I Ting Flashcards
Má tiež neuveriteľnú schopnosť komunikovať s každým, kto sa ju rozhodne použiť.
It also possesses the uncanny ability to communicate with anyone who chooses to use it.
Nie je to ziadny vestecky patent/trik
It is no fortune-telling gimmick
Často zmarí / znemožní pokusy veštiť budúcnosť zo svojich stránok
It often frustrates attempts to divine future from its pages
Presahuje oblasť vašich piatich zmyslov a zachytáva podprahové signály, ktoré preplávali okolo vášho vedomia a uložili sa do vášho podvedomia.
It goes beyond the realm of your five senses and picks up the subliminal signals that sailed right past your conscious awareness to become filed away in your subconscious
Vrstvy povery
Layers of superstition
Zahalena do dvojzmyselnosti
Cloaked in ambiguity
Prenika vsetkymi bytostami
Permeates all beings [p-rmiet]
Obratne sa vyhnut rizku / nastraham
Deftly dodge the perils
Hladat znamenia
Look for omens
Zrnko pravdy
Grain of truth
Kde je tvoj protivnik najzranitelnejsi?
Where is your adversary most vulnerable?
Co vykresu tieto slovne symboly v tvojom podvedomi?
What do these word symbols spark in your subcounscious?
A sorceress - [sorseres]
Nakazujuc respekt/obdiv svojmu otcovi Nebesiam
Commanding reverence for its father Heaven
V úcte pred majestátnou mocou Nebies
In awe [óu] of Heaven’s majestic power
Hromy sa miešajú s vystrašenými výkrikmi hrôzy na sto míľ okolo
Thunder mingles with startled screams of teror for a hundred miles around
Nervózne sa smejú vlastnému nákladu, oddaný podáva obetný kalich bez jedinej kvapky rozliateho vína
They nervously laugh at their own freight, the devout presents the sacrificial chalice [čalis] with nary a drop of wine spilt
Bezny clovek - osoba
A common person
Jeho varovanie je nepochopitelne a nepovsimnute
His warning is unfathomed and unheeded
Jeho druhovia zostanú podriadení rozmarom každej prebiehajúcej búrky.
His fellows remain subject to the whims of every passsing storm
Zmocnit sa
Seize [síz]
Vzbudit hrozu
Arouse [-rauz] teror
Co znamena strach a chvenie?
What does fear and trembling mean?
Je ochraneny / zabezpeceny pred akoukolvek hrozou produkovanou vonkajsimi vplyvmi
He is safeguarded against any teror produced by outside influences
Zostava tak vyrovnany a pokorny
He remains so composed and reverent
To je duch, ktory musi pobaviť vodcov a vladcov muzov - hlboka vnutorna vaznost, od ktorej sa vsetky hrozy neskodne odrazia
This is the spirit that must animate leaders and rulers of men - a profound inner seriousness from which all terors glance off harmlessly
Vzneseny clovek je vzdy naplneny pokorou pri prejavoch Boha, da si zivot do poriadku a prehlada svoje srde, aby nebol pristavom pre ziadnu tajnu opoziciu proti voli Boha
The superior man is always filled with reverence at the manifestation of God, he sets his life in order and searches his heart, lest it harbour any secret opposition to the will of God.
Stoicka hora nechava odtiect svoje prebytocne vody do jazera pod nou
A stoic mountain drains its excess waters to the Lake below
Skrotiť / obmedziť hnev a zbaviť sa túžob
Curb the anger and shed the desires
Byť skromný a spokojný znamená vlastniť v sebe nevyčísliteľné bohatstvo
To be frugal and content is to possess an immesurable wealth within
Jednoduchost a setrnost su silnymi obranami pred popruhmi a sipmi kruteho osudu
Simplicity and economy are strong defenses against slings and arrows of Outrageous [autreidzs] Fortune
Priaznivy cas zbavit sa zavislosti
An auspicious [óspišs] time to shed a dependency