Sexually Transmitted Infections- chapter 5 Flashcards
__ in __ new HIV infections happen to people between the ages of ___ and ___
1 in 4
13 and 24
HIV testing
measure antibodies
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV destroys the cells that would work to fight it off
symptoms include fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite, diarrhea, loss of body weight and low grade fever
hiv infection is not called aids until it has become life threatening
Aquired immune deficiency syndrome
cell count below 200
a person with aids can survive about 1 year
Aids requires
a positive HIV antibody test
a cell count of 200/
having one or more aids indicator conditions
T-Cell counts
aids- 200 and below
Bacterial STD’s
Viral Std’s
Primary-an infected person gets a sore (chancre- highly infectious- painless), which may be painful at the point of contact (mouth, anus, rectum, throat or the sex organ).
if untreated can cause death
2 thirds of cases are among men who have sex with men
can be transmitted through oral sex
can pass through a little cut or scrape
first symptoms appear 2 to 4 weeks later
secondary stage is an itchy, painless rash that appears all over the body
latent stage- after a year is not contagious- bacteria are attacking the internal organs of the body
late stage can infect the central nervous system
can be spread from mother to child during birth
any inflammation of the urethra not caused by the gonoccoccal is called nongonococcal
much more common than gonorrhea
initial symptoms not as bad as gonorrhea but if left untreated is more likely to cause damage to reproductive organs
symptoms arise 1 to 3 weeks
can also be spread from mother to child during birth.
a person gets it from having his or her mucous membranes come into contact with another persons infected membranes.
vaginal sex and blowjobs can give it to you
men get inflamation of the urethra
puss like discharge comes out
starting 2-10 days after infection
generally a burning sensation at the opening
if untreated, can spread to reproductive system and cause inflammation of the prostate which can result in infertility
usually invades the cervix in women, but show no symptoms in early stages
if untreated the fallopian tubes become swollen and inflamed.
a condition known as pelvic inflammatory disease with symptoms of severe abdominal pain and fever
can cause scarring of the tubes which block passages of sperm and egg
concern at the CDC that it may not be curable
treatment, no cure
Female symptoms- bisters in or around the vagina, fever and headaches
Male symptoms- small sore or cluster of blisters on the penis
spread by direct skin to skin contact
reoccurring attacks- stress to the immune system, either roof a physical or emotional change
HPV (genital warts)
treatments- no cure
The warts may cause itching, burning and some pain, but often don’t cause any pain at all.
symptoms appear 3 weeks to 8 months
can use stuff on warts to dry them off or liquid nitrogen to freeze them off
women with hpv infections have a greatly increased risk of developing cervical and or vulvar cancer
people who are at risk of developing cervical will have no visible symptoms