Sex Education Flashcards
Tvoja generacia je taka precitlivela
Your generation is so touchy
Informacie nam davaju silu
Information is empowering
Si 5 min po vecierke
You are 5 mins past curfew
Je to jeden z mojej mamy poslednych ulovkov
It s one of my mum ´s recent conquests
Ocenujem ťa za tvoju priamociarost a fake odvahu
I commend you on your directness and bravado
Bud rafinovany / jemný
Be subtle
Bol si uneseny?
Have you been abducted?
Mixer hlasno šumí
Blender is whiring l[uering] oudly
Ľudí to desí
It freaks people out
Som sokovana neprisposobilostou/ neohrabanostou/ nevhodnostou
I am shocked by the inaptitude
A courgette [koržet]
Citim sa ako osuchana ucitelka
I feel like a dowdy teacher
Dones svoj vlastny alkohol
BYO Booze
Naposledy som dostala vyrazku
I got a rash last time
Pravdepodobne by som mal tiez vypadnut
I should probably shoot off as well
Let´s proceed
Nehovor mi, ze si sa opat upchal
Don ´t tell me you choked again
Mozes si ho aspon postavit?
Can you even get a hard-on?
Nedotknutelni maju auto
The untouchables have a car
Prave ked si si myslel, ze by nemohli stat ani o trochu viac nepolapitelni/unikajuci, teraz maju kolesa
Just when you thought they couldn ´t get any more elusive, now they have wheels
Nazdavas sa, ze Anwar posiloval? Vyzera extra pevne
You reckon Anwar´s been working out? He´s looking extra tight
Kazdy mal cez leto sex
Everyone has got sex over the summer
Pocul som, ze ho uhryzla do mieska. A teraz je cely hnisany/nepevny. Ako avokado v zlave.
I heard she bit him on the scrote. And now it´s all wonky. Like a discount avokado.
Urobila to na výzvu
She did it for a dare.
Aka troska
What a slag
Transformujeme sa z pokornych/skromnych stonoziek na uzasne zabijacke velryby
We shall tranform from lowly caterpillars to awesome killer whales
Dakujem za prednes skolskej hymny
Thank you for the rendition of the school anthem
Hrat rozladene
Play off-key
Behanie po chodbach je pohroma
Running in the corridors is the scourge [sk-rdž]…
Preberame to
We are taking over
Ides ma nahlasit?
Nateraz ta necham odist.
Are you going to write me up?
I´ll let you off, this time
Som nekonecne vdacna za tvoju laskavost
I am eternally grateful for your kindness
Na druhe zamyslenie
On second thought
Veduci chlapci notoricky vrcholia prilis skoro. Davala by som si pozor, ak by som bola tebou
Head boys notoriously peak too early. I´d watch out, if I were you.
Robenie smeti
Usadte sa, trieda
Settle down, class
Pekne, ze sa k nam pripajas
Nice of you to join us
Laska a masky
Love and disquise (diskajz)
Taky kulturny ignorant
Such a philistine [filistajn, filistin]
Nazdavas sa, ze jeho mozog je taky maly
Do you reckon his brain is so small
Su horsie sposoby na co zajst, predpokladam
There’s worse ways to go, I suppose
Moja teta bola zjedena osami
My auntie got eaten by wasps
Bola ustipana na smrt?
Was she stung to death?
Prasiva kralovna
Scubby queen
Stale tej hre nerozumiem
I still don´t get this game
Podaj ich
Hand them over
Nevie vyvrcholit
He can´t come
Dosiahla som vyvrcholenie
I´ve reached the summit
Myslia si, ze by som mu mala dať kopaćky
They think i should dump him
Znizuje moj socialny status
He is bringing down my social status
Odvracia / odtahuje sa od neho
She recoils from him
Je to typ malej dyne
It is a type of small marrow
Robis si srandu?
You taking the piss?
Povedz to niekomu a zmrzacim ta
Tell anyone and i’ll maim you
Už sa nudím
I’m already bored
Preco je na tvojej stene posva?
Why is there a minge on your wall?
Sex doupe
Sex dungeon
Pomaha ludom lepsie kopulovat
She helps people to bone better
Ano, v podstate
Yes, in essence
Bol však spojený s predčasným nástupom impotencie
However, is has been linked to early onset impotence
Maju problem vyvrcholit - ukoncit
They have trouble finishing
Príďte sa opäť zabaviť
Come and hang out again
Ty a tvoja mama ste čudáci
You and your mum are freaks
Nechaj zlu energiu rozptylit sa
Let the negative energy dissipate
Mrzi ma, ze som krical
Sorry i yelled
Nenechaj nech sa to stane znova
Don’t let it happen again
Rozpačito sa ukáže v škole
Radí neßťastnému učiteľovi
She makes a cringey appearance at school
He advises a hapless teacher
Rota, rozchod!
Parade, fall out!
Mám to pod kontrolou
I”ve got a handle on that
Musím to urobiť správne
I need to get this right
Zábavné veľtrhy sú len rozptýlením pred nevyhnutnosťou smrti
Fun fairs are simply a distruction from the inevitability of death
Nevyhonili ste si cuketu?
Didn”t you wank off a courgette?
Mala si vidiet ten samoluby pohlad co na mna predtym Ola vrhla
Should have seen the smug look Ola gave me earlier
Je stale do Otisa
She is still hung up on Otis
Mohol som pomoct zosilneniu - velkemu O
I might have facilitated a crescendo - the big O
Chces ist ku mne?
Do you wanna hang at mine?
Rozvetvujem sa. Mal by si sa zucastnit konkurzu
I am branching out. You should audition
Ale iba preto, ze ta lutujem.
But only because I pity you.