Advertising Theory Flashcards
What is appeal to authority?
Well-known actors and celebrities often appear, suggests that the product or service will make the consumer wealthy, famous, talented, and as beautiful as the spokesperson
What is sex appeal?
The use of sexual images or words to sell a product or service
What is snob appeal?
The suggestion that the consumer will join the ranks of elite by using the service or product
What is appeal to tradition?
Emphasizes experience and number of years of service or product being used
What is figures of speech?
Puns, personification, alliteration, etc
What is outright propaganda?
If the consumer does not buy the product or use of service he/she will become an outcast
What is compliment the consumer?
Butters up the consumer with flattery
What is patriotrim?
Purchasing the product using the service shows your love of your country, company will boast about the product being made in canada or any other countrys
What is rhetorical question?
Demands a response from the audience
What is magic ingredinents?
Suggests that a miraculous discovery, makes the product exceptionally effective
What is weasel words?
Words or claims which appear to be substantial at first but they disintegrate
What is plain folks?
Talking down to the majority of people in order to appear to be one of them
What is something for nothing or more for less?
Suggests the product/service is of better quality than its higher priced competitors
What is appeal to excellence?
Emphasizes that consumers should not settle for second best
What is bandwagon?
Emphasizes that the consumer should not stand out by being different
What is facts and figures?
Implies that figure and statistics prove a point beyond dispute
What is hidden fears?
Exploits a person’s hidden fears and insecurities
What is repetition?
The constant statement of an idea in order to fix the image of the product or service in a person’s mind
What is advantages?
Freebies, coupons, etc
What is scientific jarges?
Implies that the product is effective since it is scientifically based
What is ideal children?
Using children who seem “perfect” to sell the product/service
What us emotional response?
Using images of family, children, people in need, and/or animals to elicits an emotional response
What is nostalgia?
Images designed to trigger heartfelt feelings about the past
What is false transference?
Advertisers use the implied of positive qualities from a person or object to the product/service
What is pets/mascots?
Cute pets or cartoons, animated or life-like mascots may be used to sell the product