sexual ethics - premarital Flashcards
Introduction – Stats which show how social context is changing - premarital sex
- Young people are sexually active younger, 31% of males, 29% of females have sex before 16
- From 1999-2010, the number of sexual partners over the course of a life between 16-44 has gone up 3.7-7.7 in women and 8.6-11.7 in men
- Between 1996-2012, the number of cohabiting couples increased from 1.5-2.9 million and the number of children in these households doubled from 0.9 to 1.8 million. (perhaps due to society becoming more secular and a greatest abundance of premarital sex)
- Among Anglicans, 31% (1983) believed pre-marital sex is wrong, it is now down to 10% in 2012. Same for RCC, 32% to 11%.
premarital sex problems
o HIV o STIS o Unwanted pregnancy o Religion o Devaluing of self
stats cohabitation and premarital sex
o 1986-2007: increase in men cohabiting from 11% to 27% in the UK
o Projected that cohabiting couples will rise from 2.25 mill in 2007 to 3.7 mill in 2030.
o 1960s, fewer than 1 in 20 couples cohabited, more than 1 in 2 today.
♣ Why? Finance, secularisation of society
purpose of sex
o To continue the human species
o Strengthening a human relationship
o Enjoyment for both of those involved within a good or stable relationship
types of cohabitation
o Cohabitation demands a sexual relationship that is not within marriage. Definition provided by the Office of Population, a co-resident man and woman, living together within a sexual union, without that union being formalised by a legal marriage.
o Casual cohabitation – lack of formal commitment. Partners live together, but one of partners usually keeps separate dwelling. Makes up 50% of cohabitation, normally lasts for 2 years
o Trial marriage cohabitation – so that the couple can decide if they are compatible, before they commit to marriage
o Substitute marriage cohabitation – instead of marriage
bible and premarital sex
o 1 Corinthians 7:2 Let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband.
♣ Comes towards the end of a long section in which St Paul criticises the Christians of Corinth for their failure to live up to God’s law esp. regarding sexual immorality
o 1 Cor 6, make no mistake: no fornicator or idolater, no adulterer or sexual pervert will possess the kingdom of God. (…) The body is not for fornication, it is for the Lord.
o Genesis 2:24 – That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh
o 1 Cor 7:9 – For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion.
o Deut 22:13 – If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.
Xian response to cohab
o Marriage is the most stable and satisfactory basis for family and sexual basis. Cohabitation is unacceptable
o But.. trial marriage is treated by more liberal Xians as acceptable. Marriage is a number of states e.g. engagement, sexual relationship, marriage ceremony, children
o Church has to take into account secular attitudes to sex
o E.g. John Sentamu, Archbishop of York
♣ Publically supported William and Kate’s cohabitation as a sensible way of testing marriage
♣ Received criticism from conservatives
o 2 ways in which Xianity is responding to secular attitudes
♣ Reject social norms, assert traditional sexual rules e.g. RCC
♣ Reinterpret sexual acts prev seen as sinful and look for a way to encourage a more positive engagement with those who have premarital sex e.g. CofE
church of England
o CofE Something to Celebrate: Valuing Families in Church and Society, 1995
♣ The wisest and most practical way forward may be for Christians both to hold fast to the centrality of marriage and at the same time to accept that cohabitation is, for many people, a step along the way towards that fuller and more complete commitment.
o Opposed by more conservative CofE Xians in General Synod
o Like Aug, Aquinas believed that procreation is the primary purpose of marriage
o PP
♣ Goes against ordered society, reproduction, education of children
o SP
♣ Secondary purposes are derived, ‘goods of marriage’: procreation, nurture, control of sex
♣ Sex outside marriage would result in children being brought into unstable relationships. Marriage controls the sex drive
• It is opposed to the natural purpose of sexual intercourse, which is the generation and education of the child.
• Premarital sex is so deformed in itself that it can never be good or licit in any circumstances.
o Reason
♣ Human reason is a facet of NL, indicates that premarital sex is harmful to people (ordered society) and thus unacceptable
♣ Premarital sex is a failure of synderesis, apparent not a real good
o Marriage is a sacrament, one flesh idea is only appropriate in the sacramental one flesh union
o Treats any act of sexual intercourse outside marriage as a ‘free union’ in which a couple have refused ‘to give juridical and public form to a liaison involving sexual intimacy’
o Some today claim a ‘right to a trial marriage’ where there is an intention of getting married later. However firm the purpose of those who engage in premature sexual relations may be, ‘the fact is that such liaisons can scarcely ensure mutual sincerity and fidelity in a relationship between a man and a woman’.
o Views cohabitation as contrary to the moral law
o Premarital sex does not express fidelity, exclusivity and commitment.
o Those who have premarital sex are excluded from sacramental communion.
+ NL
+ Encourages respect for self and body
+ No ambiguity, view is clear cut
+ Sex is valued more and seen as something special within marriage
+ Less controversy with contraception and use of abortion
+ Less problems with STIs/AIDs etc.
+ NL schoalrs
+ Robert George – to treat your body as an instrument for pleasure leads to the disintegration of a person, reduces self-worth
+ NL, Aug
+ Augustine’s Confessions
- ‘ran wild in the shadowy jungle of erotic adventures… I could not tell the difference between lust and love’
- Sex is an expression of the whole person, part of lifelong devotion between husband and wife, reflecting the love and faithfulness of Christ for his bride the Church.
- possibly reflective of gnostic origins
- Sex is a ‘necessary evil’ but when confined to marriage saves a man from immorality. Sex is purely procreative and the lustful element simply ensures the continuation of mankind
+ NL, pope pius XI
- The conjugal act is designed primarily by nature for the begetting of children, those who exercise it deliberately frustrate its natural power and purposely sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious. Casti Connubii , 1930
- NL
- May encourage people to get married earlier and not think carefully about the decision
- Only 11% of RCC follow teachings of NL
- Sex is unifying
- Too absolutist, excludes lots of people
- Fletcher – sex is loving
- NL, Adrian Thatcher
Xians who believe all pre-ceremonial sex is immoral have wrongly assumed that the ceremony is a requirement of marriage. There is a long tradition that locates the key point of commitment between two people as betrothal, when promises are made not the marriage ceremony which happens later.
o SE is a product of the 60s – love culture
o Pragmatism and relativism – encourages the Church to move with changing social attitudes and lifestyles
o Seeks a via media between legalism and antinomian pervasiveness
o Agape
♣ Could argue that cohabitation is an expression of full love
♣ But… agape is meant to be self-sacrificial, disciplined and responsible, yet it could be argued that cohabitation does not conform with these
o Did not agree with people being forced to follow Church teachings about sex if they didn’t believe in them
o We find nothing in the teachings of Jesus about the ethics of sex, except adultery and condemnation of divorce.
o Whether any form of sex (hetero, homo or auto) is good or evil depends on whether love is fully served. 1996
o If people do not believe that it is wrong to have sex relations outside of marriage, it isn’t, unless they hurt themselves, their partners or others.
+ SE
+ Sex is about love, SE does not allow for rape, promiscuity as this is damaging to yourself/others
+ Updated old fashioned, irrelevant views, makes them more accessible for Xians today
+ JC did not say anything about pre-marital, which Fletcher draws attention to
- SE
- Ignores Church tradition and teachings by OT and Paul about sex
- Could lead to slippery slope, more abortion and STIs
- Robert George – to treat your body as an instrument for pleasure leads to the disintegration of a person, reduces self-worth
Sex must only be within marriage
kant general
o Context: Kant was a lifelong bachelor, had negative view of human sexuality
o Viewed sex and erotic behaviour as animalistic instinct, takes away from human rationality
o Sex should be to preserve the human race i.e. within marriage
o IF a man and a woman have the will to enter on reciprocal enjoyment in accordance with their sexual nature, they must necessarily marry each other; and this necessity is in accordance with the juridical laws of pure reason.
o Sexual relationships outside marriage lead women to be treated as objects. Marriage is designed for merry conversation. As relationships outside of marriage are based on sex rather than companionship, they are morally flawed.
kant CIs
o CIs
♣ 1st – universalisation
• Cannot universalise, would inc. rape/abuse etc.
♣ 2nd – means to an end
• Sexual love makes the loved person an object of appetite: as soon as that appetite has been stilled; the person is cast aside as one casts away a lemon which has been sucked dry. (Sex is using a person as a means to an end, 2nd formulation)
• Kant is against exploitation of women by others and selves. Body is part of self and cannot be separated
+ kant
+ No means to an end
+ Could lead to kingdom of ends
+ Recognises women’s rights
- kant
- Based on own experiences of sexuality
Deems it necessary to be married to value sex, not true
- Utilitarianism and premarital sex
o Bentham – quantity
♣ Premarital sex can bring a significant quantity of pain
♣ But must weigh it up against pain
♣ Act Util
• Look at act to decide, case by case
• Apply HC
o Mill – quality
♣ Sex = lower pleasure
♣ Carnal, not intellectual. Thus, Mill would be against premarital sex
♣ Would stress the psychological pressures that cohabitation could put on a woman in particular, if she gets pregnant
+ util
+ HC allows you to figure out whether premarital sex is moral in the specific case
+Bertrand Russell – works in Util tradition. Views sexual ethics as about free responsible choices
+John Harris – modern util
- Book The Value of Life, 1984 – sex is not a moral issue, it is more focused on manners and etiquette
util, singer
Peter Singer – preference util
- There are bigger moral issues than sexual ethics
- Sex raises no unique moral issues at all… accordingly this book contains no discussion of sexual morality. (Practical Ethics)
- Sexual ethics are a matter of personal preference
- util
Mill’s views do not conform with his Util… Mill engaged in an adulterous relationship with Harriet Taylor (she was still married). John Taylor approved of relationship, Mill and Harriet may have had sex before John’s death in 1849, they married in 1851.
- util, taylor
- Idea that premarital sex promotes pleasure could be disputed. Philippa Taylor has argued in a publication For Better or For Worse, 1998 that the breakdown of a relationship in cohabitation is 6 x more likely than in marriage. This combination is more likely to bring pain. There is also a 10.2% risk of alcoholism, smoking, abortion etc. compared to 2.6% in married women
o H… could argue breakdown of marriage is more painful than breakdown of cohabitation
jack dominion
- sex is not dangerous and doesn’t’ need protection by marriage
- is powerful and meaningful, so must be done in continuous and enduring relationship (premarital sex and homosexuality = okay)
Michael slote
virtue ethicist
- sees all relationships in relation to others as nobody exists in isolation
- sexual preference is individual and personal
- virtuous people = pleasure, intimacy and commitment
- Michael Slote: stresses care of those near to us, all responsible for selves - general and own well being
The Revd Duncan Dormor on cohabitation and premarital sex
It’s an integral part of becoming a couple to see if the relationship could be permanent
That is, there is not simply an effort to prevent pre-marital sex, but also an effort to make it unspeakable and unthinkable. Discourse on sexuality is confined to marriage.
The desire to control discourse and knowledge about sex is essentially a desire to control power.
can no longer talk about sex for pleasure