SFST's Flashcards
Alcohol-impaired drivers kill one person every _____ minutes?
45 minutes
An average of _____ people die every day from alcohol-impaired drivers
32 people
How man people self-reported binge drinking in the past 12 months?
61.1 million
How many people classify themselves as heavy drinkers?
17.7 million
- Average DWI violator drives how many times intoxicated before arrest?
- Once every how many nights?
- 80 times
- Once every 4 or 5 nights
- What percentage of alcohol-related crash fatalities occurred on weekends?
- How many times higher at night? -
- 26%
- 3 times higher at night
___ Male drivers to ___ Female drivers involved in fatal crashes?
3 - 1
___ Male alcohol-impaired drivers to ___ female alcohol-impaired driver involved fatal crashes
4 - 1
What study do we use for SFST’s nowadays?
The San Diego Study
Who are the roles for specific deterrence?
- Legislators
- Prosecutors
- Judiciary
- Media
For every DWI violator arrested, how many are undetected?
What is the most abused drug in the United States?
The average person’s BAC drops how much per hour?
BAC is the number of grams of alcohol found in what?
100ml of the person’s blood
How many validating clue for HGN? And how many do you need?
- 6 validating cluse
- You only need 4/6
How accurate is HGN at detecting impaired subjects?
How many validating clues for the Walk and Turn? And how many do you need?
- 8 validating clues
- You only need 2/8
How accurate is the Walk and Turn at detecting impaired subjects?
What does “B.S. - S.O. - W.H.A.T.” stand for?
- Balance
- Starts too soon
- Stops while walking
- Offline/steps offline
- Wrong number of steps
- Heel to toe
- Arms
- Turn
How many validating clues for the One Legged Stand? And how many do you need?
- 4 validating clues
- You only need 2/4
What does “P.U.S.H.” stand for?
- Puts foot down
- Uses arms for balance
- Sways
- Hops
What is the most reliable of the three SFST test?
DWI detection phases
- Phase 1: Vehicle in Motion
- Phase 2: Personal Contact
- Phase 3: Pre-Arrest Screening
How accurate is One Legged Stand at detecting impaired subjects?
- 83%