She Would Get The Flowers Herself Flashcards



  • Louise is thinking about buying flowers. Thinks about her new husband Patrick, an orthopaedic surgeon. 16 year old Archie.
  • Patricks previous wife was killed in a car crash. Louise likes his sense of authority and his confidence, as a surgeon, that things can be fixed.
  • Louisa is on her way back from a meeting and stops by the station. Marcus has a forensics report for her, she’s taken him under her wing. They’re investigating an arcade fire which turned out to be arson. The arcade owner is Neil Hunter.
  • Louise sees pics of him having a drink with Michael Anderson, a suspected drug dealer in Glasgow.
  • Louise’s pregnant co-worker drops some files on Louise’s desk and, noticing the Hunter files, references the old Mason Murders which young Marcus isn’t familiar with. They fill him in. Andrew Decker is getting out, that’s why Louise went to the Hunters’ yesterday, to warn Joanna.
  • Driving home her phone rings, and her “police sixth sense” warns her that if she answers, the evening’s plans will be ruined. She can’t resist though and picks up.
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