Sexually Transmitted Infection Flashcards
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Gram -ve intracellular
L1, L2 L3 cause lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)
A, B, C cause trachoma (eye)
D-K - genital and opthalmia neonatorum
Mostly asymptomatic, can lead to PID
Diagnosis: Nucleic Acid Amplification Test
Mx: azithromycin + doxycycline 100mg BD 1 week
Treponema Pallidum
Syphilis Painless chancre -> gumma later Diagnosis: non-treponemal tests VDRL Treponemal antigens (TPHA, TP-PA) Mx: single dose IM benzylpenicillin (doxycycline if allergic)
Haemophilus Ducreyi
Gram -ve coccobacillus
Tropical ulcer disease (chancroid)
Unilateral inguinal lymph node swelling
Chocolate agar
Neisseria Gonorrhoea
IC gram -ve diplococci Urethritis and PID/epididymitis Gram stain Thayer Martin VCN medium Most common cause of septic arthritis in young, sexually active Mx: ceftriazone 250 mg single dose IM Cefixime PO 400mg Spectinomycin 2g IM (resistant) For septic arthritis: IV cefotaxime 4-6 weeks
Fishy, white-cream discharge
Litmus test: loss of acidity,, pH > 4.5
Whiff test
Clue cells
Klebsiella Granulomatis
Gram +ve rod Donovanosis - large, expanding ulcers Beefy red appearance Giemsa stain Donovan bodies Mx: azithromycin
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Flagellate protozoan
Vaginal discharge and urethritis
Wet prep microscopy
Mx: metronidazole
Candida Albicans
Itchy, cottage cheese discharge
Mx: topical clotrimazole, PO fluconazole
HSV 1/2
Fluid filled blisters over genital area
Mx: aciclovir