Sherman and Visscher, 2002 (dancing honeybees) Flashcards
This study finds that honeybee colonies with … dances (… direction information) recruit less effectively to syrup feeders than do colonies with … dances.
disoriented, lacking, oriented
For colonies foraging at … sources, the … information sometimes increases food collected, but at other times it makes no difference.
natural, direction
Recruitment based simply on … of foragers and communication of floral … can be equally effective under certain circumstances
arousal, odour
The payoffs of the dance language are …-…
condition-dependent (e.g. vary with how hard food sources are to find, variation in richness and ephemerality)
In certain species, the dances are usually done on a vertical comb in a dark nest cavity, and the directional reference is … (representing the sun’s …).
In other species, the dance is performed on a horizontal surface with a reference to the sun’s azimuth detected from a direct view of the sun, sky … or ….
upward, azimuth, polarisation, landmarks
When on a horizontal comb in the dark, or diffused light, bees still dance, but in … …, and the indication of … is also disrupted. Bees will also interpret spots of … light as the sun or particular regions of the polarised sky.
random directions, distance, artificial
What were the two treatments in this study?
Diffuse-light treatment - in which bees performed completely disoriented dances
Oriented-light treatment - in which bees performed well-oriented dances
(horizontal hives were used and observed)
The direction of waggle-runs (transcribed from videotapes) in the diffuse-light treatment…
did not differ from a circular random distribution
The dances in the oriented light treatment were…
highly directionally oriented - similar to dances on a vertical comb
The colonies received opposite light treatments in the first half of the observation, then were ….
for recruitment part of experiment
In three trials, at different distances from the colony, significantly more recruits arrived at feeders while…
the colony had oriented dances than arrived when it had disoriented dances
+ no time-day effects on recruit numbers
There was no significant effect of light treatment on…
the mean number of bees dancing
The ratio of recruits arriving at the feeders during the diffuse-light treatment decreased significantly … ….
with distance - shows that the effect of dance language vector information in greater further from the colony
Overall, during periods in which they had oriented dances, colonies averaged … … … than when their dances were disoriented, but this effect varied significantly in different seasons…
greater food collection (increase in mass)
During summer, colonies gained similar mass under either treatment; during autumn they similarly lost mass regardless of treatment; but during winter, colonies gained mass while under the oriented light treatment and lost mass while under the diffuse-light treatment
These results demonstrate that, under natural foraging conditions, the communication of distance and direction in the dance language can…
increase the food collection (and therefore fitness) of honeybee colonies
They also demonstrate that bees use this … information in locating the food sources advertised in the dance.
About …-… as many recruits came to the feeders without directional information, presumably relying on learning the … of the feeder from the dancing bees and then searching for this in the field.
one-third, scent
The evolution of recruitment communication in social insects is probably steered by whether, for particularly colonies and habitat sizes, a recruitment mechanism increases food collection more than it decreases it. Different habitats and, as shown here, different … within habitats can vary in this payoff.