Short Story Theory Flashcards
What is theme?
The controlling idea or control insight of a piece of fiction
How to determine the theme?
The title, the conflict and the result, whether or not the protagonist has learned something, whether or not the protagonist changes, what insight into life is revealed
What is plot?
The plot refers to the sequence of related incidents or events outlining the protagonist’s conflict in the short story
What are the two main forces in the plot arc?
The protagonist and the antagonist
What is the first stage of the plot?
The introduction
What does the introduction do?
Begins with some kind of motivation or introduction to the plot but in could also be “in medias res” which means it starts in the middle of the action
What is the second part of the plot?
Rising Action
What does the rising action do?
The complicating or initial incident which initiates the conflict, the gradual increase of the events leading to the climax
What is the third part of the plot?
What does the climax do?
The climax is the turning point in the conflict
What is the fourth part of the plot?
Falling action
What does the falling action do?
The series of events that help to resolve the loose ends of the story
What is the fifth part of the plot?
What does the conclusion do?
The protagonist’s conflict is resolved ending in success or failure
What is the five types of endings?
Happy, Unhappy, Surprise, Indeterminate, Deus ex machina
What is the Deus ex machina ending?
“god out of a machine” to resolve conflict which means that a highly unlikely event occurs or the character arrives just in time to save the day
What are the four types of conflicts?
Man vs man, man vs supernatural, man vs the environment, man vs himself
What is the man vs man conflict?
The main character struggles against some other person or group of people
What is the man vs supernatural conflict?
The main character is in conflict with some supernatural force
What is the man vs the environment conflict?
The main character is in conflict with some external force: nature, society, “fate”, or tech
What is the man vs himself conflict?
The main character may be in conflict with some element in his/her own nature
What is setting?
involves the time and place of the plot
What is the two types of timing?
Chronological and historical
What is chronological timing?
Month, day, year
What is historical timing?
a particular time made famous in history
What is the two types of places?
Specific and geographic
What is specific places?
no name given to pinpoint geographical location
What is geographic places?
location can be found on map
What is the atmosphere in a story?
The writer’s description of the physical surroundings or environment, usually sets up expectations in the reader about the outcome of an event or conflict
What is the mood in a story?
The reader’s feeling created by the combination of details and methods the writer has used
What is the tone of the story?
The writer’s attitude towards his/her subject and audience, tone may be manipulated by the author in many ways including the use of sharp contrast, certain words, ironic statements, figurative language, point of view, and punctuation
What are the eights types of characters?
Direct, indirect, plausible, flat, round, stock, static
What is a direct character?
the author clearly states it
What is a indirect character?
Interpreted based on what the character says, does, thinks, their appearance, and others think/say of them
What is a plausible character?
A convincing and believable character
What is a flat character?
A few personality traits, generally build around a single idea, not much detail given, usually minor characters
What is a round character?
Has many personality traits, are as complex as real people, their motivations and temperaments are complicated, the degree to which a character is round depends on his/her function in the plot
What is a stock character?
Are so stereotyped that they are known immediately by reader, usually minor and flat characters
What is a static character?
Do not change their viewpoint or personality throughout the story
What is a dynamic character?
Undergo a significant, radical and lasting change in viewpoint and personality in the story
What are the four types of irony?
Situational, dramatic, cosmic, verbal
What is situational irony?
The opposite of what is expected happens
What is dramatic irony?
When a character does, thinks, or says the opposite from what the readers or audience knows is true
What is cosmic irony?
A supernatural force tricks a character and sets the character up for a fall
What is verbal irony?
There is a difference between what is meant and said
What is the six points of views?
First person major, first person minor, third person objective, third person omniscient, third person limited omniscient, second person
What is first person major?
narrator is a major character
What is first person minor?
narrator is a minor character
What is third person objective?
no thoughts are revealed
What is third person omniscient?
Knows the thoughts of all the major and minor characters at some point in time
What is third person limited omniscient?
Know the thoughts of all main characters at some point in time
What is second person?
“You” is used, you are watching the man pick up the paper
What is a symbol in a story?
Something represents something else
What is flashbacks in a story?
The story will focus on the present and periodically moves back to key moments in the past
What is the motif in a story?
A recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of literature
What is foreshadowing in a story?
Clues in the story which hint of something positive or negative which will happen later
What is foreboding in a story?
Clues in the story which will hint of something negative which will happen later
What is science fiction?
Story reflects the impact of imagined science and/or technology upon society or individuals
What is dramatic/character foil?
Simulates between two or more characters are established to emphasize their differences
What is poetic justice?
A literacy outcome where characters receive their just reward or punishment for deeds done
What is a hero?
heroes are protagonists which possess typical heroic qualities
What is a anti-hero?
Anti-heroes are protagonists which are given “heroic” qualities