Shipboard Flashcards
Keep the Navy + Marine Corps family ready, healthk and on the job.
What are these terms?
- SG
- MC
- NC
- HM
- Surgeon General
- Force Master Chief
- Medial Corps (Doctors/ Officers)
- Medical Service Corps
- Nurse Corps
- Hospital Corpsman
Mission Statement of the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)
Keep the Navy and Marine Corps family ready, healthy, and on the job.
Vision Statement of BUMED
The Navy and Marine Corps family has the best readiness + health in the world.
Leadership Roles of SG + FORCM
Surgeon General: *Vice Admiral *Chief of BUMED *Reports directly to CNO Force Master Chief: *Senior Enlisted Leader to SG *Director of the Hospital Corps *Top Enlisted Member of the Hospital Corps
What is the role of Discharge Planning?
- To reduce hospital stay and unplanned readmission to the hospital
- Improve the coordination of services following discharge from the hospital
* Note: Patient must not be readmitted within 72 hours to avoid an investigation into the reason why they were discharged in the first place.
* Note: Discharge Planning is begun as soon as patient is admitted into the hospital.
To move from place to place. To walk.
A manner of walking or moving on foot
Shift Report
Exchanging essential patient care information with other nursing staff at the change of shift.
What information is included in Health Records?
At least:
- Pertinent history
- Physical Examination
- Laboratory Reports
- Progress Notes
- Doctors Orders
- Nursing Notes
* Note: IRECs are normally retired 2 years after the last inpatient discharge. (IREC = Inpatient Record)
What is the purpose of documenting patient care?
to ensure they meet the highest standards of completeness, promptness, clinical pertinence, and standards of the JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations)
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. A private, voluntary, not-for-profit group that provides accreditation to U.S. hospitals and other health care facilities.
What information is recorded on Nursing Notes?
- Date/Time
- Medication
- Treatments
- Signature on all notes
NAVMED 6550/8
Medication Administration Record (MAR)
What is MAR used for?
Document medications administered during a 7-day period. Medications ordered by the physician on the Doctor’s Order form are transcribed on the MAR form.
How many distinct “Corps” are there in the Navy Medicine Health Care Team, and what are they?
- Medical Corps Officer (MC)
- Medical Service Corps Officer (MSC)
- Nurse Corps Officer (NC)
- Dental Corps Officer (DC)
- Hospital Corps (HM)
What is NAVMED 6550/12? What items are listed here?
Patient Profile
*Used to standardize treatment + provide a ready reference of the care provided to each patient.
Listed here are: Diagnosis, Orders for medications, Treatments, Activity, Diet, Vital Signs, Bath, and Intake + Output.
What is SF 508? What information does it contain?
Doctor’s Orders.
Written by a physician + transcribed into the Patient Profile. When the physician Updates, Discontinues, Changes, or Adds New Orders, the Patient Profile must be updated.
What is SF 509?
Progress Notes
Describes the clinical course of the inpatient CHRONOLOGICALLY. Should reflect change in condition + any results of treatment.
*Note: The HM does not document on this
What is SF 510?
Nursing Notes
Document Inpatient Care
What are the components of SF 510?
- Date + Time of Entry *Use military time
- Observations *Pt. condition, progress, care, treatment
- Patient ID info *Lower left on addressograph plate OR the info is handwritten
Note: Info is written + filed in chronological order, with the most recent entry in the front of the Nursing Notes section. Format is determined by local policy. Standard abbreviations are command specific.
*Use black pen. Legible, Brief, Pertinent.
What can you do to maintain patient privacy, safety, and comfort?
- Assuring the bed wheels are locked at all times
- Keeping the patient’s linen and gown dry
- Making sure the patient is covered with a sheet
- Keeping a blanket available for use
- Closing the curtains before a procedure
Name the type of room that you need to place a patient as part of airborne precautions.
Airborne infection isolation room (AIIR)
Note: If this type of room is not available, place a mask on the patient and move patient into a private room with the door closed.
Name the federal agency of the US Government that provides facilities and services for the investigation, identification, prevention, and control of disease
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Which type of transmission occurs by dissemination of either airborne droplet nuclei or small particles in the respirable size range containing infectious agents that remain infective over time and distance? Involves infectious agents that remain infectious over long distances when suspended in the air.
What is the practice of grouping patients infected or colonized with the same infectious agent together to confine their care to one area and prevent contact with susceptible patients?
During which event can healthcare personnel be assigned to a cohort of patients to further limit opportunities for transmission (cohorting staff)?
What is a small drop, such as a particle of moisture discharged from the mouth during coughing, sneezing, or speaking? These may transmit infections while airborne to others.
Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
Federal advisory committee assembled to provide advice and guidance to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the practice of infection control and strategies for surveillance, prevention, and control of healthcare associated infections, antimicrobial resistance and related events in United States healthcare settings.
What is the most common format used for writing nursing notes?
Block format