shoulder Flashcards
When is C/T manip appropriate for shoulder pain?
Pain-free shoulder flexion <90 days
tests for ant shoulder instability
apprehension, relocation, ant drawer
tests for subscap tear
IR weakness, bear-hug, belly press, Napolean (press on belly and full IR shoulder)
testing for infra/supraspinatus tears
Ext rot lag and strength tests (ER and empty can)
ruling in/ruling out SLAP tears
choose 2 sens and 1 spec test
sens: compression/rot, ant apprehension, o’brien
spec: yergason, biceps load, speeds
best combo for subacromial impingment
hawk-kenn, painful arc, Neer, Horiz add, Drop arm, yergason, speed (3+ positive is good)
superior and inferior borders of scap are usually at what spinal level
super: T2
infer: T7
what position to evaluate passive position of scapula
hands on hips
what are the 3 positions used for kibler slide test? what is an abnormal finding on the kibler slide test?
- hands at sides 2. hands on hips 3. 90 deg abd with full IR
>1-1.5 cm difference between positions is considered abnormal
what are Inf angle/Med border/Sup scap dysfxn each associated with?
Inf angle dysfunction: RTC issues
Med border dysfuction: GH instability
Sup scap dysfunction: RTC weak/imbalances
How to differentiate between teres minor and infraspinatus during muscle testing
infraspinatus: ER with arm at side
teres minor: ER with arm at 90 deg abduction
What position is the shoulder in to test the posterior capsule
90 abd, 30 ant to coronal plane (provide a posterior directed force)
1st and 2nd RTC strengtheners
1st. sidelying ER, Ext with thumbs OUT
2nd. prone horiz abd with thumbs up, prone ER