shoulder Flashcards
Speeds test
(long head bicep) – patient with straight arm in shoulder flexion, external rotation, full elbow extension and forearm supernation and resist flexion
Crank test
supine, should and elbow flexion at 90 and push humeral head into glenoid fossa while move arm from internal to external rotation
Hawkins & Kennedy
patient arm in 90 of shoulder and elbow flexion, then internal rotation of humerus
Sulcus sign
patient sitting with arm natural hanging on the side, then grasp elbow joint and AC joint, then pull down on the arm (inferior translation)
Load and shift
patient sitting, grasp the humeral head and AC joint and anteriorly and posteriorly translate arm
Scarf test
patient with arm abducted and arm flexed, grasp the arm and push it across the body of the patient with other hand on scapula
ULNTT (upper limb neural tension test)
supine, nearest thigh pressed into elbow, compress the shoulder and make sure shoulder is externally rotated and hand is supinated, then extend the elbow while holding supinated wrist