Shakespeare quiz Flashcards
Paradoxical Chiasmus setting
The 1st Thane of Cawdor setting
Martlet setting
Macbeth’s castle
The Raven setting
Significance of Paradoxical Chiasmus
witches rapid fire questions and answers adds to the element of confusion
Significance of the 1st Thane of Cawdor
Macdonwald’s treason led to his death
Significance of Martlet
The castle is viewed as nice and heavenly while ironically, it is a place of deception and death
Significance of the Raven
Evil omen and foreshadows death
3 prophecies to MB
- MB will be Thane of Glamis
- MB will be Thane of Cawdor
- MB will be king of Cawdor
Significances of 3 prophecies to MB
- His present title
- Soon to be title
- Immediately things about killing KD and is ruled by his imagination
1st prophecy to Banquo and significance
Lesser than MB and greater
- BQ will never be king but his sons will be
2nd prophecy to Banquo and significance
Not so happy, yet much happier
- He is not happy about not being king, but is happy that his sons will be kings
3rd prophecy to Banquo and significance
Thou shalt get kings, tho thou be none
- His sons will leave a legacy of kings but Banquo will never be king himself
6 reasons not to kill KD
- We are related-I am his kinsman
- He is my guest
- I am his subject
- KD is a good king
- Human pity
- He is concerned with his afterlife and murder is a mortal sin
1 reason to kill KD
“The prince of Cumberland! That is a/step on which I must fall down, or else o’ erleap/ For in my way it lies.”
S: Macbeth
S: Learns that Malcolm became Prince of Cumberland and wants to take action by killing him. He does not want anyone to get in the way of taking his throne
Thou shall get kings though thou be none
S: Third witch
S: His sons will leave a legacy of kings but Banquo will never be king himself
Come you spirits/That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here
S: Lady Macbeth
S: She asks to remove her feminine qualities to become evil. She feels like it is the only way for MB to perform his evil deeds. It represents powers of darkness.
Nothing in his life/became him like the leaving it. He died/As one that had been studied in his death. To throw away the dearest thing he owed
S: Malcolm
S: Confirms death of Thane of Cawdor. It represents that the Thane died with more dignity than he had lived bc he confessed bravely
Bring forth men-children only; For thy undaunted mettle should compose/Nothing but males
S: Macbeth
S: He compliments his wife and affirms her belief that courage and brilliance are masculine traits