Short and Long term memory Flashcards
short term memory
info we process straight away and are currently aware of (conscious)
long term memory
continual storage of info which is largely out of our awareness, can be reached when needed (unconscious)
amount of information held in a memory store
the length of time info can be held in a memory store
the format in which the information is stored in our memory
- info received from senses
- diff formats for diff memory stores
Jacob (1887)
digit span test to test capacity of STM, average span for digits was 9.3 items and 7.3 for letters
Miller’s magic number (1956)
7 +/- 2, average span of the immediate memory, can be more if we chunk things together
capacity of LTM
duration of STM
up to 18 secs without rehearsal
Peterson & Peterson (1959) procedure
- studied duration of STM with 24 students over 8 trials
- gave ppts a consonant syllable and a 3 digit number
- asked to recall consonant syllable after a retention interval of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 secs
- during the retention interval ppts had to count down their 3 digit number
Peterson and Peterson Findings
- 90% correct after 3 seconds
- 20% correct after 9 seconds
- 2% correct after 18 seconds
Duration of LTM
infinite, info can stay in our memories up to our lifetime
Bahrick 1975
- tested 400 people between ages 17 and 74 on their memory of their classmates
- face recognition: 90% accuracy after 15 years, 70% after 48 years
- free recall: 60% after 15 years, 30 % after 48 years
Baddeley 1966 procedure/conditions
4 conditions
- acoustically similar: cat, cab, cap
- acoustically dissimilar: cow, fear, dog
- semantically similar: great, large, big
- semantically dissimilar: good, huge, hat
ppts asked to recall lists of words in the correct order immediately or 20 mins after
Baddeley 1966 findings
- struggled to remember acoustically similar words in STM and semantically dissimilar words in LTM
duration peels
- high internal validity e.g. Peterson and Peterson preventing rehearsal
- lacks eco validity and mundane realism e.g. P&P artificial task
coding PEELS
- high internal validity e.g. Baddeley
- lacks eco validity e.g. learning acoustically and semantically similar and dissimilar words
capacity PEELS
- high reliability e.g. Jacobs digit test in lab w standardised procedures
- individual differences e.g. 8yrs span of 6.6, 19 span of 8.6 digits