SFAR 73 Flashcards
SFAR 73 Awareness Training applies to the following helicopters
- Robinson R22
- Robinson R44
- Applicability “SFAR applies to all persons who seek to manipulate the controls or act as pilot in command of a Robinson model R-22 or R-44 helicopter.”
True or False
SFAR 73 Awareness Training is required prior to anyone manipulating R22 or R44 flight controls, UNLESS it is just a quick ‘demo flight’ (with only a few minutes of the prospective student touching the controls) and so not a ‘proper’ flight lesson.
- Awareness Training
“ no person may manipulate the controls of a Robinson model R-22 or R-44 helicopter . . . for the purpose of flight unless the awareness training . . . is completed”
True or False
SFAR 73 Awareness Training requires an endorsement.
- (a)(1) “and the person’s logbook has been endorsed by a certified flight instructor”
You can find the full SFAR 73 regulation
At the start of Part 61 of the FAR/AIM
SFAR 71 is found at the start of Part 61 of the FAR/AIM or on the Federal Regulations website under
Title 14 → Chapter I → Subchapter D → Part 61 → Appendix
True or False
Anyone can give SFAR 73 Awareness Training, as long all the areas listed in SFAR 73 2. (a)(3) are covered and an endorsement is given.
- (a)(3)
“Awareness training must be conducted by a certified flight instructor who has been endorsed under paragraph (b)(5) of this section”
True or False
SFAR 73 Awareness Training is good for both R22 and R44 and is not required to have an expiration date.
What are the subject areas to be covered by SFAR 73 Awareness Training?
- Energy Management
- Low G leading to Mast Bumping
- Low Rotor RPM leading to Blade (Rotor) Stall
- (a)(3)
Awareness training . . . consists of instruction in the following general subject areas:
(i) Energy management;
(ii) Mast bumping;
(iii) Low rotor RPM (blade stall); [*rotor stall]
(iv) Low G hazards; and
(v) Rotor RPM decay.
What is Low G?
When the rotor disk is temporarily unloaded, causing the pilot to feel light or weightless
What situations could cause a hazardous Low G situation?
- Pilot abruptly pushing cyclic forward to level after a climb
- Moderate or greater turbulence
- Pilot rapidly pushing cyclic forward to follow falling terrain
- Pilot suddenly pushing the cyclic forward to avoid a bird or other aircraft
Low G Pushovers or turbulence can lead to a rapid (100+ degrees a second) roll to the
To recover from an un-commanded, rapid (100+ degrees a second) roll caused by a Low G Pushover or turbulence, the pilot must immediately
Gradually apply aft cyclic
In hazardous Low G, the pilot must immediately apply gradual aft cyclic to restore positive G forces before applying any lateral cyclic to fix the roll.
See the R44 POH for more information and Robinson Helicopters Safety Notice 11 (SN-11) - Low-G Pushovers - Extremely Dangerous
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True or False
Experienced airplane pilots are especially at danger from Low G Pushovers when flying the R22 and R44. They are more likely to instinctively push the cyclic forward to avoid a collision because that would be a ‘normal’ response in an airplane.
True or False
Low G can be demonstrated if done carefully.
When encountering turbulence, what can a pilot do to reduce the chance of hazardous Low G?
- Reduce airspeed to 60 to 70 KIAS
- Rest cyclic arm on thigh to avoid over-controlling
- Mast bumping is less likely at lower airspeeds - slow to below normal cruise speed and if turbulence is significant slow to 60 to 70 KIAS
- Do not over control, rest your arm on your thigh and allow the aircraft to go with the turbulence
- Depart the area of turbulence if possible, else land as soon as practical.
See more in Robinson Helicopter Safety Notice 32 (SN-32) - High Winds or Turbulence
True or False
Turbulence will likely be most severe on the downwind side of hills, ridges and tall buildings.