Shoulder Flashcards
Levator Scapula
(PA and DA)
PA- transverse processes of the atlas and axis and from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third and fourth cervical vertebrae
DA- the vertbral border of the scapula between the medial angle and the trianglar smooth surface at the root of the spine
Latissimus Dorsi
Scapula- depresses and downwardly rotates scapula at the SC and AC joints; elevatestrunk against fixed scapula
GH- extension, IR, adduction
Upper Trapezius
(PA and DA)
PA- external occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae
DA- Upper lip of the lateral third of clavicle
Latissimus Dorsi
thoracodorsal N
(PA and DA)
PA- anterior suface of subscapular fossa of scapula
DA- lesser tubercle of humerus
Musculocutanous N
Pectoralis Minor
(PA and DA)
PA- External surface of the third through fifth ribs
DA- medial border of coracoid process
Lower Trapezius
(PA and DA)
PA- spinous processes of T3 to T12
DA-triaangular area at the medial end of the scapular spine
Teres Minor
Axillary N
Serratus Anterior
Long Thoracic N
Suprascapular N
Pectoralis Major
(PA and DA)
PA- (Claviclaur head) anterior surface of the medial thrid of the clavicle, lower lip
(Sternal head) anterior surface of sternum and costal cartiages
DA- lateral lip of bicipital groove
helps stablize shoulder joint
Lower Trapezius
Depresses scapula; Upwardly rotates scapula
Rhomoid Major and Minor
Retraction of scapula; elevation of scapula; downwardly rotates of scapula
deltiod tuberosity
Middle part of Deltiod
GH abduction
Upper and Lower Subscapular N
Rhomoid Major and Minor
(PA and DA)
Major: PA- Spinous processes of T2-8
DA- medial border of scapula
Minor: PA- Spinous processes of C7- T1
DA- above the spine, major is below
Serratus Anterior
Protaction and Upward Rotation of the Scapula
Teres Major
GH IR, Extension, Adduction