Shareholders' rights and remedies Flashcards
What principle is applied to decisions reserved to shareholders?
Majority rule-a requisite majority of the shareholders must vote in favour of the proposed resolution in order for it to be passed.
What do the Articles of a company regulate?
They regulate the relationship between the members and each other and between the members and the company.
What can members do under s33 CA 2006 if their membership rights are infringed and what is the usual remedy?
Members can sue under s33 CA 2006 if their membership rights are infringed. The usual remedy for breach of s33 CA 2006 is damages.
In order to protect members, how should they set out any of their rights which are not membership rights?
In a separate contract such as a shareholders’ agreement.
What is a shareholders’ agreement?
A private contract between the shareholders which acts as a kind of extension to the Articles in terms of governing how the company is run and can contain provisions which the Articles do not permit.
What provisions are likely to be included in a shareholders’ agreement?
-Unanimous voting over certain matters
-Quorum for GMs
-Dividend policy
-Allotment of new shares
-New and departing shareholders
Outline the right of action/enforceability in the context of a shareholders’ agreement.
Shareholders’ Agreement provides a right of action which enables one member to enforce the provisions of the agreement directly against another member.
If a term is breached, it can be enforced in the usual way under general contract law principles.
How can minority shareholders be protected via a shareholders’ agreement (provide an example)?
Certain matters can be reserved as requiring the consent of all shareholders and this protects minority shareholders eg may provide that the unanimous consent of all shareholders is required to pass a resolution to remove a director.
Where a removal resolution is passed without the required unanimity outlined in a shareholders’ agreement, if a simple majority voted in favour, would the resolution still be valid?
Yes, but the director would then have a claim against the other shareholders for breach of the shareholders’ agreement (due to unanimity not being reached).
How are amendments to a company’s Articles made?
By special resolution requiring 75% approval
How may a minority shareholder obtain a veto in respect of amendments to a company’s Articles?
By entering into a Shareholders’ Agreement that requires the unanimous approval of all parties to the agreement.
What are the rights of a shareholder with any shareholding under CA 2006?
-Receive notice of a GM (s 307)
-Appoint a proxy to attend a GM in their place (s 324)
-Vote at a GM (provided they hold voting shares) (s 284)
-Receive a dividend (if declared)
-Receive a copy of the company’s accounts (s 423)
-Inspect minutes and company registers (s 116)
-Ask the court to prevent a breach of directors’ duties
-Commence a derivative claim (s 260)
-Bring a petition for unfair prejudice (s994 )
-Bring a petition for just and equitable winding up (s122 Insolvency Act 1986)
What are the rights of a shareholder with a shareholding of 5% or more under CA 2006?
-Require directors to call a General Meeting (s 303)
-Require the circulation of written statements regarding proposed resolutions to be considered at a GM (s 314)
-Circulate a written resolution (s 292)
What is the right of a shareholder with a shareholding of 10% or more in relation to the MA?
Demand a poll vote (MA 44).
What is the right of a shareholder with a shareholding of over 25% under CA 2006?
Block a special resolution (s283) as a special resolution is passed by 75% or more of the votes.
What is the right of a shareholder with a shareholding of over 50% under CA 2006?
Pass or block an ordinary resolution (s282) as an ordinary resolution requires over 50% of the votes to pass.
What is the right of a shareholder with a shareholding of over 75% under CA 2006?
Pass a special resolution (s283) as a special resolution is passed by 75% or more of the votes.
How may a company remove a director before the expiration of their period of office?
By ordinary resolution under s168(1) CA 2006.
What type of notice is required of a removal resolution under CA 2006?
Under s168(2), special notice is required of a removal resolution (28 clear days before the GM).
Is it possible for a company to use a written resolution to remove a director?
No, as per s288(2)(a) CA 2006.