Ship Specific Flashcards
Compresses and pumps low pressure refrigerant vapor into the condenser at high pressure
Evaporator/Cooling Coil
Liquid refrigerant is turned into vapor state and absorbs heat from the air and chill water
Condenser/ heat exchanger
Vapor refrigerant is turned into a liquid by a cooling medium
Hold liquid refrigerant until it is needed
Thermal Expansion Valve
Valve that regulates the flow of refrigerant going to the evaporator/cooling core
Chilled Water Pump
1 & 2 chill water pumps located in AMR
Production of Potable Water
Strainer, low pressure pump, 5 micron filter, 20 micron filter, high pressure pump, membranes, in-line brominator, and potable water tank
Potable Water Requirements
.2 - 2.0 approved government source 2 or greater from non government source
Steering System
Trick wheel in aft steeringHand pump in aft steering Hand wheel in the bridge
Bow Thruster
Aids in steering, powered by turbine
Light Load Propulsion Motor used for minesweeping
General American Tank Corporation
GATX modes
At sea - outside 3 NMIn port - held in CHT tank and pumped to shore stationTransit - within 3 NM, held in collection tank
Gray Water
Dirty water from sinks, drainage, scuttles
Black Water
Piss and shit
Grinds CHT to prevent clogging the transfer pump or piping2 GATX, 1 Doc’s P-way
What is a brominator?
Used to chemically treat ship’s water to the required bromine level
Potable Water Capacity
6000 gallons per day
Low Pressure Air (LP)
0-125 psiUsed to start MMGTG, MPDEs, SSDGs, engage clutches for MPDEs and LLPMs, to engage shaft brakes, and supply air through out the ship
Medium Pressure (MP)
125-600 psiControl UCHS
Reverse Osmosis
Located in AMR3x2k R/O
Power Turbine
Rotates at a constant rate of 22300 rpmFirst stage reduction reduces to 6000 rpmSecond stage reduces to 1800 rpm
Solar Gas Turbine Controls
CCS at the ECCO console and locally by the AMRO at the local control panel
Purpose of Solar Gas Turbine System
Provides direct current voltage to DC switchboardDC switchboard provides power to bow thruster, mag-tail, and LLPM
Medium Pressure Air Compressor
Locations of MPACs
MPAC Manufacture
Degaussing Manufacture
Mine hunting sonar
Mechanical sweepUsed to cut moored mine tethers
Acoustic/ Magnetic sweepEmits ship-like magnetic acoustic pulsed emissions
Produces sound levels in the medium to high frequency range to activate acoustic mines
Provides varying ranges of low to medium sound levels
Precise Integrated Navigation SystemUsed for navigation during mine hunting neutralization
Main Engines
1A, 2A, 1B, 2BIn MMR
Ships Service Diesel Generator
Location of 1A & 1B generators
1S Switchboard location
Location of 2SSDG
Location of 2S switchboard
Normal Generator Operation
2SSDG and either 1A or 1BIn parallelBus tie closed
Engine & Generator Manufacture
Isotta Fraschini
Generator Characteristics
1800 RPM375 KW60 Hz450 V3 Phase
Magnetic Minesweeping Gas Turbine GeneratorMade by SolarPowers LLPM, Mag Reel, Bow Thruster
Variable depth sonar
Mine Neutralization Vehicle Umbilical cable 3500ft, minimum of 2400 ftDelivers mission packages2700lbs
Cutter arms, used on moored mines
Bomblet, used to neutralize bottom mines, explosive charge intended to crack mine casting to render the mines electronics and detonation device useless
Combination of MP1 & MP2, attaches bomblet with float to a moored mine
Umbilical Cable Handling SystemCombination electric pneumatic winch system that is used in the deployment and recovery of the MNV3500ft when installed
1600ft cableUsed to deploy sonar
Condition I
General quarters/Battle stationsHighest state of readinessMaterial condition Z is set
Condition IM
Minesweeping detail is called awayLasts until all equipment is streamed, energized, or recovered
Condition IIM
MinesweepingAfter all gear is steamed
Condition IMH
Mine Hunting operationsMNV/seafox
Condition IIMH
Mine hunting search and classify operations with sonar
Condition III
Underway operational during wartime cruising
When is the low visibility detail set?
When visibility is reduced to 4000 yards or less
Offensive Mine Hunting
Measures intended to prevent the enemy from successfully laying mines
Defensive Mine Hunting
Countermeasures intended to reduce the effect of enemy mine laying
Integrated Mine Hunting
Use of MCM, air, and underwater assets
Passive Mine Hunting
Reduction of the threat from mines after they have been laid without physical elimination of the mine.Ex: change speeds, degaussing
Active Mine Hunting
Physically remove or disable mines
Process whereby a ship’s magnetic field is reduced by the use of electromagnetic coils
Magnetic Mines
Responds to the magnetic field of a ship
Acoustic Mines
Responds to the change of noise level caused by approaching ship
Pressure Mine
Responds to the hydrodynamic pressure field of a target
Combination Mine
Actuation of two or more influences
Seismic Mines
Uses geophone elements to detect acoustic energy emanating from a ship
Minesweeping Personal
Yellow - POICBlue - Deck riggers, line handlersRed - Gunners matesBrown - Crane/wench operatorGreen - phone talkerWhite - safety observerRed Cross - Medical
Port & Starboard Sweep Wire
4000 ftPort - left hand lay wireStarboard - right hand lay wire5/8 inch
Depressor wire
2000 ftRight hand lay wireCenter on wench
MK 9
Placed at the end of sweep wireCutting by vibration Mechanical cutter
MK 12
Cartridge CutterSingle shotUses Mark 192 cartridge
MK 14
Cartridge cutter4 shotsUses Mark 152 impulse cartridge
MK 15
Emergency cutterUses Mark 154 impulse cutter
Kite which when towed, displaces itself sideways to a predetermined distance Four legged bridal
Where is the magnetometer located?
Kite with three legged bridal which when towed submerges and planes at a predetermined depth without sideways displacement
In charge of the operation of the engineering plant
Operates and monitors the equipment in AMR1A & 1B SSDGs#1 MPACMMGTG3x2K RO#1 & #2 A/CBow Thruster
Operates and monitors the equipment in MMR1A & 1B2A and 2B MPDE#2 MPACL/O PurifierLLPMsMRGCCP
Underway CCS watch standers
Dan Bouy
Marks q-routes
Stern Crane
360 degree movement12000 lbsSafe working load 6000lbsSlew, luff, jib, whip70ft whip line16ft reach
Rigid Inflatable boat5 meters longSAR evolutionsRecovery of check shapesPersonal transferCO life raft
MK 7
25 personSignal mirrorFoodWaterFloating knifeFishing kitFlare gunMed kidMRE
Anchor Windlass
Raise and lower anchorLine to powerHand brake system with electrical brake back upRuns off electricityWildcat moves anchor2 gypsy heads
2 - 30 MHzAN/URC-143
WSC-3275-399 MHz4 LOSAS-1735
Commercial Broadband Satellite ProgramSHF
Common User Digital Information Exchange System
UHF LOS antennasMast below WRN-6 antenna
HF antennas35 whipForward and port side mid ship
Demand Assign Multiple Access
OE-82UHF SatcomCUDIXSO3O2 1/2
SSR-1 or egg beatersUHF SatcomFleet broadcast Port & starboard bridge wingsPort & starboard O2 1/2NAVMACS
Naval Modular Automated Communications System
Fleet Siprnet Messaging
.50 Caliber Machine Gun
6 on board Automatic, recoil operatedDisintegrating metallic link belt-fedMax range: 7400 yrdsMax effective: 2000yrds
Max range: 1969 yrdsMax effective: 54 yrds
Max range: 3940 yrdsMax effective: 600 yrds30 round magazine
Rules of Engagement
General Firearms Safety
Treat every weapon as if it where loadedNever point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shootKeep your finger off the trigger until ready to fireKeep safety on until ready to fire