SHARP / EO Flashcards
What does EO stand for?
Equal Opportunity
What is an EOR?
Equal Opportunity Representative
What level should have an EOR?
Company and Battalion Level
What does EOA stand for?
Equal Opportunity Adviser
What level should have an EOA?
BDE and higher
What rank should an EOR normally be?
SGT(P) or higher
What regulation covers EO? What regulation covers EO?
AR 600-20 Chapter 6
Soldiers are required to have how many periods of EO training per year?
4 (1 each quarter)
Define Racism?
Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group
because of skin color or race.
What is sexism?
Attitudes and beliefs that one gender is superior to another
What is the primary source of solving EO complaints?
Your Unit Chain of Comman
What is the Army’s written policy on EO?
The U.S. Army will provide EO and fair treatment for military personnel and family members
without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, and provide an environment free
of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
Where and when does the Army EO policy apply?
On an off post and during duty and non-duty hours
What are the two types of EO complaints?
What form is used to begin a formal EO complaint?
DA Form 7279
How long after an incident does a soldier have to file a formal complaint, if they choose?
60 Calendar days
After receiving a formal EO complaint, how long does the commander have in order to
conduct investigation?
30 calendar days
What regulation covers SHARP?
AR 600-20 Chapter 7
What are the categories of sexual harassment?
Physical Contact
What are the categories of sexual harassment?
Hostile Work Environment
What are the techniques of dealing with sexual harassment?
Direct Approach
Indirect Approach
Chain of Command
Filing a Formal Complaint
Whose responsibility is the prevention of sexual harassment?
Every Soldiers
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwanted sexual advances,
request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
What is the purpose of SHARP?
Eliminate incidents of sexual assault through awareness and prevention, training, and
education, victim advocacy and response, reporting, and accountability
Define Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is a crime defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force,
physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent
Sexual assault includes what acts?
Non-Consensual Sodomy
Indecent Assault
Attempts to commit these acts
More than half of sexual assault offenses include what?
What is the Army’s policy on sexual assault?
Zero Tolerance
What are the two reporting options if someone has been sexually assaulted?
Restricted Reporting
Unrestricted Reporting
Who is authorized to receive a restricted report?
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
Victim Advocate (VA)
Healthcare Provider
Who can receive an unrestricted report?
Healthcare Provider
Law Enforcement
Chain of Command
Judge Advocates
Can a Soldier who files a restricted report go unrestricted in the future?
What is the slogan for the Army’s SHARP program?
I. A.M. Strong
What does I AM STRONG stand for?
I – Intervene
A – Act
M – Motivate
Who is the Squadron SHARP Representative
SSG Jessica Howard
Who is the Squadron EO Representative?
SSG Napier, Alexander
Who is the Brigade SARC?
SFC Steven Womack
Who is the Brigade EO Representative?
SFC Carlos Hernandez