Kant Flashcards
kant context
- German philosopher, lived a time of great crisis and doubt, reflected in his absolutist approach, quoted saying ‘any change makes me nervous’.
- Developments in science had begun to redefine knowledge with Newtonian understanding of the world, rather than looking to religion/superstition for answers.
- He did believe in God and afterlife but was suspicious of reliance on RE doctrine. Thought we cannot know universal moral laws through God’s direct revelation, therefore must use our reason to uncover them.
- Rationalist, believed knowledge is known through reason, not emotion.
- Must categorically follow moral law because it is our duty, all humans are morally equal.
- Deontological approach: means, not outcome.
kant rationalism
• Rationalist, believed knowledge is known through reason, not emotion.
o Find duty through reason.
o Rationality allows us to act independently of our pleasure, only humans are capable of this, can pursue the summum bonum and have state of autonomy. (Autonomy as central to human life later influences Sartre and Heidegger)
o Errors in moral thinking come from taking a heteronomous approach, i.e. following others.
• Evidence of influence from Socrates, who taught people to think for themselves.
• Must use our free will effectively to always will the good and follow our duty = absolutist approach.
• Must follow universal moral laws based on a priori truths = a priori.
• Outcomes are never clear, can be clouded by emotion, so should focus on intention, rather than consequences = deontological approach.
• Should be good, regardless of outcome.
o ‘A good will is good not because of what is makes or accomplishes, and not because of its fitness to reach some proposed goal; it is good only through its willing - it is good in itself’. - Metaphysics of Morals, Kant
• Moral duty can be converted into a series of universal moral laws that all human beings ought to follow.
• Takes into account our responsibility to others, recognising the universality of morality (POSITIVE).
extreme duty
• Following your duty can sometimes cause a cost to oneself = extreme duty.
o Kant gives example of ‘a wretched man… logs for death and still preserves his life without loving lit - not from inclination or fear but from duty’.
o E.g. when a woman is raped and becomes pregnant. It would be the extreme duty of the woman to have the baby, as the duty to save life is universal.
o You can’t universalise abortions and can universalise saving lives, so her moral duty is to keep the baby. Must use reason to figure this out, can’t allow decisions to be clouded by emotion, rejects love etc. replacing them with rational duty.
different statements
• Analytic Statements - a priori, independent of experience.
o E.g. all bachelors are single
• Synthetic Statements - a posteriori, need additional information to confirm.
o E.g. all bachelors are unhappy.
• Felt that all moral statements were analytic since it is human reason alone that gives humanity knowledge of moral truth; through reason you can find your duty.
• Takes objective viewpoint by claiming moral truth is purely based on reason, not feelings.
• Augustine would argue reason is tarnished.
• Can you completely separate reason from feelings?
summer bonum
Summum Bonum - highest form of Good… Good will.
• Morals should be universally binding, so that everyone can accept them. (HOWEVER, is it possible to find a morality that is universal for all?)
• Summum Bonum is the joining of virtue and happiness (two-fold), with virtue being doing ones duty, and happiness being a bonus that comes as a result.
• Happiness is a by-product, not a motivation. However, not all are rewarded with happiness.
• Things are only moral if done according to good will.
2 types of imperatives
how we work out our duty/whether a maxim is moral.
• Kant identifies the 2 types of imperatives:
o Hypothetical imperatives - if you want A, then do B. (can be right when it cannot be solved using CIs but generally WRONG to Kant)
o Categorical imperatives - do B because you want to do B, not because you want A as a result. Act by a maxim that can become universal law. (RIGHT)
universal law
a. Could it be accepted as a universal law for everyone in every situation? (Opposite to Fletcher, nothing can be universalised, must take situationalist approach)
b. ‘Act only on that maxim whereby which you can at the same time ill that it become a universal law’.
c. E.g. everyone should tell the truth - always the right thing. Same with no suicide and borrowing money (all debts must be paid).
criticisms of first CI
Does universalising things make them moral? I can universalise only listening to Beethoven, does that make it a moral decision?
• Aquinas notes that universalising is not always moral: ‘All people realise that it is right and good to act according to reason… it follows as an individual conclusion that debts ought to be paid. In most cases this is true, but it could happen in some individual instance that it would be harmful and therefore irrational to repay a debt (if, for example, the money were to be used for a war against one’s own country)’.
• Only uses narrow range of examples to support idea of universal law.
means to end
a. You must not use others in pursuit of an ethical end. End does not justify the means, as this would be hypothetical.
b. ‘Act as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of any other, in every case at the same time as an end, never as a means only’.
c. E.g. you should never build something that may cause deaths in its building, even if the building in the end will benefit more than it harmed, as then you would be using those people as a means to an end.
d. Also applies to oneself, cannot use yourself as a means to an end e.g. no suicide, masturbation/can’t starve to help another, value self-worth.
e. Must acknowledge and respect the intrinsic quality of the human beings involved and their freedom (positive).
f. Supported by Pope John Paul II: ‘Anyone who treats a person as the means to an end does violence to the very essence of the other’
criticisms of means to end
- Opposite to Fletcher - cannot simply neglect outcomes, can’t do something knowing it will cause a negative consequence, impossible to detach ourselves from outcome.
- Doesn’t take into account complex nature of many moral decisions, sometimes necessary to use people as means to an end, no alternative. E.g. WW2 Coventry bombing used as means to find out enigma code.
kingdom of ends
a. All society desiring the same goods = autonomy.
b. ‘Act according to the maxims of a member of a merely possible kingdom of ends legislating in it universally’.
c. Any action must be made for all, in order to create a moral community of moral goodness and contentment, where conflict is removed and all humans realise their common aims (summum bonum).
criticism of kingdom of ends
• Cannot always follow maxims - not everyone should marry, may not be good for us all. Many moral cases that wouldn’t suit the whole of society.
positives of CIs general
• Kant is holding onto human free will and autonomy.
• It takes account of justice because the morality of the action is based on its intrinsic rightness; justice towards the individual is always safeguarded due to its deontological format.
• Respecting human integrity and respect for life esp. means to an end (2nd CI). Treats people as having intrinsic worth, each person should be respected.
o Equal treatment of individuals eradicates bias towards family; friends etc. duty is to humanity not individuals.
• It is absolutist, clear we must apply the CIs, giving structure to society.
• Can be universalised, people will have to subordinate own natural inclinations so they can appreciate others’ needs.
• Detached morality, are not being clouded by emotions.
• Appeals to our duty, which fits in with human experience.
positives of CIs - ross
• W.D. Ross - states that perhaps Kant is not so rigid in his morality and that one duty can be over ridden by a more compelling duty, overcoming the issue of conflict of duties.
criticisms of CIs
• Can’t escape emotions, key to being human - too idealistic.
• Emotions should be valued in moral decision making e.g. empathy, love and compassion.
• Doesn’t take into account cultural and individual differences, especially in different views of duty.
o Can morality come from reason and duty alone? Does it not come from our culture/family?
• Doesn’t work for a lot of complex, current moral decisions.
• How relevant is Kant’s guarantor of morals in the form of God? (Claimed God was the ultimate purveyor of justice, who will ensure people receive just rewards). For atheists/supporters of Hume who do not believe in God, it does not explain the radical injustices in the world.
• There can be a conflict of duties e.g. Anne Frank - tell truth or preserve life? Duties can overlap, which is best?
mill criticisms of CIs
• J.S. Mill criticised Kant for his deontological approach, claiming it is virtually impossible to analyse a moral problem without taking some consideration of potential consequences.
3 postulates
a statement that is taken to be true
• Helped shape and influence his theory and ethics.
3 postulates - freedom
a. Tries to keep autonomy.
b. Quoted saying freedom is ‘the highest degree of life’.
c. Freedom means freedom to choose the moral law over our instinct or desire, which we are able to do through using our reason (Aquinas).
3 postulates - freedom criticism
- Some instincts are very strong, hard to apply reason to be free.
- Soldiers are not morally free; have to kill to save country.
- Freedom can be taken advantage of and lead to moral evils. Some people should not be morally free.
- Handicapped and mentally ill not completely free.
3 postulates - immortality
there is an immortal soul, as there is a perfect future to be reached, which can be achieved through endless striving for improvement beyond death in the afterlife. Ultimate happiness will come if you act according to your duty, even though you may suffer doing the act, as you will be rewarded in the afterlife. (Summum bonum not achievable in this life, therefore it must be achievable in the next).
a. Death is not a barrier for Kant, should continue duty after death.
3 postulates, immortality criticisms
- Does his faith in immortal life and heaven limit his ethics to Christians?
- He assumes all go to heaven, no mention of what happens to those who don’t do duty.
- Reward in afterlife could pollute idea of duty, making someone only perform their duty for want of happiness in the afterlife, causing his ethics to become hypothetical.
- Self-improvement in heaven is odd, it is meant to be permanent and final.
3 postulates - god and criticisms
- God -there must be a God to ensure that in the end, the world is arranged correctly to ensure the highest good in the end.
• Limits ethics once more.
• God shouldn’t be necessary if duty does lead to morality.
• God shouldn’t be judge of what is good - evil and suffering in world.
positives of kant
- It does not view all human action as being morally based. It recognizes that many actions, however moral, should not be performed because they are not based on a moral law.
- Emphasizes the worth of an individual as an autonomous individual, with freedom to act morally.
- Human equality and harmony are central features to Kant’s ethics.
- Emphasizes the dignity and worth of human life.
- Emphasis on duty fits in with human experience.
- Duty towards humanity as a whole, rather than individuals, eradicates bias towards family etc. in decision-making.
- Universalizability emphasizes moral action cannot be just in one society and not in another.
negatives of kant
• Emphasis on reason raises issues - is the ethical dimension of our lives purely a rational one?
o Cannot neglect our emotions.
o Kantian ethics has no place for love and relationships, too cold.
• Ethics raises the problem of compatibilism, claims we have freedom and are autonomous, and yet still emphasizes the need to follow the CIs.
• Consequences are ignored, but it is impossible not to think teleologically when making a decision (Fletcher).
• Do a priori moral laws exist? Are they not by-products of environment and culture?
nagel and williams criticism
• Thomas Nagel and Bernard Williams: Kant does not take into account the circumstances of a moral action (moral luck). An individual may think they are doing good but the circumstances cause harm being done. This can be reversed, with an individual doing the same act and it resulting in good.
aristotle criticism
• If we should do the right thing because it is our duty, and for no other reason, and if there is no direct moral merit in enjoyment of our action, the outcome of our duties would seem to be ‘cold charity.
o Aristotle recognized it is not enough to do the right thing, to be truly moral you must have the right attitude - action should be done lovingly.
means to an end support
f. Supported by Pope John Paul II: ‘Anyone who treats a person as the means to an end does violence to the very essence of the other’
Benjamin constant - first CI
• Benjamin Constant: claimed we need to tell white lies for good motives e.g. Anne Frank - ‘no one has a right to a truth that harms others’ to which Kant replied ‘a lie always harms another’.