Formation of a company Flashcards
When did the Companies Act (CA) 2006 come into force?
1 October 2009
Do memorandums form part of a company’s constitution?
No, the memorandum no longer forms part of the company’s constitution-it is only required as part of the procedure to register a company at Companies House.
Do companies formed under CA 2006 have an objects clause?
Companies formed under CA 2006 have unrestricted objects (s31 CA 2006) unless the objects are specifically restricted in the company’s Articles.
Under CA 2006, what happens to the objects clause of an older company incorporated under CA 1985?
The objects clause of an older company continues in force operating as a limitation on that company’s capacity unless and until the Articles of that company are amended to remove its objects clause.
What are Articles of association and do all companies require them?
The Articles form the main constitutional document of a company and regulate the relationship between the shareholders, directors and the company. All companies must have Articles of association (s18 CA 2006).
What must the Articles of association comply with?
The Articles must comply with the minimum provisions of CA 2006 (known as the Legality Test).
What CA 2006 provisions override anything in a company’s Articles?
s321 CA 2006-right to demand a poll vote at a general meeting cannot be removed in the Articles.
What are the three choices a company has as to the form of its Articles?
-Model Articles (MA)
-Amended Model Articles
-Tailor made Articles
If a new company does not register Articles at Companies House, what happens?
s20(1) CA 2006 provides that the relevant MA will constitute the company’s Articles in default.
Once a company has adopted Articles, how does it alter them?
it is able to alter them at any future date by special resolution (s31(1) CA 2006).
What is the basic rule regarding alterations to a company’s Articles?
The basic rule is that, to be valid, any alteration must be made bona fide in the interests of the company as a whole (Allen v Gold Reefs (1900).
What is the legal effect of the Articles on the company and its members under CA 2006?
The provisions in the company’s Articles bind the company and its members to the same extent as if there were covenants on the part of the company and each member to observe those provisions (s33(1) CA 2006).
Do the Articles form a contract between the company and its members?
Yes, the Articles take effect as a contract between the company and its members in respect of their rights and obligations as members (s33 CA 2006).
What are the two options for a client wishing to start a business through the medium of a company?
-Incorporate a new company from scratch
-Purchase and then convert an existing shelf company
What must be delivered to Companies House under s9 CA 2006 to incorporate a new company from scratch?
-the fee
-an application for registration form (Form IN01)
What happens once the Registrar of Companies has approved an application to become a company?
The company is sent a certificate of incorporation authenticated by the Registrar’s official seal. The certificate of incorporation sets out:
-name of the company
-company’s registered number
-date of incorporation
At what point does a company become a legal entity after incorporation?
From the date on which the certificate of incorporation is issued by Companies House. The date of incorporation is set out in the certificate (s15 CA 2006).
What is a shelf company?
A shelf company is one that has been set up in advance by a company registration agent or law stationer.
What changes will need to be made to a shelf company upon purchase?
-Registered office
-Members, directors and company secretary
What is required to change a shelf company’s name?
-Special resolution by shareholders or by any other means provided by the company’s Articles
-Form NM01
-Copy of special resolution passed to change the name
-Appropriate fee
What form is required to change a shelf company’s registered office?
Form AD01 is required to be filed at Companies House.
What is the process for changing a shelf company’s Articles?
Some shelf companies have been incorporated with MA. If these need amending, this can be done via via special resolution and the amended Articles and special resolution need to be filed at Companies House.