SF3 2 Lecture Material Flashcards
Obstructive Sleep Arpnea
Inspiratory process intact but upper airway obstructed due to fat around pharynx. Also can happen due to enlarged tonsils or too much tissue at back of throat (uvula/soft palate). Larger than average tongue or deviated septum in nose.
Pharyngeal muscles do not contract properly
Pressure Inequalities: Zone 1
PA > Pa > PV
Dorsal Respiratory Groups (DRGs)
Chiefly inspiratory neurons to diaphragm and external intercostal muscles. Responsible for basic rhythm of breathing (12-15 breaths per min)
Input from both chemoreceptor types, stretch receptors, and higher brain centers
Dead Space Volume
Air which a person breathes but is not used for gas exchanges. Fills respiratory passages like nose, pharynx, and trachea (150 mL)
Pressure Inequalities: Zone 3
Pa > PV > PA
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Severe form of lung injury marked by persistent lung inflammation and increased capillary permeability -> Permeability edema.
X-ray shows airspaces and bilateral alveolar infiltrates.
Diagnosed by Methacholine Test
1) Asthma (main)
3) Allergic Rhinitis
Variable Extrathoracic Lesion
Region of trachea outside thoracic cage. Difficulty during inspiration.
Ex: Fat deposits, vocal chord paralysis, obstructive sleep apnea
Ear Drum Rupture
occurs with hyperbaric descent. Ear canal blocked by cerumen, ear plugs, etc.. Pressure change can rupture ear drum
Vital Capacity
Maximal amount of air which can be inhaled/exhaled by a person. Difference with FVC/TLC is it’s done slowly
normal spontaneous breathing
Functional Residual Capacity
Volume of air in the lung when the lung and chest wall have equal recoil force (2300 mL)
Central Sleep Apnea
Pattern of breathing characterized by normal deep inspiratory cycle interchanged with complete cessation of breathing. Problem with how brain controls breathing
difficulty breathing that individual is aware of
P-Value Definition
Likelihood to observe data as extreme as the data you actually collected (if null true)
complete absence of spontaneous breathing
Biot’s Respiration
Rhythmic but deep respiratory movement which alternate at regular intervals with long respiratory pause. Associated with damage to respiratory center from (1) trauma, (2) stroke, and (3) opioid use
Meningitis patients and disorders of cerebral circulation
Inflammation of mucous membranes of the bronchi. Primarily a disease of the upper airways
Left-Right Order of Characteristics: Left-Tailed/Skewed Distribution
Mean, median, mode
Pulmonary Angiography
Measured blood flow distribution. Radiopaque substance is injected into pulmonary artery and its movement is monitored by X-rays
Congenital Center Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS)
Rare congenital disorder. Central pattern generator inoperative. Insensitivity of chemoreceptors, both to CO2 (pH) and O2.
No automatic control of respiration. Voluntary breathing.. Management via permanent tracheostomy
Kussmaul’s Respiration
Hyperventilation, gasping, and deep and labored respiration. State characterized by high degree of acidosis (diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney failure, diabetic coma)
Centrolobular Emphysema (or Centriacinar)
Most common. Affects superior part of lungs/lobes. Begins in respiratory bronchioles and spread.
Associated with long-term smoking, exposure to chemicals/dust, etc.
Respiratory Centers in the Pons
1) Apneustic Center
2) Pneumotaxic Center
Oxygen Consumption per minute
250 mL/min
Measurable by Spirometer
1) TV
2) FVC
3) FEV1
4) FEF25-75
Statistical Power
Chance an experiment or study finds a positive result assuming that the alternative hypothesis is really true
= 1 - β (aim for 80%)
Change to breathing in Kyphoscoliosis
Underventilation of lungs. FRC and RV are lower
Tension Pneumothorax
More and more air accumulates in the pleural cavity with each breath
Treatment for Right Heart Failure
Nitric Oxide causes smooth muscle relaxation. Nitroglycerin and Nitroprusside are other options but they cause vasodilation everywhere
Required concentration for medication 20 ppm. Toxic at high concentrations
Passive Influence on Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
Reason for only modest rises in pressured with increased cardiac ouput
1) Recruitment of unperfused capillaries
2) Distension of existing pulmonary capillaries
Panacinar Emphysema
Entire alveolus destroyed uniformly; predominant in lower half.
Observed in patients with Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency or ritalin induced lung emphysema
Non-Tension Pneumothorax
There is air in the pleural cavity but it does not accumulate with each breath
Restrictive Diseases. Pulmonary fibrosis caused by long-term exposure to silica and asbestos.
Line entire respiratory tract..
mucus-covered Ciliated Epithelium
Apneustic Center
Continually sends neural impulses to stimulate inspiratory neurons of DRG/VRG
“Normal Respiration Cut-Off Switch”
Where do you see Perihilar Patchy Infiltrates and Kerley B lines on X-ray?
Hydrostatic/Cardiogenic Edema
Mask Squeeze
Occurs with hyperbaric descent. Negative pressure in mask causes capillary rupture and conjunctiva hemorrhage
Increase depth/volume of breathing with or without increased frequency
Fixed Intra/Extrathoracic Lesion
Foreign bodies/scarring which makes airway too stiff to be affected by transmural pressure gradient. Inspiration/expiration both affected
ex: fixed tumor in airway, fibrotic lesion, or tracheal stenosis
Scarring of airways seen in Immotile Cilia Syndrome
Normal Hb levels
15 g / 100 mL blood
Ventral Respiratory Groups (VRGs)
Both inspiratory and expiratory neurons. Control muscles of upper airways expanding during inspiration. Controls muscles of exhalation and accessory muscles of inspiration (stress/heavy exercise)