SF34B+ SAAB340 Flashcards
Max Fuel
64’ 9”
22’ 11”
Wing Span
70’ 4”
Minimum turning radius
Seat Configuration
-12 rows of seats, 34 seats total A - Window row C - Single row D - Aile row F - Window row
Cargo Compartment
Divided into 2 sections;
C1 Max weight - 1125
C2 Max weight - 850
Total weight = 1752
Exit doors
Total 5 exit doors
- Main door
- Cockpit scape hatch
- Forward emergency exit
- 2 Over-wing emergency exit
Power plant
2 General Electric CT7-9B Turbo-prop engines
1750 SHP
Engine Modules and components
- Propeller gear case
- Cold section module
- Accessory section module
- Hot section module
- Power turbine module
APR (automatic power reserve)
Automatically increase torque to 7% on the operating engine in the event of an engine failure
Autocoarsen system (auto feather)
Automatically drives propeller blades to 55 degree angle in the event of engine failure to reduce drag
CTOT System (Constant Torque on Takeoff)
Assists pilot in setting takeoff power by electronically selecting a preset torque value speed and accuracy improves takeoff performance 60%-100%
Propeller System
Dowdy Rotol 4 composite propeller blades
Has three layer - Fiberglass woven, Amber Resin, and black paint
Fuel System
- Each wing has one inboard and one outboard tank, both are interconnected.
- Left inboard tank feeds left engine and right inboard tank feeds right engine
- Left tank can cross feed the right engine and right tank can feed the left tank, however they cannot transfer fuel between tanks
Single point fueling
Located on the right wing leading edge for pressure fueling and de-fueling, control panel is powered by right hot battery bus.
-There is an over-wing port on each wing which can be used in case the single point fueling system is inop
Primary flight control
Aileron, Elevator, Rudder (mechanical)
Secondary control
Flaps and tab trim (hydraulic)
Rudder limiter system
Limits rudder deflection at higher air speeds
Engine fire extinguisher
One Halon bottle located in each engine nacelle, each bottle has two discharge ports each equipped with a pyrotechnic squib, activated by the pilot on the over head panel.
Cargo Fire Detection System
- Equipped with a photo optic block sensor that uses pulsed light that is refracted to detect smoke, one on each cargo compartment.
- Fire bottles contain an inner bottle with approximately 30 min of fire protection located on seat C2
Electrical System
28V DC system (one 24 volt battery in each engine)
Emergency power system
115V AC/26 VAC system
115V AC (Wild) (used only for ice protection)
Engine AC electrical system
Air cycle Machine (ACM)
For pneumatic air, takes bleed air of the engine and distributes it to different systems like the pressurization system, avionics rack, operational controls, temperature controls.
Two modes: automatic and manual (auto is almost always used)
Ram air scoop
To be used if the AC system is deferred, the ram air will be deployed to allow air to ventilate aircraft (maximum 210KIAS restricted) has no anti-ice protection.
Ice and Rain protection
De-Ice - Wing & Stabilizer boots, propeller
Anti-ice - Engine: inlet, main frame, IGVs & Splitter lip = all pieces of metal that drive warm air from the main inlet area.
Wind shields and Probes: Pitot, OAT, AOA.
Three methods of ice protection
Pneumatic = boots, splitter lip, inlet guide vanes (from bleed air)
Electric = Engine inlet, propellers, Windshields, Pitot, OAT, AOA (from the ACW)
Hot Oil = Engine, Main frame vanes
SAAB ice definitions
Icing conditions exists
Engine: When the OAT or SAT is +10C or colder and visible moisture
Wing/Stab Boots: When the OAT or SAT is +5C or colder and visible moisture
Propeller: When the OAT or SAT is -5C or colder
Landing gear and breaks
Landing gear system - hydraulic actuated, nose wheel steering, warning system, tires
Brakes - Hydraulic actuated, anti-skid system
Landing gear retract forward into the engine
Dual wheels on all three gear
Landing gear hydraulic actuation
Normal - Electrical signal, electric pump pressure
Alternate - Electrical signal, hand pump pressure
Emergency - Hydraulic release, gravity free-fall
- 2 pads per wheel, 4 wear indicator pins
- Two anti-skid valve, inboard & outboard
- Control box - compares wheel speeds, releases brakes on slower tire when there is more than 50% difference in speed between the two tires
2 transponders, 2 DME receivers, 2 VHF receiver, 2 ADF receivers, 2 VOR/LOC receivers, 1 radio altimeter
Resolution advisories (RA) within 30 secs of CPA, RED Traffic Advisories (TA) within 45 sec of CPA, Yellow Proximate advisories (PA) with in +- 1200’ & 5nm of the aircraft, Blue Other aircraft (OA) with in +- 2700’
TCAS 2 is needed in the Bahamas for the SAAB, all ATR’s have it.
Oxygen system
Oxygen bottles located under flight deck floor
Oxygen bottle has 2182L, 1850PSI
Flight attendants oxygen bottle need to be 310L
Small oxygen bottle is 120L
4 masks on the SAAB for passengers
Bare minimum PSI in the oxygen bottle
- 800PSI at or below 10000’ with or without a jump seater
- 1250PSI can cruise above 10000’ without a jump seater
- 1650PSI can cruise above 10000’ with a jump seat
Lighting system
Wing inspection lights, on the outboard side of the engine, used to look for icing powered by the right main bus.
Navigation lights are installed in pairs for redundancy
One bulb can be powered with only 23v battery bus
Both bulbs will be powered with 28v main bus power present once the aircraft is on
Dome light is powered by left hot battery bus, not on timer, will drain the battery dead
Emergency lights, switch has three position ON, ARMED - senses right main bus power, OFF
Flashing beacons , one on the bottom and one on top of the stabilator
Cargo light powered from the left hot battery hot, has 5 min timer.
Fuel Figures
Holding - 15ppm
Cruise - 18-20ppm
Taxi - 8ppm
Approach Categories
- CAT C (speed approach)
- No Circling
Max Crosswind Component
Max Tailwind Component
One hour distance from departure airport in NM?