Sexually transmitted infections Flashcards
Outline clinical features, mode of spread, investigation and treatment of infection by Treponema Pallidum
TP- syphilis- spirochaeate
Obligate human parasite, spiral bacterium- 5 to 15um long, limited repro ability in vitro
Acquired- primary, secondary, early and late
Congenital- early within 2 years of life, and late presents after first two years
- Primary syphilis- ulcer and regional lymphadenopathy Incubation 9-90 days
- Secondary- multisystem- glomerulonephritis, anterior uveitis, meningitis, CN palsies, skin lesions macular– nodular
- Latent- 30% of untreated develop this. Neurosyphilis, cardiovascular and gummatous
Spread: sex, vertically
Diagnosis- primary microscopy
secondary/latent- serology
Suspected neuro- lumbar puncture and CSF exam
Treatment: procaine penicillin
Late- longer/benzathine penicillin
Suspected neuro- procaine+ probenecid or benzylpenicillin
Outline the clinical features, mode of spread and investigation, and treatment of N gonorrhea
Neisseria gonorrhae- infects mucosal surfaces
Urethritis in males, endocervitis in females
- Opthalmic disease in newborns
- Amplify HIV- males infertile
Treatment resistance due to antigen variability and gene expression chamges due to penicillin, fluoroquinones and tetracyclines
Local spread common- prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis
Endometritis, salpingitis, pelvic peritonitis
NAA tests on urine
Gram stain g -ve diplococci
Urethral swabs
Treatment: 3rd gen cephalosphorins- ceftriaxone,
Resistance to pen, tetra, fluoro
or use ciprofloxacin
Outline clinical features, mode of spread, investigation and treatment of Chlamydia
C trachomatis
- Obligate intracellular parasite of euk cells.
Exists as inert
in males- trachoma, LGV, urethritis, inclusion conjunctivitis, epididymitis,
F- trachoma, IC, LGV, urethritis, cervitis, PID
DIff serotypes affect outcome
D-K: occulogenital disease
L1,2,3: LGV, cervitis, proctitis
A, B, Ba, C- ocular trachoma
Culture- high spec and sens, hybridisation, serology
Treat: doxycyline, azithromycin, or erythromycin
Describe pelvic inflammatory disease
In 15% of women with cervicitis
Pelvic/abdo pain, pyrexia, vag discharge, tenderness
Cause of ectopic preg/infertility
Outline the epidemiology of HIV
AIDS- various opportunistic infections, Kaposi’s sarcoma, some lymphomas
Transmission- anal, needlestick, vert, sex
Common in Africa
Disease assoc with opportunistic infections and decreased CD4 count
Outline the features of lung infections such as pneumocystitis jurocervipneumonia (fungi)
Increase rep in immunocompromised, injures type 1 alveolar cells Fibronectin binding- pneumonitis Subacute onset, dry cough, SOB Steroid treatment Bronchoscopy/biopsy
List two neoplasms associated with HIV
Kaposi’s sarcoma
List 3 infections associated with HIV
Focal features- space occupying lesions
Describe tuberculosis meningitis
Raised lymphocytes
Protein, low glucose in CSF
In immunocomp- disseminated disease
RIPE + prednisolone
Describe cryptococcal meningitis
Environmental fungus- cryptococcus neoformans inhaled- cause pneumonitis then dissemination
Diagnose- CSF or serum antigen
IV amphoterin then fluconazole
Describe focal CNS lesions
Non infectious- tumours, primary CNS lymphomas, strokes
Infectious- bacterial abcesses, tuberculoma, immunocompromised
Toxoplasmosis encephalitis- gondii- dormant- reactivate
Describe the management of HIV
Anti retrovirals- NRTIs, protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitor
More than 3 drugs
Life expectancy >10 years
Drug resistance with time