Shoulder Complex Flashcards
scapulohumeral rhythm
ratio of 2 degrees of GH to 1 degree of scapular motion during arm elevation/ABD
ideal shoulder girdle posture
- slightly elevated and relatively retracted scapula
- results in glenoid fossa facing slightly upward
pathologies that can reduce muscular support of shoulder girdle
- isolated paralysis of upper trap
- stroke
- muscular dystrophy
- Guillain-Barre
effect of gravity of scapulothoracic posture
results in depressed, protracted and excessively downwardly rotated scapula
consequences of poor shoulder girdle posture
- depressed clavicle; superior dislocation of SC joint
- compressed subclavian vessels or brachial plexus
long term paralysis of UT may result in ____
- inferior subluxation/dislocation
- seen with flaccid hemiplegia
rounded shoulders
- slight depression, downward rotation, and protraction of scapula
- can lead to biomechanical stress on SC and GH
- predisposes individual to impingement
potential causes of rounded shoulders
- general laxity
- muscle tightness
- fatigue or weakness
- GH joint capsule tightness
- abnormal cervicothoracic posture
- habit
function of rhomboids + lower trap during retraction
- these muscles share similar actions but act as antagonists to one another
- elevation tendency of rhomboids is neutralized by depression tendency of lower trap
- result is pure retraction
relationship of deltoid and supraspinatus in paralysis of deltoid
supraspinatus is typically able to perform full ABD of GH joint, but ABD torque is significantly reduced
relationship of deltoid and supraspinatus in paralysis or complete rupture of supraspinatus
- full ABD is difficult, but achievable in some cases
- in other cases, full ABD is not possible du to weakness and altered AK at GH joint
force couples for upward rotation
- serratus anterior + upper and lower traps
- contract simultaneously to produce upward rotation during GH ABD
scapular winging
- excessive IR of scapula
- visualized during arm elevation
- could be secondary to pathology or poor neuromuscular control of the scapulothoracic muscles
how does the supraspinatus control AK of ABD of GH joint?
- drives superior roll of humeral head
- compresses humeral head against glenoid
- creates a semi-rigid spacer above the humeral head, restricting excessive superior translation of the humerus
how do the infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscap control AK of ABD of GH joint?
exert a depression force on the humeral head
how does the infraspinatus and teres minor control AK of ABD of GH joint?
ER humerus
goal of reverse shoulder arthroplasty for people with severe RC degeneration
- shift the AOR medially and inferiorly in relation to the scapula
- allows deltoid to increase ABD leverage due to increased tension
what is scapular dyskinesis?
any abnormal position or movement of the scapula
scapular dyskinesis is typically seen as…
- reduced upward rotation
- excessive downward rotation, IR, anterior tilt, or elevation of scapula
- occurs with overhead movement of the GH joint
scapular dyskinesis alters the ____ of muscles’ actions and distorts ____ resulting in increased stress
- effectiveness
- AK
prevalence of injury in SC joint
- does not undergo degenerative changes to the same degree as other shoulder joints
- only 1% of dislocations in the body occur here
prevalence of injury in AC joint
susceptible to trauma and degenerative changes
prevalence of injury in GH joint
subject to degenerative changes, instability (esp in anterior dislocation), and derangement