Shoulder Flashcards
Trapezius (Ascending)
O- Spinous process T5-T12
I- Scapula Spine
Inn.- Accessory n. (CN XI) C3-C4 cervical plexus
A- Depress scapula
Trapezius (Transverse)
O- Nuchal ligament at T1-T4 spinous process
I- Acromion
Inn.- Accessory n. (CN XI) C3-C4 cervical plexus
A- Scapular Retraction
Trapezius (Descending)
O- Superior nuchal line; spinous process C1-C7
I- Lateral 1/3 of the clavicle
Inn.- Accessory nerve (CN XI) C3-C4 cervical plexus
A- Elevation and upward rotation
Rhomboid Major
O- Spinous process of T2-T5 vertebrae
I- Medial border of scapula below scapular spine
Inn.- Dorsal scapular n. (C4-C5)
A- Scapular Retraction
Rhomboid Minor
O- Spinous process of C7-T1
I- Medial border of the scapula above scapular spine
Inn.- Dorsal Scapular n. C4-C5
A- Scapular Retraction
Latissimus Dorsi
O- Spinous process T7-T12, thorocolumbar fascia, inferior angle, 9th-12th ribs, iliac crest (posterior 1/3)
I- Floor of intertubecular groove
Inn.- Thorocodorsal n. C6-C8
A- IR, ADD, EXT, respiration
Levator Scapulae
O- Transverse process C1-C4
I- Superior angle of the scapula
Inn.- Dorsal scapular. C4-C5
A- Elevation, Downward rotation, and lateral flexion of neck
Anterior Scalene
O- Anterior tubercles of transverse process of C3-C6
I- Scalene tubercle of 1st rib
Inn.- Cervical and brachial plexus C3-C8
A. Elevate ribs during forced respiration (with ribs mobile), Unil: bend CS to same side. Bil: flex neck
Middle Scalene
O-Transverse process of C1-C2 and post. tubercles of transverse process of C3-C7.
I- 1st rib posterior to groove for subclavian a.
Inn.- Cervical and brachial plexus C3-C8
A- (with ribs mobile) elevate ribs during forced respiration. (fixed ribs) Unil: bend CS to same side. Bil: flex the neck
Posterior Scalene
O- Posterior tubercles of the transverse process C5-C7
I- outer surface of 2nd rib
Inn.- cervical and brachial plexus C3-C8
A- (ribs mobile) elevate ribs during forced respiration. (fixed ribs) Unil: bend CS to same side. Bil: flex the neck.
O- Manubrium, Medial 1/3 of the clavicle
I- Mastoid Process, superior nuchal line
Inn. Spinal Accessory n. CN XI
A- Bil: Extend head, Unil: Lateral flexion and contralateral rotation.
O- Supraspinous fossa of scapula
I- Superior facet of the greater tubercle on the humerus
Inn.- Suprascapular n. C4-C6
A- Initiate Abduction for first 15 degrees
O- Infraspinous fossa of scapula
I- Middle facet of the greater tubercle on the humerus
Inn.- Suprascapular n. C4-C6
A- ER of the humerus
Teres Minor
O- Lateral border of the scapula
I- Inferior facet on the humerus
Inn.- Axillary n. C5,C6
A- ER of the humerus
O- Subscapular fossa on the scapula
I- Lesser tubercle
Inn.- Subscapular n. C5,C6
A- IR of the humerus
Trapezius (Transverse)
Origin- Nuchal ligament at T1-T4 spinous process
Insertion- Acromion
Innervation- Accessory n. (CN XI) C3-C4 cervical plexus
Action- Retracts scapula
Trapezius (Descending)
Origin- superior nuchal line; spinous process C1-C7
Insertion- lateral 1/3 of the clavicle
Innervation- Accessory nerve (CN XI) C3-C4 cervical
Action-Elevates scapula
Rhomboid Major
Origin- Spinous process of T2-T5 vertebrae
Insertion- Medial border of scapula below scapular spine
Innervation- Dorsal scapular n. (C4-C5)
Action- draws scapula medially upward. Stabilizes scapula
Rhomboid Minor
Origin- Spinous process of C7-T1
Insertion- medial border of the scapula above scapular spine
Innervation- Dorsal Scapular n. C4-C5
Action- draws scapular medially upward. Stabilizes the scapula
Levator Scapulae
Origin- Transverse process C1-C4
Insertion- superior angle of the scapula
Innervation- Dorsal scapular. C4-C5
Action- Draws scapula medially upward while moving inferior angle medially; inclines neck to same side
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin-Spinous process T7-T12, thorocolumbar fascia,
inferior angle, 9th-12th ribs, iliac crest (posterior 1/3)
Insertion- Floor of intertubecular lip. Crest of lesser
tuberosity of humerous
Innervation- Thorocodorsal n. C6-C8
Action- IR, ADD, EXT, respiration
Pectorals Major (Abdominal)
O- Rectus Sheath
I- Crest of the greater tubercle
Inn.- Medial and Lateral pectoral n. C5-T1
A- Add, IR
Teres Major
O- Inferior Angle of Scapula
I- Crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus
Inn.- Lower Subscapular n. C5-C7
A- Extension, ADD, IR of the humerus
Deltoid (Clavicular)
O- Lateral 1/3 of the clavicle
I- Deltoid Tuberosity
Inn.- Axillary n. C5,C6
A- Flex, IR, Add, Assists Abd between 60/90 degrees
Deltoid (Acromial)
O- Acromion
I- Deltoid tuberosity
Inn.- Axillary n. C5,C6
A- Abduction
Deltoid (Scapular Spine)
O- Spine of the Scapular
I- Deltoid Tuberosity
Inn.- Axillary n. C5,C6
A- Ext, ER, Add, Assists Abd between 60/90 degrees
Pectorals Major (Clavicular)
O- Medial half of clavicle
I- Crest of the greater tubercle
Inn.- Medial and Lateral pectoral n. C5-T1
A- Flex, Add, IR
Pectoralis Major (Sternalcostal)
O- Sternum and costal cartilage 1-6
I- Crest of the greater tubercle
Inn. - Medial and Lateral pectoral n. C5-T1
A- flex, Add, IR
Pectorals Major (Abdominal)
O- Rectus Sheath
I- Crest of the greater tubercle
Inn.- Medial and Lateral pectoral n. C5-T1
A- Add, IR
Serratus Anterior
O- Ribs 1-9
I- Medial Border of the Scapula
Inn.- Long Thoracic n. C5-C7
A- Protraction and Upward rotation Scapula
O- 1st rib
I- Inferior surface of the clavicle
Inn.- N. to subclavius C5,C6
A- Stabilizes clavicle in SC joint
O- Superior border of Scapula
I- Hyoid Bone
Inn. Ansa Cervicis C1-C3
A- Depresses hyoid, draws larynx and hyoid down
Pectoralis Minor
O- Ribs 3-5
I- Coracoid process
Inn.- Medial pectoral n. C8,T1
A- Scapular depression, Inferior angle moves posteriomedially, downward rotation.
O: supraspinous fossa
I: superior facet of greater tubercle
Inn: Suprascapular n. (C4-C6)
A: abduction of humerus
O: infraspinous fossa
I: middle facet of greater tubercle
Inn: Suprascapular
A: External rotation humerus
Teres Minor
O: lateral border of scapula
I: inferior facet of greater tubercle
Inn: Axillary n. (C5, C6)
A: external rotation, weak adduction
O: subscapular fossa
I: lesser tubercle
Inn: Subscapular n. (C5, C6)
A: internal rotation
Teres Major
O: Inferior angle of scapula
I: Anterior angle of crest of lesser tubercle of humerus
Inn: Lower Subscapular n. (C5-C7)
A: internal rotation, adduction, extension
Pectoralis Major
O: medial 1/2 clavicle, sternum and costal cartilage ribs 1-6
I: Crest of greater tubercle
Inn: Medial and Lateral pectoral nn. (C5-T1)
A: adduction, internal rotation
Clavicular/Sternocostal flexion; assist in respiration when shoulder is fixed
Pectoralis Minor
O: 3-5th ribs
I: coracoid process
Inn: Medial Pectoral n.
A: depresses scapula, anterior tilt and depression of scapula, assist in respiration
O: 1st rib
I: Inferior Surface of Clavicle
Inn: N. to subclavian (C5, C6)
A: steadies clavicle in the sternoclavicular joint
Serratus Anterior
O: 1st to 9th ribs
I: medial border or scapula
Inn: Long Thoracic n. (C5-C7)
A: superior: lowers raised arm
entire: protraction; elevates inferior: rotates scapula laterally
Origin: Manubrium, Medial 1/3 of the clavicle.
Insertion: Mastoid process and superior nuchal line
Innervation: Accessory nerve (CN XI)
Action: Bil: Extend the head. Unil: Tilt head to same side and rot. to opp. side.
Anterior Scalene
Origin: Anterior tubercles of transverse process of C3-C6
Insertion: Scalene tubercle of 1st rib
Innervation: Cervical and brachial plexus C3-C8
Action: elevate ribs during forced respiration (with ribs mobile), Unil: bend CS to same side. Bil: flex neck