Shoulder Flashcards
WHat type of joint is SC?
plane synovial
What are the joints involved at the shoulder?
____ roll and ___ glide for elevation
superior, inferior – opposite – convex on concave
*frontal plane
___ roll and ___ glide for protraction
anterior roll , anterior slide - concave on convex
*transverse plane
Name the ligaments at the SC joint
Ant/Post SC ligs, costoclavicular lig, interclavicular lig
Ant/post SC ligs prevent what?
anterior and posterior translation of medial clavicle
what does costoclavicular lig prevent?
anterior and posterior fibers
ant fibers -> fan out laterally from rib to clavicle, limit elevation distal clavicle and contribute to inferior gliding of medial clavicle, also prevents superior translation
post –> prevent medial movement of clavicle and absorb force, limit elevation and contribute to inferior gliding of medial clavicle
Interclavicular lig
limits excessive depression of the distal clavicle and superior gliding of medial clavicle – this protects the brachial plexus
Motions permitted at the SC joint
3 degrees of freedom
rotary: Elevation/depression, protraction/retraction, posterior/anterior rotation
translatory: ant/post , med/lat, sup/inf
Motions permitted at AC joint
3 degrees of freedom
rotary: Internal/External rotation, upward/downward rotation, anterior/posterior tilting
translatory: ant/post , med/lat, sup/inf
Motions permitted at GH joint
3 degrees of freedom
rotary: Flex/ext, abd/add, internal/external rotation
Motion permitted at ST joint
rotary: **upward/downward rotation, anter/post tilit, internal/external rotation,
Translatory: protract/retract, elevation/depression
**primary movement
Ligaments at AC joint
superior and inferior AC ligs & coracoclavicular lig
SUperior/inferior AC ligs
help support the capsule; superior checks distal clavicle from moving posteriorly
Coracoclavicular lig
AC joint
Conoid - medial & vertical ; resist distal clavicular superior motion
Trapezoid - lat & hor; more restraint to posterior motion
*both limit upward rotation of scap & help posteriorly rotate clavicle
How much does the GH labrum deepen the socket?
When is the GH capsule tight?
Humerus in abduction & external rotation = closed pack position
Where is the GH capsule tight/loose?
tight- superiorly
loose - anterior and inferior
*helps create intrarticular pressure
Ligaments of the GH joint
superior, middle and inferior GH ligs & coracohumeral
inferior = anterior, axillary pouch and posterior
Superior GH lig
labrum –> humerus and connects with coracohumeral lig
*provide anterior and inferior stability
The humerus is most likely to dislocate ..
anterior, inferior
Middle GH lig provides
anterior stability up to 60 degrees of abduction
Inferior GH lig provides
stability in abduction beyond 45 degrees; the axillary pouch resists inferior translation
- if lateral roation is added, anterior band fans out to prevent anterior translation
- if medial rotation added, posteior band provides post stability
All ligaments are taut in
humeral abduction, lateral or medial rotation
Coracohumeral lig
GH lig; inserts into supraspinatus and subscapularis;
limits inferior translation & lateral rotation when in abduction
how much Elevation/Depression
48/ 10