BAC Study Flashcards
Completing this course will certify you for how many years?
3 Years
How long is the grace period after your permit card expires to reattend a recitfication course?
90 Days
What does “PBT” stand for?
Preliminary Breath Test Instrument
What is Ethyl Alcohol
- It is a Central Nervous System Depressant
- Consuming food will not prevent intoxication
What is Metabolizing Alcohol?
Primarily metabolized by the liver
What is the way to increase the rate of elimination of alcohol rom the human body?
There is no known way
What are the three common types of alcohol?
- Methanol (wood grain alcohol)
- Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol)
- Ethanol (Primarily consumed by humans)
DUI Statute
- A person is guilty of DUI intoxication liquor, cannabis, or any drug if they drive a vehicle within WA and within 2 hours after driving
When doing a mandatory booking, you should confirm the arrested subject had a qualifying prior offense withing how many years?
- 10 Years
- A make sure you confirm the subject
Drug Impaired Driver
No alcohol, or impairment is inconsistent with alcohol level.
Minor DUI
Has within two hours after operating or being in physical control of a motor vehicle has an alcohol concentration of at least .020 but less than .080
- Subject under 21 but is affected by and or over a .08, then charge with 46.61.502, or 46.61.504
What is Physical Control
- Where is the vehicle?
- Is it on or off?
- Is the vehicle running/able to be driven?
- Where are the keys?
- Who owns the vehicle?
Evidential Test is measuered in what for blood and breath?
- Breath measured in g/210L
- Blood measured in g/100ml
True or False:
Subject has the right to an attorney before the breath test?
True or False:
Subject does not have the right to additional tests?
Subjects do have the right to additional tests
True or False:
A subject has the right to a private conversation with their attorney?
True or False:
Subject is required to provide two valid samples on the same instrument?
If an error occurs, the instrument will record data up until what point?
Up until the point of error (no document will automatically be generated)
Who determines good faith attempt?
The officer determines if a good faith attempt to provide a sample was made or if it is a refusal.
For “Implied Consent Warning”(ICW), you as an officer don’t do what?
You do not interpret the ICW for defendant.
What do you do when there is an invalid sample?
The operator must complete a new mouth check and begin a new 15 min observation period and run the test again.
What do you involve in your report for blood draws?
- Officer provide 2 grey blood vials
- Officer verified the expiration date on vials
- Observe the staff member clean the draw site and note the cleaning solution used
- Where was the blood drawn from?
- Position of the defendant
- Full name of the staff member drawing the blood
- Officer shall observe the draw note and the time of the draw
What do you need to include in the interview form for DUI’s
Obtain and enter specific drinking location. This is how the Liquor and Cannabis Board determines which establishments may be overserving.
4 results for DOL Paperwork, and how quickly does it has to be sent
- All four results need to be less than 0.08, less than 0.02 minors, less than 0.04 CDL, Refusals
- Needs to be sent within 72 hours
What kind of document does the Dreager print
The Dreager prints an “Evidential” breath test document
Dreager has dual technologies, what are they?
- Infared Spectroscopy (IR)
- Electrochemical (fuel cell) - EC (Similar to PBT)
What is the Beer/Lambert Law?
The concentration of ethanol in a sample is proportional to the IR light absorbed by the subject’s breath sample
True or False:
Errors will automatically print
Errors are never automatically printed
What are the three instances a document will print?
- Valid
- Refusal
- Incomplete
Internal and External Standards
The external standard checks the accuracy of the instrument at the time of your subject’s breath test
- Results must fall between 0.072 and 0.088 inclusive
Each complete breath test will have how many blank tests?
Indicators of Good Faith Effort
- Audible tone from the instrument
- Air flow through the breath tube
- Blue line (flow rate) graph on the screen
- Breath volume bar on the screen
- Visual observations of the subject providing the sample
Samples outside what percentage will be displayed if the samples don’t fall within the acceptable limits.
If the subject puts something in their mouth, vomits, or you lose visual observation of the subject, what should you do?
Perform a new mouth check and start a new 15-minute observation period
How long is the required observation period?
The instrument will time out after how long if sampling parameters haven’t been met?
If breath test doesn’t print, what should you do?
- Confirm printer icon displayed on bottom right of screen
- Check the paper tray for paper supply to ensure printer is on
- Attempt to reprint breath test document
- Call WSP Communications after you have attempted to all of the remedies.
Acetone is known as what?
Acetone is a known interferent with breath samples and can be detected.
What are the only two PBT’s currently approved for use in WA?
- Alco-Sensor III
- Alco-Sensor FST
The PBT must have been certified within how long and by who?
- 6 Months
- Certified by a PBT technician
The PBT Insrument uses what technology that is similar to the Dreager? The results are shown on a digital display in what measurement?
- Fuel Cell
- g/210 L
True or False:
Subject must be advised that the PBT is voluntary and not an alternative to any evidential breath alcohol test?
If the PBT displays .888 when the “read” button is depressed, this indicates what?
Low battery
How many times do you read the implied consent?
Max 3 times