Ship Construction Flashcards
Learn about parts of a ship in construction
Explain how freeing ports assist in maintaining stability of a ship
they get rid of water retained in the side shell of the upper deck, which prevents a raised center of gravity, a large free surface effect, prevents a reduction in the effective metacentric height, also prevents capsizing. freeing ports also relive stress
what is a Bilge keel?
it is a offset bulb plate attached to the bilge radius. it can help reduce rolling by about 30 percent
what is a Freeing port
a Freeing port is attached between the bullwark and sheerstrake, it allows us to rapidly unship water and reduces bending stress
What is longitudinal?
it runs fwd to aft and is a bar stiffener that helps strengthen and support plates
what is a Frame
A frame is a transverse stiffener that runs transversley along the ship, it is used to strengthen and support ships plating
what is a hawse pipe
allows chain to pass through the forecastle of the ship and usually has sea water washing
what is a chain stopper
an iorn bar or wire that sits on the links on the anchor chain and is used in case of the breaks failing to prevent the anchor from falling. it also takes strain of windlass and puts it into ship.
what is a fairlead?
a fair lead is a roller or rounded hole that allows ropes to pass from mooring Station to the jetty prevents the mooring ropes from cutting or fraying
what is a bollard
a bollard is used to tie off mooring ropes and transfer load from winch into the ship
what is plate floor
they provide transverse stiffening and strength. they run transversley across the vessel. lightening holes help reduce weight and allow for access. they also provide support to the inner bottoms and tank tops
what is a watertight bulkhead
it must run the full width of the vessel, and from the ships keel to the upper deck. it is used for strength, especially for water racking and pressure resistance. segregation, it separates incompatible cargoes and spaces. subdivision, it subdivided the Hull into watertight compartments to prevent spread of flooding. safety, it will act as a main barrier towards fire and act as an emergency fore end or collision bulkhead
what is a watertight bulkhead
it must run the full width of the vessel, and from the ships keel to the upper deck. it is used for strength, especially for water racking and pressure resistance. segregation, it separates incompatible cargoes and spaces. subdivision, it subdivided the Hull into watertight compartments to prevent spread of flooding. safety, it will act as a main barrier towards fire and act as an emergency fore end or collision bulkhead
how may watertight bulkhead integrity be tested
- fire hose test to test tightness of structural items that contribute to the watertight integrity
- hydro-pneumatic test a combination or hydrostatic and air testing to check the integrity of the water tight bulkhead
how may watertight bulkhead integrity be tested
- fire hose test to test tightness of structural items that contribute to the watertight integrity
- hydro-pneumatic test a combination or hydrostatic and air testing to check the integrity of the water tight bulkhead
what is the shear strake
the upper most section of the shell plating, furthest form the neutral axis. this means it has to withstand high bending, compressive and tensile forces
what is a cofferdam
a void space, it can also be used to separate different tanks
construction of a fwd collision bulkhead
it’s a transverse bulkhead extending from keel to the bulkhead deck. these are normally 12% thicker than the other watertight bulkheads, they can be of plain type or corrugated type
construction of the fwd collision bulkhead
it’s a transverse bulkhead extending from keel to the bulkhead deck. these are normally 12% thicker than the other watertight bulkheads, they can be of plain type or corrugated type
function of a fwd collision bulkhead
to prevent water from flowing aft in the event of a collision or a ships Hull becoming damaged pierced or developing failure to the bulkhead
position of a fwd collision bulkhead
it will be found no more than 5% of the ships length away from the fwd end of the ship