La Regle Du Jeu Flashcards



  • Joanna has various poems and nursery rhymes running through her mind, along with “Run, Joanna, run.” But she can’t run because she’s tethered by a rope. She had always expected to find herself in a dark place like this again.
  • On the second day, Peter gives Joanna a piece of paper and tells her to write a note to Neil, saying that she and the baby will die if Neil doesn’t do as he’s told. She wonders what Neil did to cause this and what he’s doing to end it.
    -Early on Saturday, John wakes Joanna and tells her to write another note. She writes, “Please help us. We don’t want to die.” Later, when John returns, Joanna jams the pen into his eye as far as it will go. He’s dead. When Peter comes in, he finds Joanna cradling John’s body. Joanna tells him that something is wrong with John, and as he crouches down to look, she slams her hand into Peter’s windpipe. She grabs the knife from his ankle sheath and cuts through the rope that’s tethering her. Then she sticks the knife into both of his carotid arteries. The baby wakes up, and she recites a nursery rhyme for him.
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