What is meant by the term overweight
A soldier is considered overweight when his or her percent body fat Exceed the standard specified in AR 600-9
Who is responsible for meeting the standards prescribed in AR 600-9
All soldiers
Can a soldier be flagged for being overweight, or does an ACFT failure receive an award?
A soldier that is overweight cannot, but a soldier on an ACFT failure can
Name some limitations on personnel who are overweight, including soldiers who become pregnant while on a weight control program
Non- promotable
Will not be assigned to command command Sergeant Major or First Sergeant position
Cannot attend professional military schools
When does enrollment in a weight control program begin
On the daily soldier is informed by the unit commander that his or her has entered into a weight control program
What form is used to record tape test results
DA form 5500 for males and 5501 for females
How many days does the commander have to flag a soldier who exceeds the body fat percentage
Three working days, two working days from the enrollment of Abcp
What four is used to flag soldiers
DA form 268
Mozart conference sites are used for the tape test
Neck & abdomen for males
neck, waist, and hips for females
How many times is each measurement taken
Three times