SF4 Exam 3 General Flashcards
Ejaculatory Duct
Formed by joining of Ductus Deferens and duct of Seminal Vesicle. Pierces posterior surface of Prostate Gland through Prostatic Utricle, becoming Prostatic Gland
Secreted by Leydig Cells
- Testosterone
2. Insulin-like 3 (INSL3)
Parasympathetic Innervation to Rectum
Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves (via Inferior Hypogastric Plexus)
Smooth area on inner surface of Posterior Wall of Bladder. (The rest of it is loose and folded for expansion)
Shaped like a triangle pointing down
Time of Dominant Follicle Selection
Early Follicular Phase. Attains dominance and matures in Mid-Late Follicular Phase
10-14 days before Ovulation
Reactions Blocking Polyspermy
Fast Block:
Oocyte membrane depolarizes after fusing with Spermatozoa. Ca2+ wave causes electron-dense granules beneath oocyte to fuse with plasma membrane
Cortical Reaction:
Exocytosis of granule contents induced hardening of Zona Pellucida
Inferior Gluteal Artery Passes Between Which Two Nerves
Posteriorly between Anterior Rami S1/S2 and S2/S3
Converts Pregnenolone and Progesterone into Androgens
Not present in Granulosa Cell, reason why it needs Thecal Cell to produce Estrogen
Vagina: Arterial Supply
Vaginal Artery and Vaginal Branch of Uterine Artery
Actions of Progesterone on Female Reproductive Tract During Pregnancy
- Stimulates Production/Storage of Nutrient to Sustain Embryo (Secretory Phase / Prior to functional Placenta)
- Prepares Endometrium for Implantation
- Inhibits Uterine Contractions (Sustains pregnancy)
- Induces Viscous Mucus Production by Cervix
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Serum Na
Syncytiotrophoblast Estradiol and Estrone Synthesis
- Fetal Zone of Adrenal Cortex releases DHEA-S
- Sulfate removed by Sulfatase in Syncytiotrophoblast
- Enzyme converts DHEA to Testosterone and Androstenedione
- T/Andro then converted to Estradiol and Estrone by Aromatase
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Hematocrit
Decreases. However, RBC count increased.
Prolactin and hPL enhance effect of Erythropoietin
Testis Cords
Primitive Sex Cords penetrating deep into Gonadal Medulla. Formed by Sertoli Cells aggregating around PGCs
Tactile Stimulus Pathway Initiating Erection
- Afferent Tactile: Pudendal Nerve
- Reflex Integration: S2-S4
- Efferent: Parasympathetics in Cavernous Nerve
Lactational Amenorrhea
Ovulatory cycle will resume if no breastfeeding for 8-10 weeks
- PRL inhibits release of GnRH (feedback loop)
- Afferent neural pathway to GnRH neurons in Hypothalamus
Structures Derived from the Labioscrotal Swelling
- Labia Majora (Female)
* Scrotum (Male)
Neurons Mediating Emission
L1-L2 Sympathetic Neurons
Cell Types in Corpus Luteum
- Granulosa-Lutein Cells
2. Thecal-Lutein Cells
How long does the Embryo stay in the Uterine Tube
First three days of pregnancy. Mostly in the Ampulla.
Muscles of the Bladder
- Detrusor Muscles
2. Internal Urethral Sphincter (MALE)
Name for the atrophy of the Corpus Luteum into the Corpus Albicans
Fate of Indifferent Gonad Cortex
- Differentiates in Ovary
* Regresses in Testis
Process of Releasing the Oocyte at the Stigma
- Proteolytic enzymes are released by Thecal and Granuosa cells in response to LH
- Extracellular Matrix proteins in Thecal Layer broken down
- Surface of Ovary at Stima broken down
- Antral fluid, Oocyte, and Cumulus Cells released
Common Site of Rupture of Spongy Urethra
Bulb of Penis after leaving Urogenital Diaphragm
Result of DHT Absence on External Genitalia Differentiation
Female or Ambiguous. Possibly male with micropenis with Hypospadias
Separates Pubic Bone and Bladder
Retropubic Space of Retzius
Afferent Aspect of Ejactulation
Filling of Urethra elicits signals sent to the sacral spinal cord via the Pudendal Nerve
Parts of the Posterior Wall of the Prostatic Urethra
- Urethral Crest
- Prostatic Sinus
- Seminal Colliculus
Bony Landmark Found Between Greater and Lesser Sciatic Notches
Ischial Spine
Site of Entry of Caudal Injection / Epidural
Sacral Hiatus (Inferior opening to sacral canal)
Sleep-Associated LH Surge
First detectable change in Prepubertal period as puberty approaches. Diurnal LH release.
Expressed by Syncytiotrophoblast to remove the Sulfate Group on DHEA-S (Fetal Adrenal) and 16α-OH DHEA (fetal liver)
Perineal Body
Small mass of connective tissue located between Anorectal Junction and Urogenital Gap in Pelvic Diaphragm
Primary Hormonal Influence in Proliferative Phase (Menstrual Cycle)
Epithelium Endometrium
Columnar Epithelium with Glands
Anal Columns
Upper Half of Anal Canal
Vertical folds of mucous membrane containing Superior Rectal Vessels.
Transurethral Resection
Surgical enlargement of Prostatic Urethra done in patients with BPH.
Can result in damage to the Internal Urethral Sphincter of Bladder and cause reflex of semen into bladder.
Obturator Internus Muscle: Origin
- Obturator Membrane
2. Ischium/Pubis
Sacrospinous Ligament: Attachments
- Sacrum
2. Ischial Spine (Not Iliac)
Internal Os
Opening between Uterine Cavity and Cervix
External Urethral Sphincter: Innervation
Perineal Branch of Pudendal Nerve
HPG Axis: Early Follicular Phase
- FSH rises at end of Luteal Phase of previous cycle due to decline in negative inhibition
- FSH increasing at start of Follicular Phase
- LH constant
- FSH promotes Granulosa Cell proliferation
- FSH and LH stimulate Estradiol Synthesis
Spinal Roots of Sacral Plexus
- Lumbrosacral Trunk L4-L5
2. Anterior Rami S1-S4
Epithelium of Primordial Follicles
Levator Ani: Insertions
- Coccyx
- Anococcygeal Body
- Perineal Body
LH Receptors on these Ovary Cells induce Androgen Biosynthesis
- Thecal Cells
2. Interstitial Cells
Receptors on Male Accessory Organs
α1-adrenergic receptors
Regions of the Epididymis
- Head
- Body
- Tail
Stimulates Hepatic Angiotensinogen Synthesis
Estrogen (pregnancy)
Obturator Internus Muscle: Course
Leaves True Pelvis via Lesser Sciatic Foramen
Structures Derived from Urethral Folds
- Labia Minora (Female)
* Ventral Folds of Penis (Male)
Upper Half of Anal Canal: Arterial Supply
Superior Rectal Artery
Parts of the Uterus
- Fundus
- Body
- Cervix
Converts DHEA-S to 16α-OH DHEA-S
Fetal Liver enzymes
Widest and Most Dilatable Part of Urethra
Prostatic Urethra
Innervated by Superior Gluteal Nerve
Gluteal Muscles
Prior to Week 8, Genital Ducts in Both Sexes
- Wolffian (Mesonephric) Ducts
2. Mullerian (Paramesonephric) Ducts
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Pancreas
Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia of Beta Cells.
Increased insulin resistance in 2nd half of pregnancy (hPL and Cortisol)
Nerve innervation of Accessory Organs During Emission
Hypogastric Nerve (carrying L1-L2 sympathetics)
Mechanism of NO
- Binds to soluble Guanylyl Cyclase in Cytoplasm
2. cGMP rise leads to smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation
Much weaker than Estradiol. Formed by peripheral conversion of Estradiol and Androstenedione
Anococcygeal Body
Fibrous raphe connecting Anal Canal and Coccyx
Follicular Cell with limited cholesterol Supply
Granulosa Cells
Not close to vasculature. Separated by Basal Lamina during Follicular Phase. Secrete more Progesterone in Luteal Phase when Corpus Luteum vascularized
Change to Granulosa Cells when going from Primary to Mature Preantral Follicle
Begins to express FSH and Estrogen Receptors
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Breaks down clotting factors in semen (Fibrinogen from Seminal Vesicles)
Structures Attached to the Perineal Body (6)
- External Anal Sphincter
- Superior/Inferior Layers of Urogenital Diaphragm
- Superficial Transverse Perineal Muscle
- Deep Transverse Perineal Muscle
- Superficial Perineal Fascia
- Bulbospongiosus Muscle
Neurogenic Bladder
Dilated/flaccid bladder caused by spinal cord injury at S2-S4
Phagocytize Cytoplasm Released During Spermiogenesis
Sertoli Cells
Cumulus Cells
Granulosa cell type. Surround and maintain gap junctions with the Oocyte. Released with the Oocyte during ovulation
Navicular Fossa
Dilated part of Penile Urethra in Glans Penis
Required for External Genitalia Differentiation in Males
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Derived from Testosterone, converted by 5α-reductase
Progesterone Role in Secretory Phase
- Inhibits Epithelial Cell Proliferation
- Promote Differentiation of Endometrium
- Enhance Secretory Capacity
Detrusor Muscles: Innervation
Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves (Parasympathetic Fibers)
Inhibited by Sympathetics of T12-L2 (Hypogastric Nerves)
Cumulus Expansion
Hyaluronic Acid is secreted by the Cumulus Cells in response to LH stimulation.
Expands Extracellular Matrix and enlarges Cumulus-Oocyte complex. Enlargement facilitates Oocyte capture by the Fallopian Tubes
Change to Granulosa Cells Upon Being Selected as Dominant Follicle
FSH induces expression of LH Receptors. Allows it to respond to the LH surge.
Estradiol enhances the effect of FSH on LH receptor induction.
Pubic Arch
Angle between Inferior Rami and Bodies of Pubic Bones on both sides
Mediolateral Episiotomy
Surgical cutting of Vagina and Posterior Wall of Vulva (lateral to Perineal Body)
Receptor Binding AMH
TWO Serine-Threonine Kinase Receptors (R I and R II)
Bladder: Arterial Supply
Superior and Inferior Arteries
Oxytocin Effects on Uterine Contraction
- Uterus Oxytocin Resistant (first 2 Trimesters)
- Does NOT initiate labor
- Distention of Cervix increases Oxytocin (pos. feedback)
- Uterine sensitivity increases before/during contraction due to increase in receptors
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Lung Function Values
- Residual Volume: Decreases
- Functional Residual Capacity: Decreases
- Total Lung Capacity: Decreases (slight)
- Vital Capacity: Unchanged
- Tidal Volume: Increases
Digests Extracellular Matrix and Basement Membrane in Menstrual Phase
Matrix Metalloproteinases
Source of Anti-Mullerian Hormone
Sertoli Cells
Decidual Reaction
Continues process started by Progesterone during Luteal Phase, transforming Endometrial Stromal Cells into enlarged cells forming an Epithelioid-like Compact Layer. Reaction spreads throughout Endometrium
Changes to Spermatozoa Membrane During Capacitation
Uterine Wall and Fallopian tube secretion destabilize plasma membrane near head.
Increased Ca2+ permeability
Artery of Bulb (of Penis)
Supplies erectile tissue of Bulb and Corpus Spongiosum
Anastomosis with Dorsal Artery of the Penis at Glans Penis
Action(s) of Bulbospongiosus Muscle
- Aids in emptying urethra
2. Contributes to erection by compressing blood engorged bulb of penis
Induces Expression of Aromatase
Secreted by the Testes
- Testosterone (by far major secretion)
- Estrogens
- Weak Androgens (Androstenedione and DHEA)
- Various Biosynthetic Intermediates
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
Catalyzes formation of Prostaglandins, derived from Arachidonic Acid metabolism
Expression by Granulosa Cells (Preovulatory Follicle) induced by LH
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Afterload
Aorta more distensible (Estrogen/Progesterone), decrease in Peripheral Resistance
Interaction between R I and R II
AMH binds to R II, which is constitutively phosphorylated. Binding causes R II to recruit R I and phosphorylate it. R I kinase activity activated
Acrosomal Reaction
Triggered by Spermatozoa head proteins binding to ZP3 receptor on Zona Pellucida. The rise in intracellular Ca induces release of Hydrolytic Enzymes to digest through Zona Pellucida
Blood Supply to Penis are Branches off…
Internal Pudendal Artery
Stimulates Fetal Leydig Cell Testosterone Production
Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
Negative Feedback of Ovarian Hormones
- Estradiol on Ant. Pit / Hypothalamus
- Progesterone on Ant. Pit / Hypothalamus
- Inhibin A/B on Ant. Pit only
Part of Levator Ani
- Originates on Tendinous Arch and Ischial Spine
- Inserts on Coccyx and Anococcygeal Body
Reason for Decreased Venous Efflux During Erection
Compression of Subtunical Venous Plexus against wall of Tunica Albuginea
Medial Umbilical Ligament
Obliterated Distal part of Umbilical Artery
Dorsal Artery of the Penis
Supplies skin of the penis and fascial sheath surrounding erectile tissue.
Anastomoses with Artery of Bulbs of Penis at Glans Penis.
Sensory Innervation to the Clitoris
Dorsal Nerve of Clitoris (Branch of Pudendal Nerve)
Midpiece (Mature Spermatozoa)
Packed with mitochondria for energy
External Os
Opening between Cervix and Vagina
Supplies Proximal Part of Rectum
Superior Rectal Artery
Fornix of Vagina
Part of Vaginal Lumen surrounding Cervix. Four Parts:
- Anterior
- Two Lateral
- Posterior
Muscle Surrounding Anorectal Junction
Puborectalis Muscle (Levator Ani)
Requirements for Ovary Differentiation
- Invasion of Cortex by PGCs
- Reactivation of Inactivated X Chromosome
- Absence of SRY Gene
AMH Pathway
Cytoplasmic protein phosphorylated by R I. Nuclear Localization Signal unmasked when activated.
Converts Testosterone to DHT. Present in DHT-sensitive target tissue
Chorinonic Somatomammotropin (hCS) / Placental Lactogen (hPL)
Same structural family as GH/PRL. Secreted into the blood both by the mother and fetus. Functions to maintain glucose flow to fetus
- Stimulates Lipolysis (Mother)
- Antagonizes Insulin (Mother)
- Required for Breast Development
- Enhances Erythropoietin Effect (Mother)
Radiography of Uterus and Uterine tube following radiopaque injection. Determine patency (passability) of Uterine Tube
Ectopic Tubal Pregnancy
Ovum is fertilized but cannot pass down the tube. Uterine Tube will later rupture due to the placenta and result in life-threatening hemorrhage into Peritoneal Cavity
Cavernous Endothelial Cells
Release Nitric Oxide in addition to the efferent parasympathetics during erection
Nabothian Cyst
Pus-filled cyst, filled with mucus from a blocked cervical gland in the Cervix.
Promotes Descent of Testes Through Inguinal Canal into Scrotum
Epithelium of Efferent Ductules
“Scalloped” Look
- Nonciliated Cuboidal Epithelium
- Ciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium
Characterize Growth of Dominant Follicle
- Graunlosa Cell Proliferation (Cumulus Oophorus)
- Oocyte pushes to one side of follicle
- Expansion of Antrum
Posterior Half of Perineum
Anal Triangle
Most Potent Postpartum Stimulus of Prolactin
Location of Urogenital Diaphragm
Inferior to Pelvic Diaphragm in Perineum
Indicates present of a dominant follicle
Dramatic increase in circulating Estradiol
Anterior Lobe (Prostate)
Anterior to Prostatic Urethra
Little glandular tissue/significance
Secreted by Seminal Vesicles
- Prostaglandins (Uterine Contraction)
- Fructose
- Fibrinogen (Helps clot semen together)
Enzyme resulting in Uterus’ resistance to Oxytocin in the first two Trimesters
Syncytiotrophoblast Estriol Synthesis
- DHEA-S from Fetal Adrenal Cortex Converted to 16α-OH DHEA-S in Fetal Liver
- Placental Sulfatase removes Sulfate
- 16α-OH DHEA converted to 16-hydroxyandrostenedione
- Then to Estriol by Placental Enzymes
Posterior Lobe (Prostate)
Inferior to Ejaculatory Duct and Posterior to Prostatic Urethra
Common site for Carcinoma
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Baroreceptor Reflex
Lower set point
Site of Milk Storage
Lactiferous Sinus
Structures Derived from Genital Tubercle
- Clitoris (Female)
* Glans Penis (Male)
FSH Receptor Intracellular Mechanism
cAMP Signaling Pathway
Destination of Ovarian Vein Drainage
- Right: Inferior Vena Cava
* Left: Left Renal Vein
Actions of FSH on Sertoli Cell
- Promotes Proliferation/Differentiation of the Cell (Immature Testes)
- Maintains Function in Mature Testes
- Induction of Proliferation, Development, and Anti-Apoptotic Effects on Spermatogonia
- Promotes Synthesis/Release of ABP
- Stimulates Inhibin Release
- Upregulate Aromatase
Suspensory Ligament of the Ovary
Part of Broad Ligament of the Uterus
Suspends ovary from lateral pelvis walls. Contains Neurovascular supply to ovary
Name for Endometrium post-implantation
Protein expressed by Placenta, protecting Fetus from Maternal Cortisol
Source of hCG in Pregnancy
True Pelvis: Superior and Inferior Boundaries
- Superior – Pelvic Inlet
2. Inferior – Pelvic Outlet
Location of Portal-Caval Anastomoses in Anal Canal
Anal Columns
Spinal Roots of Pudendal Nerve
Placental Variant of Human Growth Hormone (hGH-V)
Secreted by Syncytiotrophoblast in two isoforms
Dominant form of GH in maternal secretion (pituiatry GH under negative feedback of IGF-1)
Actions of the Bulbospongosis Muscles (Female)
- Constricts Vaginal Orifice
- Aids in Expression of Greater Vestibular Glands
- Contributes to Erection of the Clit
HPG Axis Feedback Regulation
- Testosterone
Inhibits Hypothalamic Pulse Generator (GnRH frequency). Lowers ratio of LH to FSH.
- Inhibin
Secreted by Sertoli Cells. Inhibits ONLY FSH release
HPG Axis: Late Follicular Phase
- Increase in Estradiol from increase in Granulosa Cells in Dominant Follicle and FSH/LH stimulation
- Positive feedback effect on Pit/Hypothalamus leads to LH surge/ovulation
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Resting Heart Rate
Increases by 10-20 bpm
Muscle in Greater Sciatic Foramen
Piriformis Muscle
ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3
Extracellular proteins secreted by Oocyte which embed into the Zona Pellucida, providing species specific binding sites for sperm
Binding of Spermatozoa to ZP3 triggers the Acrosomal Reaction
Added in the process of forming a Mature Preantral Follicle
Point where Labia Minora unites posteriorly (also called Frenulum of Labia Minora)
Layers of the Uterus (Superficial to Deep)
- Endometrium
- Myometrium
- Perimetrium
Poorly vascularized bulge on Ovary surface due to pressure of follicle against it
Broad Ligament of the Uterus
Two-layered reflection of Peritoneum from Uterus, extending laterally to the Pelvic Wall
Seminiferous Tubule Compartments
Formed by Tight Junctions between Sertoli Cells
- Basal Compartment
- Adluminal Compartment
Vagina: Venous Draiange
Vaginal Venous Plexus
Detrusor Muscles
Three-layered smooth muscular coat of Bladder
Fetal Zone of Adrenal Cortex During Pregnancy
Major Source of DHEA for Synctiotrophoblast Estriol secretion.
Released as DHEA-S
Breast Development: Pregnancy (Requirements for Development)
Development Requires:
- Prolactin
- hPL
- Estrogens
- Progesterone
- GH
- IGF-1
- Insulin
- Cortisol
Genes Induced by CREB
CREB induces transcription of the following Steroidogenic genes in the LH Pathway:
- StAR
- P450scc (Cholesterol to Pregnenolone)
- 17α-Hydroxylase
- Proteins/Enzymes involved in Cholesterol Synthesis/Uptake
Action of SOX9
Regulates expression of genes that promote Sertoli Cell Differentiation
Upper Half of Anal Canal: Venous Drainage
Superior Rectal Vein
Posterior Division Branches (Internal Iliac Artery)
- Iliolumbar Artery
- Lateral Sacral Artery
- Superior Gluteal Artery
Termination of the Bulb of Vestibule
Glans of Clitoris
Obturator Fascia
Thick regional expression of Endopelvic Fascia covering Obturator Internus
Inhibits Lactation During Pregnancy
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Plasma Osmolality
Anterior Division Branches (Internal Iliac Artery)
- Obturator Artery
- Umbilical Artery
- Inferior Vesical Artery (Male)
- Middle Rectal Artery
- Vaginal Artery (Female)
- Uterine Artery (Female)
- Inferior Gluteal Artery (Terminal)
- Internal Pudendal Artery (Terminal)
Source of Cholesterol for Granulosa-Lutein Cells
Obtain cholesterol from circulating LDL/HDL.
- LH induces breakdown of Basal Lamina (Vascularized)
- LH induces expression of LDL/HDL receptors
Obstetric Conjugate
True Conjugate.
Thickest Part of Pubic Symphysis to Sacral Promontory
Contained in Basal Compartment of Seminiferous Tubule
- Spermatogonia
2. Early Stage Primary Spermatocytes
Structures of Upper Half of Anal Canal
- Anal Columns
- Anal Valves
- Anal Sinuses
Glycosuria in Pregnant Women
Caused by an increase in filtered Glucose (see: GFR) and diminished ability to reabsorb
Contents of Superficial Perineal Pouch
- Root of External Genitalia
- Superficial Transverse Perineal Muscle
- Bulbospongosus Muscle
- Ischiocavernosus Muscle
- Greater Vestibular Glands (FEMALE)
Mural Cells
Granulosa cell type. Develop in close contact with Thecal Layer and are actively engaged in steroidogenesis.
Retained after ovulation and differentiate into the Corpus Luteum
Gene which directly activates the WNT4 / Beta-Catenin Pathway. Promote ovarian differentiation and represses development of Testis.
Upper Half of Anal Canal: Innervation
Hypogastric Plexus of Autonomic System
Ovarian Cycle Day Breakdown
- Follicular Phase (1-13)
- Ovulation (14)
- Luteal Phase (15-28)
Muscles of the Pelvic Diaphragm
- Levator Ani (Anterior 3/4)
2. Coccygeus (Posterior 1/4)
Overview of AMH-Receptor Mechanism
- R I and R II receptor dimer
- R I phosphorylates Smad3
- Smad3 + Smad4 move to nucleus
- Promotes Apoptotic Genes
Colles’ Fascia
Also called generically the Superficial Perineal Fascia (Anal Triangle part). Continuation of Scarpa’s Fascia from Anterior Abdominal Wall
Round Ligament of the Ovary
Ligament from Uterus to Ovary
Remnant of proximal part of Gubernaculum, attached to lateral side of Uterus inferior to the Uteirne Tube
Innervation of Bladder
- Sacral Nerves (S2-S4) via Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves
2. T11-L2
True Pelvis: Lateral Walls
- Pelvic Bones
- Obturator Internus Muscle
- Sacrospinous Ligaments
- Sacrotubeorus Ligaments
Contains the Proximal Part of Spongy Urethra
Bulb of Penis
Levator Ani: Origins
- Anterior – Body of Pubis
- Middle – Tendinous Arch
- Posterior – Ischial Spine
Adaptation During Pregnancy: Diastolic Volume (Preload)
Due to Estrogen and Progesterone increasing Compliance
Supplied by Arteries to Bulb of the Vestibule
Bulb and related parts of the Vagina
Used to treat erectile dysfunction
cGMP-Specific Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
Histological Appearance of Prostate Gland
Has Prostatic Concretions (hardened/calcified protein)
Contents of Deep Perineal Pouch
- Deep Transverse Perineal Muscle
- External Urethral Sphincter
- Membranous Urethra (Male)
- Bulbourethral Glands (Male)
- Urethra and Vagina (Female)
- Internal Pudendal Artery, Veins, and Branches
- Pudendal Nerve and Branches
Course of Genital Ducts
From Gonad to Urogenital Sinus
Components of Linea Terminalis: Posterior to Anterio
- Arcuate Line (Ilium)
- Pecten Pubis
- Pubic Crest
Sperm Passage through Cervix
Moves through the Interstitial spaces created by Mucin molecules proliferate and accumulate water in response to mid-cycle estrogen peak
Middle layer of the Uterus
Thick muscular layer expelling the fetus during birth
Act as friction ridges during intercourse and allow for distention during childbirth
Vaginal Rugae
Marked by Lower Corner of Trigone
Internal Orifice of Urethra
Superficial Dorsal Vein of Penis
Drains blood from and fascia of penis into Superficial External Pudendal Vein
Ischioanal Fossa
Fat-filled space surrounding External Anal Sphincter in Anal Triangle of Perineum
Contained in Adluminal Compartment of Seminiferous Tubule
- Late Stage Primary Spermatocytes
- Secondary Spermatocytes
- Spermatids
Prostaglandin F2α
- Promotes Degradation During Luteolysis
2. Released by Endometrium to promote vasospasms in Menstrual Phase
Sacral Plexus Nerves Which Exit Greater Sciatic Foramen (4) [And Relation of Exit to Piriformis]
- Superior Gluteal Nerve (above)
- Inferior Gluteal Nerve (below)
- Sciatic Nerve (below)
- Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh (below)
Structures Differentiating from the Mullerian Ducts
- Fallopian Tubes
- Uterus
- Cervix
- Upper 1/3 of Vagina
Uterovaginal Primordium
Fusion of the Mullerian Ducts and the Caudal End
Bladder: Venous Drainage
Vesical Venous Plexus (Drains to Superior/Inferior Vesical Veins then Internal Iliac Veins)
Follicular Cell without Aromatase Activity
Thecal Cell
Major Estrogen in Post-Menopausal Women
Bladder infection
Common in females due to short urethra
Differentiated PGCs within Testis Cords which have entered Mitotic Arrest at Weeks 10-12. Resume proliferation after birth (don’t enter Meiosis until puberty)
Danger from Artery during Hysterectomy
Uterine artery crosses anterior to the Ureter, very close. Ureter can be damaged.