Directors' duties and responsibilities Flashcards
What is a director?
Any person occupying the position of a director, by whatever name called.
What is a de jure director?
Someone who has been validly appointed at law. A private limited company must have at least one director and a public limited company must have at least two.
What is a de facto director?
Someone who assumes to act as a director but has in fact not been validly appointed.
What is a shadow director?
Someone who has a significant amount of influence over a company’s affairs, even though they are not formally appointed as a director.
Someone who the directors of a company act in accordance with.
What is an executive director?
Appointed to executive office. Spend the majority of their time working on the business and will be both an officer/employee of the company e.g. Finance Director, HR Director.
What is a non-executive director?
An officer of the company but not an employee. Do not take part in the day-to-day running of the company and generally provide independent guidance and advice to the board.
What is an alternate director?
Someone who takes the place of a director where one or more directors are absent.
How may companies with MA appoint a director?
-By an OR of the shareholders
-By a majority decision of the directors
What is a directors service contract and where must they be held?
A written contract of employment setting out the terms and conditions of employment.
Companies have an obligation to keep its directors’ service contract at its registered office for inspection by the members.
How long must a directors service contract be kept from the date of termination or expiry of the contract?
A company must keep a copy of all directors’ service contracts at the company’s registered office for a period of at least one year from the date of termination or expiry of the contract for the members to inspect.
What are Forms AP01 and AP03 used for?
Form AP01-appointment of director
Form AP03-appointment of secretary
What information must a company’s register of directors contain in the case of an individual?
(a) name and any former name
(b) a service address
(c) country/state they reside in
(d) nationality
(e) business occupation
(f) date of birth
What information must a company’s register of secretaries contain in the case of an individual?
(a) name and any former name
(b) address
What information is required in respect of directors remuneration in the company’s annual accounts?
-directors’ salaries, bonuses and pension entitlements; and
-compensation paid to directors and past directors for loss of office
What resolution is required for shareholders to remove a director and what notice is required?
Under s168(1) CA 2006, the shareholders may by ordinary resolution remove a director before the expiration of their period of office.
Under s168(1) CA 2006, special notice of 28 days is required of a removal resolution.
The Articles must specifically provide for the Board to remove a director.
Are directors who are also shareholders allowed to vote in their capacity as a shareholder on the OR to remove them?
Yes, this is allowed.
What is Form TM01 used for?
When a director leaves office, the company must update the company’s register of directors and also give notice to Companies House by filing Form TM01.
Describe the S171 director duty to act within powers.
-Duty act within the company’s constitution
-Duty to exercise powers for the purposes for which they are conferred