint Clavicle Acromioclavicular joint Acromion process Coracoid process Spine of scapula (T3) Inferior angle of scapula (T7) Greater tubercle of humerus Bicipital groove Axillary lymph nodes Latissimus dorsi Pectoralis major Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis