Sharing Resources & Wrights Management (Chapter 5) Flashcards
User & Group account
User Account
- The logon ID that identifies each user
Security Group
- a collection of user accounts that can be assigned permission
Computer management\ local User and Group
- allows for managing groups
Group account windows Home
Only allowed creation of two group types
- Standard User
- Administrative User
Group account windows professional
Allows the creation of multiple groups
- Administrative User
- Guest User
- Power User
Local & Group user management console
Group User Command Prompt
- net user ‘username password’ /add
Group User Command Prompt
- net user ‘username password’ /add
Commands used to add users to a group
Local Security Policy
- a subset of a security profile, and a document that outlined the specific requirements and rules that everyone must meet
Administrative Tools\ Local Security Policy
Single Sign-On
An authentication technology that allows a user to authenticate once and be authorised for multiple services
Credential Manager
Is a cache that stores password for website/windows
Peer-to-peer Network
A network with no dedicated server and each computer acts as both a sever and a client
A small group of computers on a network that shares resources in a peer-to-peer fashioned
A windows networking feature designed to allow window 7 & 8 home network to share files and printers easily through a simple password protection mechanism
The ability to share a resource over a network,
- share folder are open and cant have any share permission assigned to it, folders within the share can have permissions assigned
- requires a Share Name & Maximum number of user allowed to connect at once
Share Permission
Full Control
- read, edit, create, delete and assign permissions
- read, edit, create and delete
- read
NTFS manages the permissions
Network Drive
A local share that has been assigned a drive letter, such as on a Network attached Storage devices
NTFS Folder Premission
A drive format that gives added security to the drive in the form of permission.
- sub folders and all files of a folder with set permissions also inherit same permission
- Read
- Write
- List ( view names of files & subfolder)
- Read & Execute
- Modify
- Full control