knee Flashcards
when is L/S manip appropriate for PFJ pain?
diff in hip IR >14 deg, ankle DF with knee flexed >16 deg, navicular drop >3 mm, no stiffness with sitting 20 min, squatting is most painful activity
clinical findings that would support use of orthotics for PFP syndrome
2 deg or more forefoot varus, 78 deg or less great toe ext
clinical findings to support use of patellar taping for PFP
tibial angulation >5 deg, (+) patellar tilt test
tests useful for meniscal dx
mcmurray, joint line tenderness, thessaly
tests for ruling in/ruling out ACL tears
ruling in: ant drawer and pivot shift
ruling out: lachman
best test for patellar instability
moving patellar apprehension test
ottowa knee rules
> 55 yo, tenderness at head of fibula or patella, inability to flex knee to 90 deg, inability to WB immediately and upon ER arrival
area of ACL impingement
intercondlyar fossa
what rotation of the tibia is needed for full extension?
describe grade I-IV joint mobs
I: small amp, pain relief
II: large amp, pain relief
III: large amp, capsule stretch
IV: small amp, capsule stretch
be cautious with what after PCL reconstruction?
flexion; the graft is tensioned between 70 and 90 - no ham curls for 4 months post-op
a degenerative process is characterized by….
fibroblasts, vascular hyperplasia and disorganized collagen
what is the quad index and why is it cool?
quad index is strength of involved quad/strength of uninvolved quad - if less than 85%, was indicative of decreased function. Was better at predicting hop test performance than other factors, including: graft type, presence of meniscus injury, knee pain and knee sx
which meniscus is C-shaped and which one is O-shaped?
O shaped: lateral
C shaped: medial
which ligs hold the menisci in place?
coronary ligaments